# 2021-12-14 12:21:26.937932 UTC (+0000) Bitreich End Year BAN on 2021-12-19. First thanks to all who joined into our BAN party on 2021-12-12. We had much fun fighting in OpenRA CNC against the AI. Sadly our last tank attack failed. Next tim we will be stronger! On 2021-12-19 12:00 GMT the next BAN party will happen. It all begins with the Bitreich End Year Meeting, where there will be shown a summary of what we achieved this year and where we can be proud of. The games for 2021-12-19 are: * 0ad * supertuxkart For 0ad, please register yourself for the BAN wireguard: gopher://bitreich.org/0/usr/20h/phlog/2021-12-11T16-51-45-236339.md See you on Sunday! Sincerely yours, 20h Master Gaming Officer (MGO)