# 2022-03-29 17:17:55.362953 UTC (+0000) Bitreich Council allows secret voting. Bitreich is always ahead in its structure, organisation and technology. So is our democracy: gopher://bitreich.org/1/scm/bitreich-council/commit/f43daad938405d966c158a12b6fcb8f13a9d1868.gph The majority of council members has decided, that: > Secret voting is possible on certain topics. When council members vote in > secret, they need to vote under a bedcover. Multiple council members can > be under one bedcover. Bitreich is reacting to the decision of Debian to introduce back chamber corruption in its decision making: https://lwn.net/Articles/889444/ This is completely prevented in the Bitreich model, since multiple council members are allowed under one bedcover, while hidden from any eavesdropper in the room. Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Democracy Officer (CDO)