# 2022-04-01 02:00:46.415338 UTC (+0000) Bitreich migrating to Windows Server 2022 Yesterday the last SSH.com license we had expired. We are now unable to access Linux on the old bitreich.org servers. In an approach to modernize Bitreich, the council decided to go further: * Windows Server 2022 will be the new server OS for growing our business opportunities and fast deployment of critical workloads such as SQL Server with confidence using 48TB of memory, 64 sockets, and 2048 logical cores. * Irc.bitreich.org will be replaced by Microsoft Teams to create a more engaging meeting experience with together mode. Focus on faces, pick up on nonverbal cues, and easily see who’s talking. * The ed(1) cloud will be replaced by Microsoft Office 365 to connect and empower every employee, from the office to the frontline worker, with a Microsoft 365 solution that enhances productivity and drives innovation. We hope to see you on the new services, which enrich your daily business life. Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Technology Officer (CTO)