# 2022-04-05 07:15:53.315073 UTC (+0000) Introducing Blue Gopher Seal. Since we at bitreich need to divert from slow development due to many projects simply being complete, we introduce a new seal: gopher://bitreich.org/1/blue-gopher gopher://bitreich.org/I/blue-gopher/blue-gopher.png The Blue Gopher Seal can be used by every bitreich-approved project to say, that the project: * is inspirational * saves resources * is energy efficient * allows you to see its source code * can be reused to anyone's pleasure This is the contrary to the Blue Angel Seal, which says, that C++ can be energy efficient: https://eco.kde.org/blog/2022-03-16-press-release-okular-blue-angel/ If you want your project to be recognized as a blue gopher project, please ask us on irc.bitreich.org #bitreich-en. We will guide you through the certification process. (It involves drinking inspiracija.) Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Certification Officer (CCO)