# 2022-04-08 15:28:52.946299 UTC (+0000) Geomyidae v0.50 OTA release »Préservatif Charles de Gaulle« After four years of development, finally the v0.50 release is now available! I want to thank everyone who helped! See the features: * REST mode (see CGI.md) * see cgi-examples/proxy.cgi * see cgi-examples/rest.dcgi * Official TLS support in geomyidae! * TLS sticky (+t) bit support for must-be-served-encrypted content. * Script for self-signing a certificate is in the distribution. * GOPHERS and HTTPS CGI variables implemented for dcgi/cgi. * There is some xinetd request filter (in web world: URL filter) added as example. * Syslog support is now included. * A dockerfile is added with TLS support. * There is one cgi-examples/umnlisting.dcgi, which emulates all of UMN style dir listing. * More CGI backwards compatibility to other gopher daemons. * There is size/date/time in dir listings. * Sort by date is implemented. * Removed sendfile(2) and other premature optimisations. The most simple solution is fastest and most portable. * At ind.c:106 you can read the full story. * Makefile output has been simplified to be easier debuggable. * More filetype handling types. * There is now some filetypes.h for easier future additions. * Gopher+ redirects work and are logged. * There is now a geomyidae logo as SVG in the repository. * Geomyidae has been moved from /usr/sbin to /usr/bin. * Relative paths in gph are fixed and working. * More happy helping snowman for your pleasure. Release links: git://bitreich.org/geomyidae gopher://bitreich.org/1/scm/geomyidae gopher://bitreich.org/9/scm/geomyidae/tag/geomyidae-v0.50.tar.lz gopher://bitreich.org/9/scm/geomyidae/tag/geomyidae-v0.50.tar.lz.sha512sum ftp://ftp@bitreich.org/releases/geomyidae/geomyidae-v0.50.tar.lz ftp://ftp@bitreich.org/releases/geomyidae/geomyidae-v0.50.tar.lz.sha512sum gopher://bitreich.org/9/scm/geomyidae/tag/geomyidae-v0.50.tar.gz gopher://bitreich.org/9/scm/geomyidae/tag/geomyidae-v0.50.tar.gz.sha512sum ftp://ftp@bitreich.org/releases/geomyidae/geomyidae-v0.50.tar.gz ftp://ftp@bitreich.org/releases/geomyidae/geomyidae-v0.50.tar.gz.sha512sum Why the release name? The »over the atlantic« release of »Préservatif Charles de Gaulle« comes from when the initial idea of the REST and TLS features came to my while flying from Kourou, French Guyana, back to Paris. The changes done might look big, like a condom of Charles the Gaulle, but in the end it is just small and will make your life better, because you do not have to care about child support in nine months. Have fun! Please send bugs and reports to: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Geomyidae Engineer (CGE)