# 2022-07-26 21:40:59.525404 UTC (+0000) Geomyidae new escape handling. Today at brcon2022 we discussed the new escape handling in geomyidae gph files, to simplify all of our lives. Before we had: Some text. ttext this. becomes Some text text this. Now this is the way: Some text. text this. [|[9|some binary file|/file.dat|server|port] [|Some text becomes Some text. text this. [9|some binary file|/file.dat|server|port] Some text If you generate dynamic text now, you only need to check, if a line begins with '[' and escape appropriately. Since [ is a less used character for beginning lines and you have to check for this anyways in gph files, it should simplify writing gph files. We hope our development effort makes your life better and easier. All software using the all escape schema will need to be migrated of course. But it will be easy to spot and fix. Please see the source at git;//bitreich.org/geomyidae for comments and proposals. After the conference will be a release with the new feature (and maybe more from the hackathon?). Have fun! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Technical Officer (CTO)