# 2022-07-31 07:42:05.210833 UTC (+0000) Brcon2022: get-script-ed(1) contest. Due to technical problems (lost data), the get-script-ed(1) event could not happen yesterday. There is now a problem of giving out the nice RISC-V boards to people who deserve them. As another decision way, people here at Belgrade decided, to give it to those who contribute the best/most/highest quality to the hackathons. This is of course subjective. Some of the most experienced bitreich programmers and members will decide on this. For the get-script-ed(1) event: Data is recovering. KatolaZ is recovering and we hope to have this even separately in some evening for everyone to enjoy. Maybe with new prizes. :) See you in 15min for annna hackathon! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Competition Officer (CCO)