# 2022-08-06 20:18:42.220705 UTC (+0000) Geomyidae v0.51 brcon2022 release. I am happy to announce the geomyidae v0.51 brcon2022 release. Thanks to everyone having contributed! It was much fun at the geomyidae hackathon! I wish to repeat it. Changes: * Splice(1) speedup has been implemented on Linux for sending files. * CPU usage is reduced by 80% and throughput increased by 20%. * Was done at the geomyidae hackathon. * New escaping in gph has been implemented. See below for description. * Was done at the geomyidae hackathon. * New external project for geomyidae CGI REST handling. * git://bitreich.org/libgcgi * Was done at the geomyidae hackathon. * Add gph major-mode file for emacs. * FreeBSD rc.d is now added. * NetBSD compile options added to the Makefile. * OpenBSD rc.d script has been fixed for 7.1 release. ## New Escaping THIS IS IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE! The gph format has been changed, to simplify things in the future. In the past, the escape for some line to not be interpreted was ttext is here becomes text is here This has changed. All lines beginning with t are now not escaped anymore. The new escape way is: [|text is here becomes text is here In every gph script you already had to check for any line beginning with '['. Now the already illegal case of an empty item type is reused for escaping in gph. This will make life easier for newcomers and oldcomers. So be sure to change all escaping after the upgrade. ## Distribution URIs gopher://bitreich.org/1/scm/geomyidae gopher://bitreich.org/9/scm/geomyidae/tag/geomyidae-v0.51.tar.lz gopher://bitreich.org/9/scm/geomyidae/tag/geomyidae-v0.51.tar.lz.sha512sum ftp://ftp@bitreich.org/releases/geomyidae/geomyidae-v0.51.tar.lz ftp://ftp@bitreich.org/releases/geomyidae/geomyidae-v0.51.tar.lz.sha512sum gopher://bitreich.org/9/scm/geomyidae/tag/geomyidae-v0.51.tar.gz gopher://bitreich.org/9/scm/geomyidae/tag/geomyidae-v0.51.tar.gz.sha512sum ftp://ftp@bitreich.org/releases/geomyidae/geomyidae-v0.51.tar.gz ftp://ftp@bitreich.org/releases/geomyidae/geomyidae-v0.51.tar.gz.sha512sum Have fun! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Release Architect (CRA)