# 2022-08-16 08:38:24.961173 UTC (+0000) BROOD BREAD PAIN Over the weekend some bitreichers met in various places in Europe. One place was Wageningen. There out of random occasion, a (bare-)metal band called BROOD BREAD PAIN was founded. See the logo: gopher://bitreich.org/I/brood-bread-pain/brood-bread-pain.jpg Local bakeries already spread the word. If you want to find the current lyrics of the band, see the gopherhole: gopher://bitreich.org/1/brood-bread-pain There you also find the current price for PAIN in Wageningen. And always remember: % fcrontab -l | grep brood-bread-pain 6 6 6 * * /br/gopher/brood-bread-pain/get-new-lyrics.sh 1 1 2 * * /br/gopher/brood-bread-pain/get-wageningen-pain-price.sh Have fun! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Metal Expert (CME)