# 2023-03-05 11:36:06.477785 UTC (+0000) Gopher 2007 Pearl Project Do you like adventures? Do you like to discover? Many treasures are awaiting you! Get ready to search for the pearls: gophers://bitreich.org/1/gopher2007 The archive of gopherspace from 2007 from archive.org is now available on Bitreich for research. The pearl list begins with - of course! - the gopher manifesto: gopher://bitreich.org/0/gopher2007/2007-gopher-mirror/gopher-arch/gopher/seanm.ca/70/0/nerd/gopher-manifesto.txt See the 'What we need' section. We completed nearly all points there. :-D A second pearl example: gopher://bitreich.org/0/gopher2007/2007-gopher-mirror/gopher-arch/gopher/seanm.ca/70/0/nerd/language_parable.txt And each language could be heard to mumble as it tromped and tromped and tromped, with complete and utter glee: Have to parse XML, eh? Have to have an XML API, eh? Have to work with SOAP and XML-RPC and RSS and RDF, eh? Well parse this, you little markup asshole. I wish much fun reading and discovering even more! If you find a pearl, please send the full link and why it should be considered a pearl to: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Archive Officer (CAO)