# 2023-07-22 18:09:40.767000 UTC (+0000) Geomyidae testing wanted. There is heavy work going on at geomyidae source code. 1.) The path handling has be redone, so selectors not starting with / will link to the correct file. 2.) CGI with and without TLS now has full I/O on stdin/stdout, opening more possibilities of interactive gopher services. 3.) There is now a special CGI handling for http compatibility. See the manpage and CGI file for how it works. This will help us with icecast upload for our own bitreich media server, replacing icecast. It will also allow WebRTC voip over gopher. 4.) The CGI environment variables have been fixed. It is now more clear if some path traversing (for REST) happened and all states are shown, like the raw selector is given to the CGI script. 5.) We now have the geomyidae-tests framework to keep things easier to watch for in case of changes. 6.) More comments have been added to clear up what geomyidae does for all the magic above. Please, people, try out the new source: git://bitreich.org/geomyidae And report back any bugs or things that do not work anymore. Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Geomyidae Officer (CGO)