# 2023-08-08 13:56:14.873372 UTC (+0000) Brcon2023: Schedule change for today 2023-08-08 Yesterday we had technical problems on the server and client side. That way adc was not able to hold his presentation on unix tools and scientific papers. The timetable for today is thus: 2023-08-08 - [[ Online: Gopher ]] 20:00 - Using Unix and Bitreich tools for scientific papers by adc 20:30 - State of Gopher by 20h 21:00 - Gopher Pearls/Lawn Hackathon See you at 20:00 CEST for more major brcon experiences! Btw., 20h's microphone is fixed. Major news on tgtimes is coming in. Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Conference Officer (CCO)