# 2023-08-08 16:57:38.689869 UTC (+0000) Brcon2023: Gopher Pearls Hackathon. In preparation for the gopher pearls hackathon, please follow these instructions: $ git clone git://bitreich.org/brcon2023-hackathons $ cd brcon2023-hackathons/gopher-pearls $ cat description.md Then you can start discovering using the servers in the mindepth-3.txt file. The address is simply: gopher://bitreich.org/1/gopher2007/2007-gopher-mirror/gopher-arch/$server Here $server is an entry from that file. One entry to the lawn was already added due to people searching: gopher://telefisk.org/ We will find more today! Stay ready! See you at 20:00 CEST! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Lawn Officer (CLO)