# 2023-08-08 20:59:03.773723 UTC (+0000) Brcon2023: Day 2 recordings. The slides of day 2 of brcon2023 are online. Here are the links to the raw uncut recordings: gophers://bitreich.org/9/con/2023/rec/brcon2023-dump-2023-08-08-19-55-17.mp3 gophers://bitreich.org/9/con/2023/rec/brcon2023-dump-2023-08-08-20-11-12.mp3 gophers://bitreich.org/9/con/2023/rec/brcon2023-dump-2023-08-08-20-39-49.mp3 gophers://bitreich.org/9/con/2023/rec/brcon2023-dump-2023-08-08-20-43-42.mp3 The lawn/pearls has been a success too, but more tomorrow about this. See you tomorrow for day 3, the GangBAN LAN party! Good Night. Sincerel yours, 20h Chief Recording Officer (RCO)