# 2023-08-11 20:59:46.146606 UTC (+0000) Brcon2023: Day 5 recordings and slides. Thanks for everyone attending today's geomyidae track! The slides are available at: gophers://bitreich.org/1/con/2023 The uncut recordings can be found here: gophers://bitreich.org/9/con/2023/rec/brcon2023-dump-2023-08-11-19-58-18.mp3 gophers://bitreich.org/9/con/2023/rec/brcon2023-dump-2023-08-11-20-20-35.mp3 Sorry for the interruption and shortcomings. People were arriving at the physical brcon2023 presence after a long drive. But we had much fun talking and preparing the further solving of the hackathons. So there was not much patches sent in, mostly socializing and getting together. See the next posting for how the weekend will be recorded online. Have a nice sunny and funny weekend! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Conference Officer (CCO)