# 2023-08-23 14:49:33.712480 UTC (+0000) The Gopher Times Hackathon on 2023-08-27 20:00 CEST. There is one step left for a new opus for the gopher times: The articles need to be updated to the current time. All infrastructure is prepared and ready. For preparation of the hackathon, please check out: git://bitreich.org/tgtimes We will be working on opus7 and could integrate the prepared articles from opus8. Writing an article is pretty simple: $ git clone git://bitreich.org/tgtimes $ cd tgtimes/opus7 $ ed 3-my-new-project.md a # My New Project Have you ever dreamed of becoming a great cryptocoin millionaire? Now you can be one in no time! Just send me one thousand bitcoins to my wallet and I will get you back a certificate that you have been a cryptocoin millionaire. . w 247 q # Test how it looks like. $ cd .. $ make $ $PDFVIEWER opus7/tgtimes.pdf $ git add 3-my-new-project.md $ git commit -a # Make commit description in first line. $ git format-patch -1 # Share .patch file with people on # ircs://irc.bitreich.org/#bitreich-en See you on Sunday! We will try out some new music for bitreich radio for the hackathon. Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Times Officer (CTO)