# 2023-08-29 18:58:11.295776 UTC (+0000) Bitreich IdleRPG: Quests and Attacks. After the initial release of Bitreich IdleRPG on Sunday, many patches and ideas are incoming. Two new amazing features were added: ## Attacks 20:56:33 pazz0 | !attack ROYGBYTE 20:56:33 annna | pazz0 attacked ROYGBYTE with a siri, causing 500 seconds of activity. ROYGBYTE, your idle time has been reduced to 181430. ## Quests 20:55:57 annna | surrounder, \subline went on a kroketen eating contest. They succeeded. Their idle time changed by 100. Have fun idling! Sincerely, 20h Chief Idling Officer (CIO)