# 2024-04-29 11:03:09.999733 UTC (+0000) Bitreich /bin/true|false service now online. In a lengthy scrum meeting this morning on #bitreich-en, the community decided on a new service for bitreich.org: $ printf "/bin/true\r\n" | nc bitreich.org 70 True $ printf "/bin/false\r\n" | nc bitreich.org 70 3\tFalse\tFalse\t... You can easily integrate this into your local /bin/true and /bin/false for your binless environment. Further services will be added as suggested. If there is an overuse, there will be implemented as suggested by Athas: 10:51:16 Athas | Perhaps with a 1sec delay that can be removed if you pay for a subscription. Have fun! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Microservices Officer (CMO)