# 2024-06-07 19:42:50.395981 UTC (+0000) Brcon2024: Call for Papers / Registration Bitreichcon 2024 is coming up, happening online from 5th to 8th of August online and then physically, mostly in hackathons, in Vitre, France. See the details here: gophers://bitreich.org/1/con/2024 ## Call for Papers Please start sending in your papers and proposals for presentations to: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> So much has changed on gopherspace and the world, that you can send in everything in line with the bitreich philosophy: * Did you remove 10k sloc and were happy about it? Tell us! * Did you create that small gopherhole and want tell us about your experience? * Do you regularily use gopherspace for your daily information needs? Tell us! * How did bitreich memes change your life? Tell us! * Did you influence science with simple software? Tell us! * Does your small software project some more publicity? Brcon2024 is your stage. ## Registration For planning ahead, please send to Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> whether you are are physically attending in Vitre. This allows better planning for the leisure activities. See you in Vitre! Have fun! Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Conference Officer (CCO)