,____.   _     ___.___    ___ __ _
       | __ |@ | |__.|  _| __|@ |  _|  | | Conference in Vitre, France
       | _  | ||  __|| | | __| || |_|    | 2024
       |____|_||____||_| |___|_||___|__|_| ssh://visitor@bitreich.org
       gophers://bitreich.org/1/con/2024 ircs://irc.bitreich.org/#bitreich-con
       ___[ Intro ]
       Is this your first time here?
 (TXT) Beginner guide 2021 in English
 (TXT) Guide débutant 2021 en français
       ___[ Dates / Times ]
       The community has decided that Brcon2024 will happen from
          5th of August to 11th of August
       Bitreichcon 2024 will happen in Vitre, France.
       ___[ Schedule ]
       The schedule is due to change. Things will be added over time.
       2024-08-03 - [[ Day -1 Online: GangBAN Day ]]
            12:00 - $ openttd -n bitreich.org:3979
                    Build a transport empire together!
       2024-08-04 - [[ Day 0 Packing Day ]]
                    Pack all the stuff for brcon2024.
       2024-08-05 - [[ Day 1 Online: Gopher ]]
            19:50 - Keynote by ????
       2024-08-06 - [[ Day 2 Online: Memes ]]
            15:00 - LLBBK++ meeting in Wageningen, Netherlands
            19:45 - Day 2 Intro by 20h
            19:50 - Introduction to Meme Art Contest by 20h
            20:00 - Meme talk (topic tba) by lunar_mining
            21:30 - How C liberated the memes of production by 20h
       2024-08-07 - [[ Day 3 Online: Ideology, Workforce ]]
            19:50 - Day 3 Intro by 20h
            20:00 - Forced labour in Academia - how to motivate students, whether they want to or not. by Athas
            21:00 - Cheap engineers, everywhere! by josuah
       2024-08-08 - [[ Day 4 Online: Programming ]]
            19:50 - Day 4 Intro by 20h
            20:00 - Deep C - UNIX philosophy in distributed offshore systems by adc
            21:00 - Deep C - practical exercises by adc
            21:30 - Lightning talks
       2024-08-09 - [[ Day 5 Hackathon ]]
            08:00 - Conference Room is open
            08:30 - Morning Qi Gong by 20h
            09:00 - Introduction to all Hackathons by 20h
            10:00 - Morning break (free food!)
            12:00 - Lunch Break at the terrace/city
            13:00 - Recreational Acupuncture for Everyone by 20h
            14:00 - State of Bitreich by 20h
            14:30 - Reuniting Bitreich and Suckless by 20h
            15:00 - Coffee Break (free food!)
 (TXT)      16:00 - Daily Indefinite Progress Meeting
            16:00 - Hackathon Results presentation
            17:00 - Conference Room closes
            18:00 - Dinner into the night
       2024-08-10 - [[ Day 6 Hackathon ]]
            08:00 - Conference Room is open
            08:30 - Morning Qi Gong by 20h
            09:00 - Hackathon Summary of Day 5 by 20h
            10:00 - Morning break (free food!)
            12:00 - Lunch Break at the terrace/city
            13:00 - Recreational Acupuncture for Everyone by 20h
            15:00 - Coffee Break (free food!)
 (TXT)      16:00 - Daily Indefinite Progress Meeting
            17:00 - Conference Room closes
            18:00 - Dinner into the night
       2024-08-11 - [[ Day 7 Recreation / Holiday in Vitre ]]
            09:30 - free city tour: The Castle of Vitre, Between Fortress and Residency
            11:00 - free city tour: The City of Vitre, From Year 1000 to Nowadays
            13:00 - lunch
            16:00 - French style after show meeting
       ___[ Hackathons ]
       We keep the hackathon format of last year. During the whole week of the
       conference, people can easily contribute to the hackathon repositories.
 (DIR) brcon2024-hackathons git repository
       See how productive it was in 2023:
 (DIR) brcon2023-hackathons git repository
       There will be a prizing schema like 2023:
 (TXT) Bitreich Phlog Post from 2023-07-08 by 20h
       ___[ Registration ]
       For online viewing no registration is required. Just a small band Internet
       access for one ssh text stream and an audio stream is required.
       ___[ Venue ]
       The conference will be held physically in the beautiful The Magic Hotel & Spa.
       It is a Hotel right next to the old city of Vitre. See it for yourself:
 (HTM) The Magic Hotel & Spa
       We have a full day seminar room with all amenities hackers could need on 9th
       and 10th of August. There will be free coffee, tea and small snacks.
       For food during the seminar / hackathon days, there are plenty of options
       around the city and in the hotel. You can eat frog legs in the city too.
       ___[ Travel ]
       Getting to the venue is pretty easy.
 (HTM) The Magic Hotel & Spa Location
       The best way to reach the venue is via TGV high speed train from Paris or
       Rennes. The train station is right on the other side of the street of the
       Hotel in the center of Vitre.
       If you are coming in from international, you can fly to Paris Charles de
       Gaulle airport and then take the train system directly to the venue. Rennes
       has an airport too.
       Other ways are donkey over very nice medieval roads, bicycle, car via the highway
       between Paris and Rennes (there are many parking spaces available next to the
       train station) and boat, where you can see the famous
       Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey on the way.
       ___[ Call for Papers ]
       You can always apply for a presentation, even on conference day.
       Until the conference anyone presenting something about or related to the below
       ttopics can send in a presentation. Please contact
                   Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       or come on IRC.
       Some notes on the presentations:
       * The presentation environment is a 80x25 terminal you run a presentation
         software in. This means, any graphical presentation will not work.
       * You will speak into a microphone to the audio stream.
       The easiest way to create a presentation is to use
 (DIR) catpoint
       (see the README.md file) and the
 (DIR) pointtools
       See the md files at the 2022 conference for how to easily create your
 (DIR) bitreichcon 2022
       It is possible to hold a remote presentation. The location you are holding
       a presentation from requires at least 1 Mbit/s stable upload. Get in contact,
       if you have questions.
       ___[ Topics ]
       * UNIX principles
       * applications (in every kind of programming language) following those principles
       * simplicity in programming
           * simple software development
       * simple algorithms
       * how you removed 1000 sloc code a day and felt really good at doing it
       * revolutionary ideas of UI/GUI
       * commandline
       * gopher
       * geology and geo services
       * goherspace
       * gopher applications
       * simple mobile phone software
       * simple hardware
       * saving electricity, resources in general
       * text conferencing
       * meme technology
       Happy helping ☃ here: You tried to output a spurious TAB character. This will break gopher. Please review your scripts. Have a nice day!
       ___[ Conference Fee ]
       There is and will be no conference fee. The organiser hates conference fees.
       ___[ All Over the World ]
       Everyone can attend! We have fiber! Even modem is enough!
 (HTM) ircs://irc.bitreich.org:6697/#bitreich-con
       ___[ Media / Propaganda ]
       If you have made some propaganda material, please let us know.
       ___[ Statistics ]
       To be announced.
       Have fun!
 (DIR) << back