lists.lisp - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
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       lists.lisp (944B)
            1 (in-package :alexandria-2)
            3 (defun delete-from-plist* (plist &rest keys)
            4   "Just like REMOVE-FROM-PLIST, but this version may destructively modify the
            5 provided PLIST.
            6 The second return value is an alist of the removed items, in unspecified order."
            7   ;; TODO: a plist?
            8   (declare (optimize speed))
            9   (loop with head = plist
           10         with tail = nil   ; a nil tail means an empty result so far
           11         with kept = ()
           12         for (key . rest) on plist by #'cddr
           13         do (assert rest () "Expected a proper plist, got ~S" plist)
           14            (if (member key keys :test #'eq)
           15                ;; skip over this pair
           16                (let ((next (cdr rest)))
           17                  (push (cons key (car rest))
           18                        kept)
           19                  (if tail
           20                      (setf (cdr tail) next)
           21                      (setf head next)))
           22                ;; keep this pair
           23                (setf tail rest))
           24         finally (return (values head kept))))