bordeaux-threads.asd - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
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       bordeaux-threads.asd (3195B)
            1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
            3 #|
            4 Copyright 2006,2007 Greg Pfeil
            6 Distributed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file)
            7 |#
            9 #.(unless (or #+asdf3.1 (version<= "3.1" (asdf-version)))
           10     (error "You need ASDF >= 3.1 to load this system correctly."))
           12 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
           13   #+(or armedbear
           14         (and allegro multiprocessing)
           15         (and clasp threads)
           16         (and clisp mt)
           17         (and openmcl openmcl-native-threads)
           18         (and cmu mp)
           19         corman
           20         (and ecl threads)
           21         genera
           22         mkcl
           23         lispworks
           24         (and digitool ccl-5.1)
           25         (and sbcl sb-thread)
           26         scl)
           27   (pushnew :thread-support *features*))
           29 (defsystem :bordeaux-threads
           30   :author "Greg Pfeil <>"
           31   :licence "MIT"
           32   :description "Bordeaux Threads makes writing portable multi-threaded apps simple."
           33   :version (:read-file-form "version.sexp")
           34   :depends-on (:alexandria
           35                #+(and allegro (version>= 9))       (:require "smputil")
           36                #+(and allegro (not (version>= 9))) (:require "process")
           37                #+corman                            (:require "threads"))
           38   :components ((:static-file "version.sexp")
           39                (:module "src"
           40                 :serial t
           41                 :components
           42                 ((:file "pkgdcl")
           43                  (:file "bordeaux-threads")
           44                  (:file #+(and thread-support armedbear) "impl-abcl"
           45                         #+(and thread-support allegro)   "impl-allegro"
           46                         #+(and thread-support clasp)     "impl-clasp"
           47                         #+(and thread-support clisp)     "impl-clisp"
           48                         #+(and thread-support openmcl)   "impl-clozure"
           49                         #+(and thread-support cmu)       "impl-cmucl"
           50                         #+(and thread-support corman)    "impl-corman"
           51                         #+(and thread-support ecl)       "impl-ecl"
           52                         #+(and thread-support genera)    "impl-genera"
           53                         #+(and thread-support mkcl)      "impl-mkcl"
           54                         #+(and thread-support lispworks) "impl-lispworks"
           55                         #+(and thread-support digitool)  "impl-mcl"
           56                         #+(and thread-support sbcl)      "impl-sbcl"
           57                         #+(and thread-support scl)       "impl-scl"
           58                         #-thread-support                 "impl-null")
           59                  #+(and thread-support lispworks (or lispworks4 lispworks5))
           60                  (:file "impl-lispworks-condition-variables")
           61                  #+(and thread-support digitool)
           62                  (:file "condition-variables")
           63                  (:file "default-implementations")))))
           65 (defsystem :bordeaux-threads/test
           66   :author "Greg Pfeil <>"
           67   :description "Bordeaux Threads test suite."
           68   :licence "MIT"
           69   :version (:read-file-form "version.sexp")
           70   :depends-on (:bordeaux-threads :fiveam)
           71   :components ((:module "test"
           72                 :components ((:file "bordeaux-threads-test")))))
           74 (defmethod perform ((o test-op) (c (eql (find-system :bordeaux-threads))))
           75   (load-system :bordeaux-threads/test)
           76   (symbol-call :5am :run! :bordeaux-threads))