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            6   <title>FLEXI-STREAMS - Flexible bivalent streams for Common Lisp</title>
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           27 <h2>FLEXI-STREAMS - Flexible bivalent streams for Common Lisp</h2>
           29 <blockquote>
           30 <br>&nbsp;<br><h3><a name=abstract class=none>Abstract</a></h3>
           32 FLEXI-STREAMS implements "virtual" bivalent streams that can be
           33 layered atop real binary or bivalent streams and that can be used to
           34 read and write character data in various single- or multi-octet
           35 encodings which can be changed on the fly.  It also supplies
           36 <em>in-memory</em> binary streams which are similar to string streams.
           37 <p>
           38 The library needs a Common Lisp implementation that
           39 supports <a
           40 href="http://www.nhplace.com/kent/CL/Issues/stream-definition-by-user.html"><em>Gray
           41 streams</em></a> and relies on David
           42 Lichteblau's <a
           43 href="http://www.cliki.net/trivial-gray-streams">trivial-gray-streams</a>
           44 to offer portability between different Lisps.
           45 <p>
           46 The code comes with
           47 a <a
           48 href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD-style
           49 license</a> so you can basically do with it whatever you want.
           51 <p>
           52 <font color=red>Download shortcut:</font> <a
           53 href="https://github.com/edicl/flexi-streams/releases/latest">https://github.com/edicl/flexi-streams/releases/latest</a>
           54 </blockquote>
           56 <br>&nbsp;<br><h3><a class=none name="contents">Contents</a></h3>
           57 <ol>
           58   <li><a href="#example">Example usage</a>
           59   <li><a href="#install">Download and installation</a>
           60   <li><a href="#support">Support</a>
           61   <li><a href="#dictionary">The FLEXI-STREAMS dictionary</a>
           62   <ol>
           63     <li><a href="#external-formats">External formats</a>
           64       <ol>
           65       <li><a href="#make-external-format"><code>make-external-format</code></a>
           66       <li><a href="#external-format-name"><code>external-format-name</code></a>
           67       <li><a href="#external-format-eol-style"><code>external-format-eol-style</code></a>
           68       <li><a href="#external-format-little-endian"><code>external-format-little-endian</code></a>
           69       <li><a href="#external-format-id"><code>external-format-id</code></a>
           70       <li><a href="#external-format-equal"><code>external-format-equal</code></a>
           71       <li><a href="#*default-eol-style*"><code>*default-eol-style*</code></a>
           72       <li><a href="#*default-little-endian*"><code>*default-little-endian*</code></a>
           73       <li><a href="#external-format-condition"><code>external-format-condition</code></a>
           74       <li><a href="#external-format-condition-external-format"><code>external-format-condition-external-format</code></a>
           75       <li><a href="#external-format-error"><code>external-format-error</code></a>
           76       <li><a href="#external-format-encoding-error"><code>external-format-encoding-error</code></a>
           77       <li><a href="#*substitution-char*"><code>*substitution-char*</code></a>
           78       <li><a href="#accept-overlong-sequence"><code>accept-overlong-sequence</code></a>
           79       </ol>
           80     <li><a href="#flexi-streams">Flexi streams</a>
           81       <ol>
           82       <li><a href="#flexi-stream"><code>flexi-stream</code></a>
           83       <li><a href="#flexi-input-stream"><code>flexi-input-stream</code></a>
           84       <li><a href="#flexi-output-stream"><code>flexi-output-stream</code></a>
           85       <li><a href="#flexi-io-stream"><code>flexi-io-stream</code></a>
           86       <li><a href="#make-flexi-stream"><code>make-flexi-stream</code></a>
           87       <li><a href="#flexi-stream-external-format"><code>flexi-stream-external-format</code></a>
           88       <li><a href="#flexi-stream-element-type"><code>flexi-stream-element-type</code></a>
           89       <li><a href="#flexi-stream-column"><code>flexi-stream-column</code></a>
           90       <li><a href="#flexi-stream-position"><code>flexi-stream-position</code></a>
           91       <li><a href="#flexi-stream-bound"><code>flexi-stream-bound</code></a>
           92       <li><a href="#flexi-stream-stream"><code>flexi-stream-stream</code></a>
           93       <li><a href="#unread-byte"><code>unread-byte</code></a>
           94       <li><a href="#peek-byte"><code>peek-byte</code></a>
           95       <li><a href="#octet"><code>octet</code></a>
           96       <li><a href="#flexi-stream-error"><code>flexi-stream-error</code></a>
           97       <li><a href="#flexi-stream-out-of-sync-error"><code>flexi-stream-out-of-sync-error</code></a>
           98       <li><a href="#flexi-stream-element-type-error"><code>flexi-stream-element-type-error</code></a>
           99       <li><a href="#flexi-stream-element-type-error-element-type"><code>flexi-stream-element-type-error-element-type</code></a>
          100       </ol>
          101     <li><a href="#in-memory">In-memory streams</a>
          102       <ol>
          103       <li><a href="#in-memory-stream"><code>in-memory-stream</code></a>
          104       <li><a href="#in-memory-input-stream"><code>in-memory-input-stream</code></a>
          105       <li><a href="#in-memory-output-stream"><code>in-memory-output-stream</code></a>
          106       <li><a href="#list-stream"><code>list-stream</code></a>
          107       <li><a href="#vector-stream"><code>vector-stream</code></a>
          108       <li><a href="#make-in-memory-input-stream"><code>make-in-memory-input-stream</code></a>
          109       <li><a href="#make-in-memory-output-stream"><code>make-in-memory-output-stream</code></a>
          110       <li><a href="#get-output-stream-sequence"><code>get-output-stream-sequence</code></a>
          111       <li><a href="#output-stream-sequence-length"><code>output-stream-sequence-length</code></a>
          112       <li><a href="#with-input-from-sequence"><code>with-input-from-sequence</code></a>
          113       <li><a href="#with-output-to-sequence"><code>with-output-to-sequence</code></a>
          114       <li><a href="#in-memory-stream-error"><code>in-memory-stream-error</code></a>
          115       <li><a href="#in-memory-stream-closed-error"><code>in-memory-stream-closed-error</code></a>
          116       <li><a href="#in-memory-stream-position-spec-error"><code>in-memory-stream-position-spec-error</code></a>
          117       <li><a href="#in-memory-stream-position-spec-error-position-spec"><code>in-memory-stream-position-spec-error-position-spec</code></a>
          118       </ol>
          119     <li><a href="#strings">Strings</a>
          120       <ol>
          121       <li><a href="#string-to-octets"><code>string-to-octets</code></a>
          122       <li><a href="#octets-to-string"><code>octets-to-string</code></a>
          123       <li><a href="#octet-length"><code>octet-length</code></a>
          124       <li><a href="#char-length"><code>char-length</code></a>
          125       </ol>
          126   </ol>
          127   <li><a href="#position">File positions</a>
          128   <li><a href="#ack">Acknowledgements</a>
          129 </ol>
          131 <br>&nbsp;<br><h3><a name="example" class=none>Example usage</a></h3>
          133 The examples were created with <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/">LispWorks</a> 4.4.6&nbsp;pro on Windows. The following two functions create <a href="foo.txt">the same file</a>:
          135 <pre>
          136 (defun foo (pathspec)
          137   "With standard LispWorks streams."
          138   (with-open-file (out pathspec
          139                        :direction :output
          140                        :if-exists :supersede
          141                        :external-format '(:utf-8 :eol-style :crlf))
          142     (write-line "&Auml;&Ouml;&Uuml;1" out))
          143   (with-open-file (out pathspec
          144                        :direction :output
          145                        :if-exists :append
          146                        :external-format '(:latin-1 :eol-style :lf))
          147     (write-line "&Auml;&Ouml;&Uuml;2" out))
          148   (with-open-file (out pathspec
          149                        :direction :output
          150                        :if-exists :append
          151                        :element-type 'octet)
          152     (write-byte #xeb out)
          153     (write-sequence #(#xa3 #xa4 #xa5) out))
          154   (with-open-file (out pathspec
          155                        :direction :output
          156                        :if-exists :append
          157                        :external-format '(:unicode :little-endian nil :eol-style :crlf))
          158     (write-line "&Auml;&Ouml;&Uuml;3" out)))
          160 (defun bar (pathspec)
          161   &quot;With a <a href="#flexi-streams" class=noborder>flexi stream</a>.&quot;
          162   (with-open-file (out pathspec
          163                        :direction :output
          164                        :if-exists :supersede
          165                        :external-format '(:latin-1 :eol-style :lf))
          166     (setq out (<a href="#make-flexi-stream" class=noborder>make-flexi-stream</a> out <a href="#external-formats" class=noborder>:external-format</a> :utf-8))
          167     (write-line "&Auml;&Ouml;&Uuml;1" out)
          168     (setf (<a href="#flexi-stream-external-format" class=noborder>flexi-stream-external-format</a> out) '(:latin-1 :eol-style :lf))
          169     (write-line "&Auml;&Ouml;&Uuml;2" out) 
          170     (write-byte #xeb out)
          171     (write-sequence #(#xa3 #xa4 #xa5) out)
          172     (setf (flexi-stream-external-format out) :ucs-2be)
          173     (write-line "&Auml;&Ouml;&Uuml;3" out)))
          174 </pre>
          176 <p>
          177 And applying this function
          178 <pre>
          179 (defun baz (pathspec)
          180   (let (result)
          181     (with-open-file (in pathspec :element-type '<a href="#octet" class=noborder>octet</a>)
          182       (setq in (<a href="#make-flexi-stream" class=noborder>make-flexi-stream</a> in <a href="#external-formats" class=noborder>:external-format</a> :utf-8))
          183       (push (read-line in) result)
          184       (push (read-byte in) result)
          185       (setf (<a href="#flexi-stream-external-format" class=noborder>flexi-stream-external-format</a> in) '(:latin-1 :eol-style :lf))
          186       (push (read-line in) result) 
          187       (setf (flexi-stream-external-format in) :greek)
          188       (push (read-char in) result)
          189       (setf (flexi-stream-external-format in) :latin0)
          190       (let ((string (make-string 3 :element-type 'character)))
          191         (read-sequence string in)
          192         (push string result))
          193       (let ((octets (make-array 2 :element-type 'octet)))
          194         (read-sequence octets in)
          195         (push octets result))
          196       (setf (flexi-stream-external-format in) :ucs-2be)
          197       (push (read-line in) result))
          198     (nreverse result)))
          199 </pre>
          200 to the file created above will yield the list
          201 <pre>
          202 ("&Auml;&Ouml;&Uuml;1"&nbsp;196&nbsp;"&Ouml;&Uuml;2"&nbsp;#\&lambda;&nbsp;"&#163;&#8364;&#165;"&nbsp;#(0&nbsp;196)&nbsp;"&Ouml;&Uuml;3")
          203 </pre>
          205 <p>
          206 For more examples see the source code
          207 of 
          208 <a href="http://mr-co.de/projects/cl-rfc2047/">CL-RFC2047</a>,
          209 <a
          210 href="http://weitz.de/drakma/">Drakma</a>, <a
          211 href="http://weitz.de/chunga/">Chunga</a>,
          212 or <a href="http://weitz.de/cl-wbxml/">CL-WBXML</a>.
          214 <br>&nbsp;<br><h3><a name="install" class=none>Download and installation</a></h3>
          216 Before you try to install FLEXI-STREAMS, first check that in your Lisp
          217 each <a
          218 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/13_.htm">character</a>'s
          219 <a
          220 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_c.htm#character_code">character
          221 code</a> is equal to
          222 its <a
          223 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode">Unicode</a> <a
          224 href="http://unicode.org/glossary/">code point</a> and
          225 that <code>(CHAR-CODE&nbsp;#\Newline)</code>
          226 and <code>(CHAR-CODE&nbsp;#\Linefeed)</code> have the same
          227 value&nbsp;(10).  (This is the case for all relevant CL
          228 implementations which were in use when this library was written.  It
          229 is <em>not</em> mandated by the ANSI standard, though.)
          230 <p>
          231 FLEXI-STREAMS together with this documentation can be downloaded from <a
          232 href="https://github.com/edicl/flexi-streams/releases/latest">https://github.com/edicl/flexi-streams/releases/latest</a>.
          233 <p>
          234 Before you install FLEXI-STREAMS you first need to
          235 install the <a
          236 href="http://www.cliki.net/trivial-gray-streams">trivial-gray-streams</a> library
          237 unless you already have it.
          238 <p>
          239 FLEXI-STREAMS comes with a system definition for <a
          240 href="http://www.cliki.net/asdf">ASDF</a> so you can install the library with
          241 <pre>
          242 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :flexi-streams)
          243 </pre>
          244 if you've unpacked it in a place where ASDF can find it.  Installation
          245 via <a href="http://www.cliki.net/asdf-install">asdf-install</a>
          246 should also be possible, and there's a port
          247 to <a href="http://www.cliki.net/Gentoo">Gentoo Lisp</a> thanks to
          248 Matthew Kennedy.
          249 <p>
          250 You can run a test suite which tests <em>some</em> (but
          251 not <em>all</em>) aspects of the library with
          252 <pre>
          253 (asdf:oos 'asdf:test-op :flexi-streams)
          254 </pre>
          255 This might take a while...
          256 <p>
          257 The current development version of FLEXI-STREAMS can be found
          258 at <a href="http://bknr.net/trac/browser/trunk/thirdparty">http://bknr.net/trac/browser/trunk/thirdparty</a>.
          259 This is the one to send <a href="#mail">patches</a> against.  Use at
          260 your own risk.
          261 <p>
          262 Lu&iacute;s Oliveira maintains a <a href="http://darcs.net/">darcs</a>
          263 repository of FLEXI-STREAMS
          264 at <a href="http://common-lisp.net/%7Eloliveira/ediware/">http://common-lisp.net/~loliveira/ediware/</a>.
          265 <p>
          266 A <a href="http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/">Mercurial</a>
          267 repository of older versions is available
          268 at <a
          269 href="http://arcanes.fr.eu.org/~pierre/2007/02/weitz/">http://arcanes.fr.eu.org/~pierre/2007/02/weitz/</a>
          270 thanks to Pierre Thierry.
          272 <br>&nbsp;<br><h3><a name="support" class=none>Support</a></h3>
          274 The development version of flexi-streams can be
          275 found <a href="https://github.com/edicl/flexi-streams" target="_new">on
          276 github</a>.  Please use the github issue tracking system to submit bug
          277 reports.  Patches are welcome, please
          278 use <a href="https://github.com/edicl/flexi-streams/pulls">GitHub pull
          279 requests</a>.  If you want to make a change,
          280 please <a href="http://weitz.de/patches.html" target="_new">read this
          281 first</a>.
          283 <br>&nbsp;<br><h3><a class=none name="dictionary">The FLEXI-STREAMS dictionary</a></h3>
          285 <h4><a name="external-formats" class=none>External formats</a></h4>
          287 <code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code> objects are used to denote the external
          288 formats of <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi streams</a>.  These objects are created using
          289 the <a
          290 href="#make-external-format"><code>MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code></a>
          291 function, and there are <a href="#external-format-name">various
          292 readers</a> to query their attributes.  Once such an object is
          293 created it can't be changed.
          294 <p>
          295 An external format consists of a basic encoding
          296 (like <a
          297 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iso-8859-1">ISO&nbsp;8859-1</a>
          298 or <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8">UTF-8</a>), a
          299 definition how line endings are denoted - by a carriage return
          300 character (ASCII&nbsp;13), by a line feed character (ASCII&nbsp;10),
          301 or by both of these characters in a row -, and optionally (for
          302 encodings that use units larger than 8&nbsp;bits) information
          303 about the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endian">endianess</a>
          304 of the encoding.
          305 <p>
          306 The following encodings are currently supported by FLEXI-STREAMS:
          307 <ul>
          308 <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8">UTF-8</a> (denoted by the keyword <code>:UTF-8</code>),
          309 <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16">UTF-16</a> (denoted by the keyword <code>:UTF-16</code>),
          310 <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-32">UTF-32</a> (denoted by the keyword <code>:UTF-32</code>),
          311 <li>all <a href="http://czyborra.com/charsets/iso8859.html">ISO 8859</a> character sets (denoted by keywords like <code>:ISO-8859-15</code>),
          312 <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KOI8-R">KOI8-R</a> (denoted by the keyword <code>:KOI8-R</code>),
          313 <li>a couple
          314 of <a href="http://czyborra.com/charsets/codepages.html">Windows code
          315 pages</a> (denoted by the keyword <code>:CODE-PAGE</code> and an
          316 obligatory <code>:ID</code> argument), and
          317 <li><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII">US-ASCII</a>.
          318 </ul>
          319 <p>
          320 A couple of alternative names are allowed that are listed below:
          321 <p>
          322 <table border=1>
          323 <tr><td><code>:UTF-8</code></td><td><code>:UTF8</code></td></tr>
          324 <tr><td rowspan=4 valign=top><code>:UTF-16</code></td><td><code>:UTF16</code></td></tr>
          325 <tr><td><code>:UCS-2</code></td></tr>
          326 <tr><td><code>:UCS2</code></td></tr>
          327 <tr><td><code>:UNICODE</code></td></tr>
          328 <tr><td rowspan=3 valign=top><code>:UTF-32</code></td><td><code>:UTF32</code></td></tr>
          329 <tr><td><code>:UCS-4</code></td></tr>
          330 <tr><td><code>:UCS4</code></td></tr>
          331 <tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top><code>:ISO-8859-1</code></td><td><code>:LATIN-1</code></td></tr>
          332 <tr><td><code>:LATIN1</code></td></tr>
          333 <tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top><code>:ISO-8859-2</code></td><td><code>:LATIN-2</code></td></tr>
          334 <tr><td><code>:LATIN2</code></td></tr>
          335 <tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top><code>:ISO-8859-3</code></td><td><code>:LATIN-3</code></td></tr>
          336 <tr><td><code>:LATIN3</code></td></tr>
          337 <tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top><code>:ISO-8859-4</code></td><td><code>:LATIN-4</code></td></tr>
          338 <tr><td><code>:LATIN4</code></td></tr>
          339 <tr><td><code>:ISO-8859-5</code></td><td><code>:CYRILLIC</code></td></tr>
          340 <tr><td><code>:ISO-8859-6</code></td><td><code>:ARABIC</code></td></tr>
          341 <tr><td><code>:ISO-8859-7</code></td><td><code>:GREEK</code></td></tr>
          342 <tr><td><code>:ISO-8859-8</code></td><td><code>:HEBREW</code></td></tr>
          343 <tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top><code>:ISO-8859-9</code></td><td><code>:LATIN-5</code></td></tr>
          344 <tr><td><code>:LATIN5</code></td></tr>
          345 <tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top><code>:ISO-8859-10</code></td><td><code>:LATIN-6</code></td></tr>
          346 <tr><td><code>:LATIN6</code></td></tr>
          347 <tr><td><code>:ISO-8859-11</code></td><td><code>:THAI</code></td></tr>
          348 <tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top><code>:ISO-8859-13</code></td><td><code>:LATIN-7</code></td></tr>
          349 <tr><td><code>:LATIN7</code></td></tr>
          350 <tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top><code>:ISO-8859-14</code></td><td><code>:LATIN-8</code></td></tr>
          351 <tr><td><code>:LATIN8</code></td></tr>
          352 <tr><td rowspan=4 valign=top><code>:ISO-8859-15</code></td><td><code>:LATIN-9</code></td></tr>
          353 <tr><td><code>:LATIN9</code></td></tr>
          354 <tr><td><code>:LATIN-0</code></td></tr>
          355 <tr><td><code>:LATIN0</code></td></tr>
          356 <tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top><code>:ISO-8859-16</code></td><td><code>:LATIN-10</code></td></tr>
          357 <tr><td><code>:LATIN10</code></td></tr>
          358 <tr><td rowspan=2 valign=top><code>:CODE-PAGE</code></td><td><code>:CODEPAGE</code></td></tr>
          359 <tr><td><code>WIN32:CODE-PAGE<br>(only on <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/products/lww.html">LWW</a>)</code></td></tr>
          360 <tr><td><code>:KOI8-R</code></td><td><code>:KOI8R</code></td></tr>
          361 <tr><td><code>:US-ASCII</code></td><td><code>:ASCII</code></td></tr>
          362 </table>
          363 <p>
          364 (Note that we treat UCS-2 exactly like UTF-16 although there
          365 are <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16">subtle
          366 differences</a>.  Also note that even though we support encodings like
          367 UTF-32 some Lisps only supports characters contained within
          368 the <a
          369 href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Multilingual_Plane">Basic
          370 Multilingual Plane</a> (like LispWorks) or even less (like CMUCL), so
          371 if other characters are read from a
          372 <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi
          373 stream</a>, <a
          374 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_rd_cha.htm"><code>READ-CHAR</code></a>
          375 will try to be helpful and return the corresponding Unicode code point -
          376 an integer - instead.  This might lead to an error if you're using
          377 functions
          378 like <a
          379 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_rd_lin.htm"><code>READ-LINE</code></a>, though.)
          381 <p>
          382 Whenever a FLEXI-STREAMS function accepts an external format as one of
          383 its arguments, you can provide either an <code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code>
          384 object or a shortcut which can be a list or a symbol.  The list
          385 shortcuts have a syntax similar
          386 to <a
          387 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw50/LWUG/html/lwuser-360.htm">the
          388 one used by LispWorks</a> - the cars are the names of and encoding
          389 and the cdrs of these lists correspond to the keyword arguments
          390 to <a
          391 href="#make-external-format"><code>MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code></a>, so
          392 for example
          393 <pre>(:latin-1 :eol-style :crlf)</pre> 
          394 is equivalent to 
          395 <pre>(<a class=noborder href="#make-external-format">make-external-format</a> :latin-1 :eol-style :crlf)</pre> The
          396 symbol shortcuts are equivalent to
          397 calling <a
          398 href="#make-external-format"><code>MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code></a>
          399 without keyword arguments, i.e.
          400 <pre>:thai</pre>
          401 behaves like
          402 <pre>(<a class=noborder href="#make-external-format">make-external-format</a> :thai)</pre>
          403 Finally, the following expansions are
          404 available:
          405 <p>
          406 <table border=1>
          407 <tr><td><code>:UCS-2LE</code></td><td><code>(:UCS-2&nbsp;:LITTLE-ENDIAN&nbsp;T)</code></td></tr>
          408 <tr><td><code>:UCS-2BE</code></td><td><code>(:UCS-2&nbsp;:LITTLE-ENDIAN&nbsp;NIL)</code></td></tr>
          409 <tr><td><code>:UCS-4LE</code></td><td><code>(:UCS-4&nbsp;:LITTLE-ENDIAN&nbsp;T)</code></td></tr>
          410 <tr><td><code>:UCS-4BE</code></td><td><code>(:UCS-4&nbsp;:LITTLE-ENDIAN&nbsp;NIL)</code></td></tr>
          411 <tr><td><code>:UTF-16LE</code></td><td><code>(:UTF-16&nbsp;:LITTLE-ENDIAN&nbsp;T)</code></td></tr>
          412 <tr><td><code>:UTF-16BE</code></td><td><code>(:UTF-16&nbsp;:LITTLE-ENDIAN&nbsp;NIL)</code></td></tr>
          413 <tr><td><code>:UTF-32LE</code></td><td><code>(:UTF-32&nbsp;:LITTLE-ENDIAN&nbsp;T)</code></td></tr>
          414 <tr><td><code>:UTF-32BE</code></td><td><code>(:UTF-32&nbsp;:LITTLE-ENDIAN&nbsp;NIL)</code></td></tr>
          415 <tr><td><code>:IBM437</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;437)</code></td></tr>
          416 <tr><td><code>:IBM850</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;850)</code></td></tr>
          417 <tr><td><code>:IBM852</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;852)</code></td></tr>
          418 <tr><td><code>:IBM855</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;855)</code></td></tr>
          419 <tr><td><code>:IBM857</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;857)</code></td></tr>
          420 <tr><td><code>:IBM860</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;860)</code></td></tr>
          421 <tr><td><code>:IBM861</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;861)</code></td></tr>
          422 <tr><td><code>:IBM862</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;862)</code></td></tr>
          423 <tr><td><code>:IBM863</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;863)</code></td></tr>
          424 <tr><td><code>:IBM864</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;864)</code></td></tr>
          425 <tr><td><code>:IBM865</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;865)</code></td></tr>
          426 <tr><td><code>:IBM866</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;866)</code></td></tr>
          427 <tr><td><code>:IBM869</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;869)</code></td></tr>
          428 <tr><td><code>:WINDOWS-1250</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;1250)</code></td></tr>
          429 <tr><td><code>:WINDOWS-1251</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;1251)</code></td></tr>
          430 <tr><td><code>:WINDOWS-1252</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;1252)</code></td></tr>
          431 <tr><td><code>:WINDOWS-1253</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;1253)</code></td></tr>
          432 <tr><td><code>:WINDOWS-1254</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;1254)</code></td></tr>
          433 <tr><td><code>:WINDOWS-1255</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;1255)</code></td></tr>
          434 <tr><td><code>:WINDOWS-1256</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;1256)</code></td></tr>
          435 <tr><td><code>:WINDOWS-1257</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;1257)</code></td></tr>
          436 <tr><td><code>:WINDOWS-1258</code></td><td><code>(:CODE-PAGE&nbsp;:ID&nbsp;1258)</code></td></tr>
          437 </table>
          438 <p>
          439 Note that if you provide a shortcut, it
          440 will be converted to an <code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code> object first.
          441 So, if you're concerned about efficiency, create these objects once and
          442 re-use them.
          444 <p><br>[Function]
          445 <br><a class=none name="make-external-format"><b>make-external-format</b> <i>name <tt>&amp;key</tt> eol-style little-endian id</i> =&gt; <i>external-format</i></a>
          447 <blockquote><br> Creates and returns
          448 an <a href="#external-formats"><code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code>
          449 object</a>.  <code><i>name</i></code> is a
          450 symbol, <code><i>eol-style</i></code> is one of the
          451 keywords <code>:CR</code>, <code>:LF</code>, or <code>:CRLF</code>,
          452 and <code><i>little-endian</i></code> is
          453 a <a
          454 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_g.htm#generalized_boolean">generalized
          455 boolean</a>.  The default value for <code><i>eol-style</i></code> is the value of <a href="#*default-eol-style*"><code>*DEFAULT-EOL-STYLE*</code></a> except for Windows code pages where it is <code>:CRLF</code>.  The default value
          456 for <code><i>little-endian</i></code> is the value of <a href="#*default-little-endian*"><code>*DEFAULT-LITTLE-ENDIAN*</code></a> - this value is ignored unless <code><i>name</i></code> denotes one of UTF-16 or UTF-32.
          457 <code><i>id</i></code> must be an integer denoting a Windows code page
          458 known by FLEXI-STREAMS if <code><i>name</i></code>
          459 is <code>:CODE-PAGE</code> or <code>WIN32:CODE-PAGE</code>, otherwise
          460 the value is ignored.  See <a href="#external-formats">the section
          461 about external formats</a> for more info.
          462 <p>
          463 Examples (run on Windows):
          465 <pre>
          466 CL-USER 1 > (make-external-format :latin-1)
          467 #&lt;FLEXI-STREAMS::EXTERNAL-FORMAT (:ISO-8859-1 :EOL-STYLE :CRLF) 2067DA84&gt;
          469 CL-USER 2 &gt; (make-external-format :latin-1 :eol-style :lf)
          470 #&lt;FLEXI-STREAMS::EXTERNAL-FORMAT (:ISO-8859-1 :EOL-STYLE :LF) 2068B4D4&gt;
          472 CL-USER 3 &gt; (make-external-format :ibm437)
          473 #&lt;FLEXI-STREAMS::EXTERNAL-FORMAT (:CODE-PAGE :ID 437 :EOL-STYLE :CRLF) 2069B33C&gt;
          475 CL-USER 4 &gt; (make-external-format :ucs-2)
          478 CL-USER 5 &gt; (make-external-format :ucs-2be)
          481 CL-USER 6 > (make-external-format :ucs-2be :eol-style :cr)
          483 </pre>
          484 </blockquote>
          486 <p><br>[Readers]
          487 <br><a class=none name="external-format-name"><b>external-format-name</b> <i>external-format</i> =&gt; <i>name</i></a>
          488 <br><a class=none name="external-format-eol-style"><b>external-format-eol-style</b> <i>external-format</i> =&gt; <i>eol-style</i></a>
          489 <br><a class=none name="external-format-little-endian"><b>external-format-little-endian</b> <i>external-format</i> =&gt; <i>little-endian</i></a>
          490 <br><a class=none name="external-format-id"><b>external-format-id</b> <i>external-format</i> =&gt; <i>id</i></a>
          492 <blockquote><br>
          493 These methods can be used to query an <a href="#external-formats"><code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code> object</a> for its attributes.
          494 </blockquote>
          496 <p><br>[Functions]
          497 <br><a class=none name="external-format-equal"><b>external-format-equal</b> <i>external-format-1 external-format-2</i> =&gt; <i>generalized-boolean</i></a>
          499 <blockquote><br>
          500 Checks whether the two <a href="#external-formats">external formats</a> <code><i>external-format-1</i></code> and <code><i>external-format-2</i></code> are equivalent with respect to their effects on <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi streams</a>.
          501 <p>
          502 Examples (run on Windows):
          504 <pre>
          505 CL-USER 1 &gt; (<a href="#make-external-format" class=noborder>make-external-format</a> :ucs-4le)
          508 CL-USER 2 &gt; (external-format-equal <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/v__stst_.htm" class=noborder>*</a> (make-external-format :utf32 :little-endian t))
          509 T
          511 CL-USER 3 &gt; (make-external-format :code-page :id 437)
          512 #&lt;FLEXI-STREAMS::EXTERNAL-FORMAT (:CODE-PAGE :ID 437 :EOL-STYLE :CRLF) 2069428C&gt;
          514 CL-USER 4 &gt; (external-format-equal * (make-external-format :ibm437))
          515 T
          516 </pre>
          518 </blockquote>
          520 <p><br>[Special variable]
          521 <br><a class=none name="*default-eol-style*"><b>*default-eol-style*</b></a>
          523 <blockquote><br>
          524 The default value for the <code><i>eol-style</i></code> keyword argument of <a href="#make-external-format"><code>MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code></a>.  Its initial value is <code>:CRLF</code> on Windows and <code>:LF</code> on other operating systems.
          525 </blockquote>
          527 <p><br>[Special variable]
          528 <br><a class=none name="*default-little-endian*"><b>*default-little-endian*</b></a>
          530 <blockquote><br>
          531 The default value for the <code><i>little-endian</i></code> keyword argument of <a href="#make-external-format"><code>MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code></a>.  Its initial value corresponds to the endianess of the platform FLEXI-STREAMS is used on as revealed by the <code>:LITTLE-ENDIAN</code> <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/24_ab.htm">feature</a>.
          532 </blockquote>
          534 <p><br>[Condition]
          535 <br><a class=none name="external-format-condition"><b>external-format-condition</b></a>
          537 <blockquote><br>
          538 All conditions related to <a href="#external-formats">external formats</a> are of this type.
          539 There's a slot for the external format which can be accessed with <a href="#external-format-condition-external-format"><code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT-CONDITION-EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code></a>.
          540 </blockquote>
          542 <p><br>[Reader]
          543 <br><a class=none name="external-format-condition-external-format"><b>external-format-condition-external-format</b> <i>condition</i> =&gt; <i>external-format</i></a>
          545 <blockquote><br> If <code><i>condition</i></code> is of
          546 type <a href="#external-format-condition"><code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT-CONDITION</code></a>,
          547 this function will return the associated external format.  Note that
          548 there are situation which happen during the creation of external
          549 formats where this method returns <code>NIL</code>.
          550 </blockquote>
          552 <p><br>[Condition]
          553 <br><a class=none name="external-format-error"><b>external-format-error</b></a>
          555 <blockquote><br>
          556 All errors related to <a href="#external-formats">external formats</a> are of this type.
          557 This is a subtype of <a href="#external-format-condition"><code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT-CONDITION</code></a>.
          558 </blockquote>
          560 <p><br>[Condition]
          561 <br><a class=none name="external-format-encoding-error"><b>external-format-encoding-error</b></a>
          563 <blockquote><br>
          564 All errors related to encoding problems with <a href="#external-formats">external formats</a> are of this type.  (This includes situation where an end of file is encountered in the middle of a multi-octet character.)  When this condition is signalled during reading, <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/r_use_va.htm"><code>USE-VALUE</code>
          565 restart</a> is provided. See also <a href="#*substitution-char*"><code>*SUBSTITUTION-CHAR*</code></a> and the example for it. <a href="#external-format-encoding-error"><code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT-ENCODING-ERROR</code></a> is a subtype of <a href="#external-format-error"><code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT-ERROR</code></a>.
          566 </blockquote>
          568 <p><br>[Special variable]
          569 <br><a class=none name="*substitution-char*"><b>*substitution-char*</b></a>
          571 <blockquote><br>
          572 If this value is not NIL, it should be a character which is used
          573 (as if by a <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/r_use_va.htm"><code>USE-VALUE</code> restart</a>) whenever during reading an error of
          574 type <a href="#external-format-encoding-error"><code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT-ENCODING-ERROR</code></a> would have been signalled otherwise.
          576 <pre>
          577 CL-USER 1 &gt; (defun foo ()
          578               <font color=orange>;; not a valid UTF-8 sequence</font>
          579               (<a href="#with-input-from-sequence" class=noborder>with-input-from-sequence</a> (in '(#xe4 #xf6 #xfc))
          580                 (setq in (<a href="#make-flexi-stream" class=noborder>make-flexi-stream</a> in :external-format :utf8))
          581                 (read-line in)))
          582 FOO
          584 CL-USER 2 &gt; (foo)
          586 Error: Unexpected value #xF6 in UTF-8 sequence.
          587   1 (continue) Specify a character to be used instead.
          588   2 (abort) Return to level 0.
          589   3 Return to top loop level 0.
          591 Type :b for backtrace, :c &lt;option number&gt; to proceed,  or :? for other options
          593 CL-USER 3 : 1 &gt; :c
          594 Type a character: x
          596 Error: End of file while in UTF-8 sequence.
          597   1 (continue) Specify a character to be used instead.
          598   2 (abort) Return to level 0.
          599   3 Return to top loop level 0.
          601 Type :b for backtrace, :c &lt;option number&gt; to proceed,  or :? for other options
          603 CL-USER 4 : 1 &gt; :c
          604 Type a character: y
          605 "xy"
          606 T
          608 CL-USER 5 &gt; (<a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/m_handle.htm" class=noborder>handler-bind</a> ((<a href="#external-format-encoding-error" class=noborder>external-format-encoding-error</a> (lambda (condition)
          609                                                           (<a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/r_use_va.htm" class=noborder>use-value</a> #\-))))
          610               (foo))
          611 "--"
          612 T
          614 CL-USER 6 &gt; (let ((<a href="#*SUBSTITUTION-CHAR*" class=noborder>*substitution-char*</a> #\?))
          615               (foo))
          616 "??"
          617 T
          618 </pre>
          619 </blockquote>
          621 <p><br>[Restart]
          622 <br><a class=none name="accept-overlong-sequence"><b>accept-overlong-sequence</b></a>
          624 <blockquote><br> This is
          625 a <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/09_adb.htm">restart</a>
          626 which is established whenever a UTF-8 "overlong" sequence is
          627 encountered.  If
          628 you <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_invo_1.htm">invoke</a>
          629 this restart, the corresponding code point will be accepted although
          630 it was encoded in an illegal way.
          631 </blockquote>
          633 <h4><a name="flexi-streams" class=none>Flexi streams</a></h4>
          635 <em>Flexi streams</em> are the core of the FLEXI-STREAMS library.  You
          636 create them using the
          637 function <a
          638 href="#make-flexi-stream"><code>MAKE-FLEXI-STREAM</code></a> which
          639 takes an open binary stream (called the <em>underlying</em> stream) as its only required argument.
          640 A <em>binary</em> stream in this context means that if it's an <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_i.htm#input">input
          641 stream</a>, you can read from it with
          642 <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_rd_by.htm"><code>READ-BYTE</code></a>
          643 (or, as a workaround for LispWorks, you can at least apply
          644 <a
          645 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_rd_seq.htm"><code>READ-SEQUENCE</code></a>
          646 to it where the sequence is an array of element
          647 type <a href="#octet"><code>OCTET</code></a>), and similarly for 
          648 <a
          649 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_wr_by.htm#write-byte"><code>WRITE-BYTE</code></a>
          650 (<a
          651 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_wr_seq.htm"><code>WRITE-SEQUENCE</code></a>
          652 for LispWorks)
          653 and <a
          654 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_o.htm#output">output
          655 streams</a>.  (Note that this specifically holds
          656 for <a
          657 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw50/LWRM/html/lwref-91.htm"><em>bivalent</em>
          658 streams</a> like socket streams.)
          659 <p>
          660 A flexi stream behaves like an ordinary Lisp stream.  It is an input
          661 stream if the underlying binary stream is an input stream, and it is
          662 an output stream when the underlying binary stream is an output
          663 stream.  You can write characters as well
          664 as <a href="#octet">octets</a> to an output flexi stream and similarly
          665 you can read characters and octets from an input flexi stream.
          666 <p>
          667 A flexi stream always has an <a href="#external-formats">external
          668 format</a> associated with it which is deployed whenever you read
          669 characters from the stream or write characters to it.  You
          670 can <a href="#flexi-stream-external-format">change</a> the external
          671 format while you use the stream.
          672 <p>
          673 Once you're using a flexi stream you should <em>not</em> read from or
          674 write to the underlying stream directly anymore.
          675 <p>
          676 If
          677 you <a
          678 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_close.htm">close</a>
          679 a flexi stream, the underlying stream will also be closed.  However, it
          680 also suffices to close the underlying stream directly should you not
          681 want to use the flexi stream anymore.  So, the following usage
          682 (where <code>IN</code> is implicitly closed at the end) is OK:
          683 <pre>
          684 (with-open-file (in "/foo/bar/baz.txt")
          685   (let ((flexi (<a href="#make-flexi-stream" class=noborder>make-flexi-stream</a> in <a href="#external-formats" class=noborder>:external-format</a> :hebrew)))
          686     (read-line flexi)))
          687 </pre>
          688 <p>
          689 Output flexi streams will try to keep track of
          690 the <a
          691 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw50/LWRM/html/lwref-591.htm">column</a>
          692 they're in but you can also <a href="#flexi-stream-column">set</a> the
          693 column directly.  This value will be incremented by one for each
          694 character written to the stream and it will be set to <code>0</code>
          695 if you send a <code>#\Newline</code> character.  The column will be
          696 set to <code>NIL</code> if an <a href="#octet"><code>OCTET</code></a>
          697 is sent to the stream.  Once the column is <code>NIL</code> it'll stay
          698 like that unless it is explicitly set to another value.
          699 <p>
          700 Input flexi streams keep track of
          701 their <a href="#flexi-stream-position">position</a> within the stream.
          702 This value is incremented by one for
          703 each <a href="#octet"><code>OCTET</code></a> read from the stream, and
          704 it is incremented by the number of octets actually read for each
          705 character read from the stream.  So, if the encoding is UTF-8, reading
          706 the character <code>#\&auml;</code> (a-umlaut) will advance the position by two.
          707 If the encoding is UTF-32 and the end-of-line style
          708 is <code>:CRLF</code>, reading a <code>#\Newline</code> will advance
          709 the position by eight.
          710 <p>
          711 You can also set the <a href="#flexi-stream-bound">bound</a> of an
          712 input flexi stream.  Initially it is <code>NIL</code>, but when it's
          713 an integer and the
          714 stream's <a href="#flexi-stream-position">position</a> has gone beyond
          715 this bound, the stream will behave as if no more input is available.
          716 <p>
          717 Caveat: You can
          718 only <a
          719 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_unrd_c.htm">unread</a>
          720 a character from a flexi stream if you haven't changed the external format after you read it.
          721 <p>
          722 Caveat: The <em>underlying</em> stream should either be a <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_b.htm#binary">binary stream</a> (i.e. have an element type that is a subtype of integer) or it should explicitly use an <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw50/LWUG/html/lwuser-360.htm">external format</a> with <code>:LF</code> as its end-of-line style.  Otherwise it might perform unwanted conversion of line endings on its own.  (LispWorks <a href="http://article.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.lispworks.general/4859">does this</a> even if you write binary data to the stream using <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_wr_seq.htm"><code>WRITE-SEQUENCE</code></a>.)
          724 <p><br>[Standard class]
          725 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream"><b>flexi-stream</b></a>
          727 <blockquote><br>
          728 Every <a href="#flexi-streams"><em>flexi stream</em></a> returned by <a href="#make-flexi-stream"><code>MAKE-FLEXI-STREAM</code></a> is of this type which is a subtype of <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/t_stream.htm"><code>STREAM</code></a>.
          729 </blockquote>
          731 <p><br>[Standard class]
          732 <br><a class=none name="flexi-input-stream"><b>flexi-input-stream</b></a>
          734 <blockquote><br>
          735 A <a href="#flexi-streams"><em>flexi stream</em></a> is of this type if its underlying stream is an <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_in_stm.htm">input stream</a>.  This is a subtype of <a href="#flexi-stream"><code>FLEXI-STREAM</code></a>.
          736 </blockquote>
          738 <p><br>[Standard class]
          739 <br><a class=none name="flexi-output-stream"><b>flexi-output-stream</b></a>
          741 <blockquote><br>
          742 A <a href="#flexi-streams"><em>flexi stream</em></a> is of this type if its underlying stream is an <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_in_stm.htm">output stream</a>.  This is a subtype of <a href="#flexi-stream"><code>FLEXI-STREAM</code></a>.
          743 </blockquote>
          745 <p><br>[Standard class]
          746 <br><a class=none name="flexi-io-stream"><b>flexi-io-stream</b></a>
          748 <blockquote><br>
          749 A <a href="#flexi-streams"><em>flexi stream</em></a> is of this type if it is both a <a href="#flexi-input-stream"><code>FLEXI-INPUT-STREAM</code></a> as well as a <a href="#flexi-output-stream"><code>FLEXI-OUTPUT-STREAM</code></a>.
          750 </blockquote>
          752 <p><br>[Function]
          753 <br><a class=none name="make-flexi-stream"><b>make-flexi-stream</b> <i>stream <tt>&amp;key</tt> external-format element-type column position bound</i> =&gt; <i>flexi-stream</i></a>
          755 <blockquote><br>
          756 Creates and returns a <a href="#flexi-streams"><em>flexi stream</em></a>, i.e. an object of type <a href="#flexi-stream"><code>FLEXI-STREAM</code></a>.  <code><i>stream</i></code> is the underlying Lisp stream. <code><i>external-format</i></code> is the initial <a href="#external-formats">external format</a> to be used by the stream, the default is the value of evaluating <code>(<a href="#make-external-format">MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT</a>&nbsp;:LATIN1)</code>.  <code><i>element-type</i></code> is the initial <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_stm_el.htm">element type</a> of the flexi stream the default of which is <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw50/LWRM/html/lwref-346.htm"><code>LW:SIMPLE-CHAR</code></a> for LispWorks and <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/t_ch.htm"><code>CHARACTER</code></a> otherwise. <code><i>column</i></code> is the initial column of the stream and should only be provided for output streams, the default is <code>0</code>.  <code><i>position</i></code> is the initial octet position of the stream and must only be provided for input streams, the default is <code>0</code>.  <code><i>bound</i></code> should be <code>NIL</code> (the default) or an integer and must only be provided for input streams.  If the octet position of the stream has gone beyond this bound, the stream will behave as if no more input is available.  See <a href="#flexi-streams">the section about flexi streams</a> for more information.
          757 </blockquote>
          759 <p><br>[Accessors]
          760 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream-external-format"><b>flexi-stream-external-format</b> <i>flexi-stream</i> =&gt; <i>external-format</i></a>
          761 <br><tt>(setf (</tt><b>flexi-stream-external-format</b> <i>flexi-stream</i>) <i>external-format</i><tt>)</tt>
          762 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream-element-type"><b>flexi-stream-element-type</b> <i>flexi-stream</i> =&gt; <i>element-type</i></a>
          763 <br><tt>(setf (</tt><b>flexi-stream-element-type</b> <i>flexi-stream</i>) <i>element-type</i><tt>)</tt>
          764 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream-column"><b>flexi-stream-column</b> <i>flexi-output-stream</i> =&gt; <i>column</i></a>
          765 <br><tt>(setf (</tt><b>flexi-stream-column</b> <i>flexi-output-stream</i>) <i>column</i><tt>)</tt>
          766 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream-position"><b>flexi-stream-position</b> <i>flexi-input-stream</i> =&gt; <i>position</i></a>
          767 <br><tt>(setf (</tt><b>flexi-stream-position</b> <i>flexi-input-stream</i>) <i>position</i><tt>)</tt>
          768 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream-bound"><b>flexi-stream-bound</b> <i>flexi-input-stream</i> =&gt; <i>bound</i></a>
          769 <br><tt>(setf (</tt><b>flexi-stream-bound</b> <i>flexi-input-stream</i>) <i>bound</i><tt>)</tt>
          771 <blockquote><br>
          772 These methods can be used to get and set the corresponding attributes of a <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi stream</a>.
          773 <p>
          774 <a href="#flexi-stream-external-format"><code>(SETF
          775 FLEXI-STREAM-EXTERNAL-FORMAT)</code></a> accepts keyword symbols
          776 (<a href="#external-formats">names of external formats</a>), lists
          777 (which should be valid lists of parameters
          778 to <a
          779 href="#make-external-format"><code>MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code></a>), or <code>EXTERNAL-FORMAT</code> objects:
          780 <pre>
          781 CL-USER 1 &gt; (setf (flexi-stream-external-format *my-stream*) :ucs-4le)
          784 CL-USER 2 &gt; (setf (flexi-stream-external-format *my-stream*) '(:ucs-2be :eol-style :br))
          787 CL-USER 3 &gt; (setf (flexi-stream-external-format *my-stream*) (make-external-format :ibm437))
          788 #&lt;FLEXI-STREAMS::EXTERNAL-FORMAT (:CODE-PAGE :ID 437 :EOL-STYLE :CRLF) 2068716C&gt;
          789 </pre>
          790 </blockquote>
          792 <p><br>[Reader]
          793 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream-stream"><b>flexi-stream-stream</b> <i>flexi-stream</i> =&gt; <i>stream</i></a>
          795 <blockquote><br>
          796 This method returns the underlying stream of a <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi stream</a>.
          797 </blockquote>
          799 <p><br>[Generic function]
          800 <br><a class=none name="unread-byte"><b>unread-byte</b> <i>byte stream</i> =&gt; <i>nil</i></a>
          802 <blockquote><br>
          803 Similar to <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_unrd_c.htm"><code>UNREAD-CHAR</code></a> in that it "unreads" the last <a href="#octet">octet</a> from
          804 <code><i>stream</i></code> which must be a <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi stream</a>.  Note that you can only call <code>UNREAD-BYTE</code> after a corresponding
          805 <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_rd_by.htm"><code>READ-BYTE</code></a>, <em>not</em> after <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_rd_cha.htm"><code>READ-CHAR</code></a>.
          806 </blockquote>
          808 <p><br>[Generic function]
          809 <br><a class=none name="peek-byte"><b>peek-byte</b> <i>stream <tt>&amp;optional</tt> peek-type eof-error-p eof-value</i> =&gt; <i>byte</i></a>
          811 <blockquote><br>
          812 <code>PEEK-BYTE</code> is like <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_peek_c.htm"><code>PEEK-CHAR</code></a>, i.e. it returns an <a href="#octet">octet</a> from <code><i>stream</i></code> (which must be a <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi stream</a>)
          813 without actually removing it.  If <code><i>peek-type</i></code> is <code>NIL</code>, the next octet is
          814 returned, if <code><i>peek-type</i></code> is <code>T</code>, the next octet which is not <code>0</code> is
          815 returned, if <code><i>peek-type</i></code> is an octet, the next octet which equals
          816 <code><i>peek-type</i></code> is returned.  <code><i>eof-error-p</i></code> and <code><i>eof-value</i></code> are interpreted as usual.
          817 <p>
          818 Note that the parameters aren't in the same order as with <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_peek_c.htm"><code>PEEK-CHAR</code></a> because it doesn't make much sense to make <code><i>stream</i></code> an optional argument.
          819 </blockquote>
          821 <p><br>[Type]
          822 <br><a class=none name="octet"><b>octet</b></a>
          824 <blockquote><br>
          825 Just a shortcut for <code>(UNSIGNED-BYTE&nbsp;8)</code>.
          826 </blockquote>
          828 <p><br>[Condition]
          829 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream-error"><b>flexi-stream-error</b></a>
          831 <blockquote><br>
          832 All errors related to <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi streams</a> are of this type.  This is a subtype of <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/e_stm_er.htm"><code>STREAM-ERROR</code></a>.
          833 </blockquote>
          835 <p><br>[Condition]
          836 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream-out-of-sync-error"><b>flexi-stream-out-of-sync-error</b></a>
          838 <blockquote><br> This can happen if you're trying to write to
          839 an <a href="#flexi-io-stream">IO stream</a> which had prior to that
          840 "looked ahead" while reading and now can't "rewind" to the octet where
          841 you <em>should</em> be.
          842 </blockquote>
          844 <p><br>[Condition]
          845 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream-element-type-error"><b>flexi-stream-element-type-error</b></a>
          847 <blockquote><br>
          848 All errors related to problems with the element type of <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi streams</a> are of this type.  This is a subtype of <a href="#flexi-stream-error"><code>FLEXI-STREAM-ERROR</code></a> and has an additional slot for the element type which can be accessed with <a href="#flexi-stream-element-type-error-element-type"><code>FLEXI-STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE-ERROR-ELEMENT-TYPE</code></a>.
          849 </blockquote>
          851 <p><br>[Reader]
          852 <br><a class=none name="flexi-stream-element-type-error-element-type"><b>flexi-stream-element-type-error-element-type</b> <i>condition</i> =&gt; <i>element-type</i></a>
          854 <blockquote><br>
          855 If <code><i>condition</i></code> is of type <a href="#flexi-stream-element-type-error"><code>FLEXI-STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE-ERROR</code></a>, this function will return the offending element type.
          856 </blockquote>
          858 <h4><a name="in-memory" class=none>In-memory streams</a></h4>
          860 The library also provides <em>in-memory</em> binary streams which are modeled after <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/t_stg_st.htm">string streams</a> and behave very similar only that they deal with <a href="#octet">octets</a> instead of characters and the underlying data structure is not a string but either a list or a vector.  These streams can obviously be used as the underlying streams for <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi streams</a>.
          862 <p><br>[Standard class]
          863 <br><a class=none name="in-memory-stream"><b>in-memory-stream</b></a>
          865 <blockquote><br>
          866 Every <a href="#in-memory"><em>in-memory stream</em></a> returned by <a href="#make-in-memory-input-stream"><code>MAKE-IN-MEMORY-INPUT-STREAM</code></a> or <a href="#make-in-memory-output-stream"><code>MAKE-IN-MEMORY-OUTPUT-STREAM</code></a> is of this type which is a subtype of <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/t_stream.htm"><code>STREAM</code></a>.
          867 </blockquote>
          869 <p><br>[Standard class]
          870 <br><a class=none name="in-memory-input-stream"><b>in-memory-input-stream</b></a>
          872 <blockquote><br>
          873 Every <a href="#in-memory"><em>in-memory stream</em></a> returned by <a href="#make-in-memory-input-stream"><code>MAKE-IN-MEMORY-INPUT-STREAM</code></a> is of this type which is a subtype of <a href="#in-memory-stream"><code>IN-MEMORY-STREAM</code></a>.
          874 </blockquote>
          876 <p><br>[Standard class]
          877 <br><a class=none name="in-memory-output-stream"><b>in-memory-output-stream</b></a>
          879 <blockquote><br>
          880 Every <a href="#in-memory"><em>in-memory stream</em></a> returned by <a href="#make-in-memory-output-stream"><code>MAKE-IN-MEMORY-OUTPUT-STREAM</code></a> is of this type which is a subtype of <a href="#in-memory-stream"><code>IN-MEMORY-STREAM</code></a>.
          881 </blockquote>
          883 <p><br>[Standard class]
          884 <br><a class=none name="list-stream"><b>list-stream</b></a>
          886 <blockquote><br>
          887 Every <a href="#in-memory"><em>in-memory input stream</em></a> is of this type if it reads from a list.
          888 </blockquote>
          890 <p><br>[Standard class]
          891 <br><a class=none name="vector-stream"><b>vector-stream</b></a>
          893 <blockquote><br>
          894 Every <a href="#in-memory"><em>in-memory stream</em></a> is of this type if it reads from or writes to a vector.
          895 </blockquote>
          897 <p><br>[Generic function]
          898 <br><a class=none name="make-in-memory-input-stream"><b>make-in-memory-input-stream</b> <i>sequence <tt>&amp;key</tt> start end transformer</i> =&gt; <i>in-memory-input-stream</i></a>
          900 <blockquote><br>
          901 Returns a <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_b.htm#binary">binary</a> <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_i.htm#input">input</a> stream (of type <a href="#in-memory-input-stream"><code>IN-MEMORY-INPUT-STREAM</code></a>) which will supply, in order, the
          902 octets in the subsequence of <code><i>sequence</i></code> bounded by <code><i>start</i></code> (the default is <code>0</code>) and <code><i>end</i></code> (the default is the length of <code><i>sequence</i></code>).  <code><i>sequence</i></code> must either be a list or a vector of <a href="#octet">octets</a>.
          903 Each octet returned will be transformed in turn by the optional
          904 <code><i>transformer</i></code> function.
          905 </blockquote>
          907 <p><br>[Function]
          908 <br><a class=none name="make-in-memory-output-stream"><b>make-in-memory-output-stream</b>  <i><tt>&amp;key</tt> element-type transformer</i> =&gt; <i>in-memory-output-stream</i></a>
          910 <blockquote><br>
          911 Returns a <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_b.htm#binary">binary</a> <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_o.htm#output">output</a> stream (of type <a href="#in-memory-output-stream"><code>IN-MEMORY-OUTPUT-STREAM</code></a>) which accepts objects of type <code><i>element-type</i></code> (a subtype of <a href="#octet"><code>OCTET</code></a>) and makes
          912 available a sequence (see <a href="#get-output-stream-sequence"><code>GET-OUTPUT-STREAM-SEQUENCE</code></a>) that contains the octets that were actually
          913 output.  The octets stored will each be transformed by the optional <code><i>transformer</i></code> function.
          914 </blockquote>
          916 <p><br>[Generic function]
          917 <br><a class=none name="get-output-stream-sequence"><b>get-output-stream-sequence</b> <i>stream <tt>&amp;key</tt> as-list</i> =&gt; <i>sequence</i></a>
          919 <blockquote><br>
          920 Returns a vector containing, in order, all the octets that have
          921 been output to the <a href="#in-memory">in-memory output stream</a> <code><i>stream</i></code>. This operation clears any
          922 octets on <code><i>stream</i></code>, so the vector contains only those octets which have
          923 been output since the last call to <a href="#get-output-stream-sequence"><code>GET-OUTPUT-STREAM-SEQUENCE</code></a> or since
          924 the creation of the stream, whichever occurred most recently.  If
          925 <code><i>as-list</i></code> is true the return value is coerced to a list.
          926 </blockquote>
          928 <p><br>[Generic function]
          929 <br><a class=none name="output-stream-sequence-length"><b>output-stream-sequence-length</b> <i>stream</i> =&gt; <i>length</i></a>
          931 <blockquote><br> Returns the current length of the underlying vector
          932 of the <a href="#in-memory">in-memory output
          933 stream</a> <code><i>stream</i></code>, i.e. this is the length of the
          934 sequence that <a href="#get-output-stream-sequence"><code>GET-OUTPUT-STREAM-SEQUENCE</code></a> would return if called at
          935 this very moment.
          936 </blockquote>
          938 <p><br>[Macro]
          939 <br><a class=none name="with-input-from-sequence"><b>with-input-from-sequence</b> <i>(var sequence <tt>&amp;key</tt> start end transformer) statement*</i> =&gt; <i>result*</i></a>
          941 <blockquote><br> Creates an <a href="#in-memory">in-memory input
          942 stream</a> from the sequence <code><i>sequence</i></code> using the
          943 parameters <code><i>start</i></code> and <code><i>end</i></code>
          944 (see <a
          945 href="#make-in-memory-input-stream"><code>MAKE-IN-MEMORY-INPUT-STREAM</code></a>),
          946 binds <code><i>var</i></code> to this stream and then executes
          947 the <code><i>statement*</i></code> forms.  A
          948 function <code><i>transformer</i></code> may optionally be specified
          949 to transform the returned octets.  The stream is automatically closed
          950 on exit from
          951 <a href="#with-output-to-sequence"><code>WITH-OUTPUT-TO-SEQUENCE</code></a>, no matter whether the exit is normal or
          952 abnormal.  The return value of this macro is the return value of
          953 the last statement of <code><i>statement*</i></code>.
          954 </blockquote>
          956 <p><br>[Macro]
          957 <br><a class=none name="with-output-to-sequence"><b>with-output-to-sequence</b> <i>(var <tt>&amp;key</tt> as-list element-type transformer) statement*</i> =&gt; <i>sequence</i></a>
          959 <blockquote><br>
          960 Creates an <a href="#in-memory">in-memory output stream</a>, binds <code><i>var</i></code> to this stream and
          961 then executes the <code><i>statement*</i></code> forms.  The stream stores
          962 data of type <code><i>element-type</i></code> (a subtype of <a href="#octet"><code>OCTET</code></a>) which is (optionally) transformed by the
          963 function <code><i>transformer</i></code> prior to storage. The stream is automatically closed on
          964 exit from <a href="#with-output-to-sequence"><code>WITH-OUTPUT-TO-SEQUENCE</code></a>, no matter whether the exit is
          965 normal or abnormal.  The return value of this macro is a vector (or a
          966 list if <code><i>as-list</i></code> is true) containing the octets that were sent to the
          967 stream within the body of the macro.
          968 </blockquote>
          970 <p><br>[Condition]
          971 <br><a class=none name="in-memory-stream-error"><b>in-memory-stream-error</b></a>
          973 <blockquote><br>
          974 All errors related to <a href="#in-memory">in-memory streams</a> are of this type.  This is a subtype of <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/e_stm_er.htm"><code>STREAM-ERROR</code></a>.
          975 </blockquote>
          977 <p><br>[Condition]
          978 <br><a class=none name="in-memory-stream-closed-error"><b>in-memory-stream-closed-error</b></a>
          980 <blockquote><br>
          981 An error of this type is signalled if one tries to read from or write to an <a href="#in-memory">in-memory stream</a> which had already been closed.  This is a subtype of <a href="#in-memory-stream-error"><code>IN-MEMORY-STREAM-ERROR</code></a>.
          982 </blockquote>
          984 <p><br>[Condition]
          985 <br><a class=none name="in-memory-stream-position-spec-error"><b>in-memory-stream-position-spec-error</b></a>
          987 <blockquote><br> Errors of this type are signalled if an erroneous
          988 position spec is used in conjunction
          989 with <a href="#position"><code>FILE-POSITION</code></a>.  This is a
          990 subtype
          991 of <a href="#in-memory-stream-error"><code>IN-MEMORY-STREAM-ERROR</code></a>
          992 and has an additional slot for the position spec which can be accessed
          993 with <a href="#in-memory-stream-position-spec-error-position-spec"><code>IN-MEMORY-STREAM-POSITION-SPEC-ERROR-POSITION-SPEC</code></a>.
          994 </blockquote>
          996 <p><br>[Reader]
          997 <br><a class=none name="in-memory-stream-position-spec-error-position-spec"><b>in-memory-stream-position-spec-error-position-spec</b> <i>condition</i> =&gt; <i>position-spec</i></a>
          999 <blockquote><br>
         1000 If <code><i>condition</i></code> is of type <a href="#in-memory-stream-position-spec-error"><code>IN-MEMORY-STREAM-POSITION-SPEC-ERROR</code></a>, this function will return the offending position spec.
         1001 </blockquote>
         1003 <h4><a name="strings" class=none>Strings</a></h4>
         1005 This section collects a few convenience functions for strings conversions.
         1007 <p><br>[Function]
         1008 <br><a class=none name="string-to-octets"><b>string-to-octets</b> <i>string <tt>&amp;key</tt> external-format start end</i> =&gt; <i>vector</i></a>
         1010 <blockquote><br>
         1012 Converts the Lisp string <code><i>string</i></code> from <code><i>start</i></code> to <code><i>end</i></code> to an array of
         1013 <a href="#octet">octets</a> corresponding to the <a href="#external-formats">external
         1014 format</a> designated by <code><i>external-format</i></code>. The defaults for
         1015 <code><i>start</i></code> and <code><i>end</i></code>
         1016 are <code>0</code> and the length of the string.  The default
         1017 for <code><i>external-format</i></code> is <code>:LATIN1</code>.
         1018 <p>
         1019 In spite of the name, <code><i>string</i></code> can be any sequence of characters, but
         1020 the function is optimized for strings.
         1021 </blockquote>
         1023 <p><br>[Function]
         1024 <br><a class=none name="octets-to-string"><b>octets-to-string</b> <i>sequence <tt>&amp;key</tt> external-format start end</i> =&gt; <i>string</i></a>
         1026 <blockquote><br> Converts the Lisp
         1027 sequence <code><i>sequence</i></code> of <a href="#octet">octets</a>
         1028 from <code><i>start</i></code> to <code><i>end</i></code> to a string
         1029 using the <a href="#external-formats">external format</a> designated
         1030 by <code><i>external-format</i></code>.  The defaults for
         1031 <code><i>start</i></code> and <code><i>end</i></code>
         1032 are <code>0</code> and the length of the sequence.  The default
         1033 for <code><i>external-format</i></code> is <code>:LATIN1</code>.
         1034 <p>
         1035 This function is optimized for the case
         1036 of <code><i>sequence</i></code> being
         1037 a <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/t_vector.htm">vector</a>.
         1038 Don't use lists if you are in hurry.
         1039 </blockquote>
         1041 <p><br>[Function]
         1042 <br><a class=none name="octet-length"><b>octet-length</b> <i>string <tt>&amp;key</tt> external-format start end</i> =&gt; <i>length</i></a>
         1044 <blockquote><br>
         1046 Returns the length of the subsequence of <code><i>string</i></code> from <code><i>start</i></code> to <code><i>end</i></code> in
         1047 <a href="#octet">octets</a> if encoded using
         1048 the <a href="#external-formats">external format</a> designated
         1049 by <code><i>external-format</i></code>.
         1050 The defaults for
         1051 <code><i>start</i></code> and <code><i>end</i></code>
         1052 are <code>0</code> and the length of <code><i>string</i></code>.  The default
         1053 for <code><i>external-format</i></code> is <code>:LATIN1</code>.
         1054 <p>
         1055 In spite of the name, <code><i>string</i></code> can be any sequence of characters, but
         1056 the function is optimized for strings.
         1057 </blockquote>
         1059 <p><br>[Function]
         1060 <br><a class=none name="char-length"><b>char-length</b> <i>sequence <tt>&amp;key</tt> external-format start end</i> =&gt; <i>length</i></a>
         1062 <blockquote><br>
         1064 Kind of the inverse of <a href="#octet-length"><code>OCTET-LENGTH</code></a>.
         1065 Returns the length of the subsequence (of <a href="#octet">octets</a>) of <code><i>sequence</i></code> from <code><i>start</i></code> to <code><i>end</i></code> in
         1066 characters if decoded using
         1067 the <a href="#external-formats">external format</a> designated
         1068 by <code><i>external-format</i></code>.
         1069 The defaults for
         1070 <code><i>start</i></code> and <code><i>end</i></code>
         1071 are <code>0</code> and the length of the sequence.  The default
         1072 for <code><i>external-format</i></code> is <code>:LATIN1</code>.  Note that this function doesn't check for the validity of the data in <code><i>sequence</i></code>.
         1073 <p>
         1074 This function is optimized for the case
         1075 of <code><i>sequence</i></code> being
         1076 a <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/t_vector.htm">vector</a>.
         1077 Don't use lists if you are in hurry.
         1078 </blockquote>
         1080 <br>&nbsp;<br><h3><a class=none name="position">File positions</a></h3>
         1082 For <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi streams</a> as well
         1083 as for  <a href="#input-memory">in-memory
         1084 streams</a>, <a
         1085 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_file_p.htm">FILE-POSITION</a>
         1086 will usually return <code>NIL</code> and do nothing when a second
         1087 argument is supplied.  This is correct
         1088 w.r.t. the <a
         1089 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/">ANSI
         1090 standard</a>, but not very helpful.  However, even
         1091 with <a
         1092 href="http://www.nhplace.com/kent/CL/Issues/stream-definition-by-user.html">Gray
         1093 streams</a> there is no <em>portable</em> way to implement a better
         1094 behaviour.
         1095 <p>
         1096 For <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/">LispWorks</a>
         1097 and <a href="http://clisp.sf.net/">CLISP</a>,
         1098 <a
         1099 href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_file_p.htm">FILE-POSITION</a>
         1100 for <a href="#flexi-streams">flexi streams</a> will work as if the
         1101 function had been applied to the underlying stream, and
         1102 for <a href="#input-memory">in-memory streams</a> it will try to do
         1103 something sensible if the underlying data structure is a vector
         1104 (i.e. <em>not</em> a list).  Patches for other Common Lisp
         1105 implementations should be sent to
         1106 the <a
         1107 href="http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-plus-ssl/#trivial-gray-streams">trivial-gray-streams</a>
         1108 maintainers.
         1110 <br>&nbsp;<br><h3><a class=none name="ack">Acknowledgements</a></h3>
         1112 Thanks to David Lichteblau for numerous portability patches.  Thanks
         1113 to Igor Plekhov for the KOI8-R code.  Thanks to Anton Vodonosov for
         1114 numerous patches and additions.  Thanks
         1115 to <a href="http://netzhansa.blogspot.com/">Hans H&uuml;bner</a> for
         1116 his work on making FLEXI-STREAMS faster.
         1118 </body>
         1119 </html>