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            1 Programmers who lock onto a design decision and cling to it in the face ofcontradictory new information -- well, that's almost everyone in myexperience, so I better not say what I think of them or people will startsaying bad things about me on c.l.l.   -- Ken Tilton%This reminds me of the NYC cabby who accepted a fare to Chicago. Whenthey got there and could not find the friend who was supposed to pay thefare he just laughed and said he should have known.   -- Ken Tilton%>> Actually, I believe that Aikido, Jazz and Lisp are different appearances>> of the same thing.Yes, the Tao. /Everything/ is a different appearance of the tao.   -- Ken Tilton"Ken, I went to the library and read up on Buddhism, and believe me, youare no Buddhist."   -- Kenny's mom%That absolutely terrifies the herd-following, lockstep-marching,mainstream-saluting cowards that obediently dash out or online toscoop up books on The Latest Thing. They learn and use atrocities likeJava, C++, XML, and even Python for the security it gives them andthen sit there slaving away miserably, tediously, joylously paying offmortgages and supporting ungrateful teenagers who despise them, onlyto look out the double-sealed thermo-pane windows of theircentral-heated, sound-proofed, dead-bolted, suffocating little nestsinto the howling gale thinking "what do they know that I do not know?"when they see us under a lean-to hunched over our laptops to shieldthem from the rain laughing our asses off as we write great codebetween bong hits.... what was the question?   -- Ken Tilton%Shut up! (That last phrase has four or more syllables if pronounced asintended.)   -- Ken Tilton%Nonsense. You'll be using it for the GUI, not protein-folding.   -- Ken Tilton            (responding to a comment that LTK was slow because it             was based on TK)%Continuations certainly are clever, but if we learned anything from therejection of the cover art for "Smell the Glove", it is that "there is afine line between stupid... and clever".   -- Ken Tilton%Ah, there's no place like academia for dispassionate, intellectuallyhonest discussion of new ideas on their merits. Thank god for tenuregiving your bold antagonist the protection they needed to shout downyour iconoclastic..... hang on...   -- Ken Tilton%Whoever objected must be in my killfile, ...   -- Ken Tilton%From memory (but I think I have it right):"But Jesus said, Suffer captured variables, and forbid them not, to comeunto thine macro bodies: for of such is are DSLs made."   -- Ken TiltonCan I get an Amen?%Awareness of defect is the first step to recovery.   -- Ken Tilton%You made a bad analogy (there are no good ones, but you found a newlow) ...   -- Ken Tilton%Yes, it is true that Kent Pitman was raised by a closet full of LispMachines, but the exception only proves the rule.   -- Ken Tilton           (in a postscript after positing that computer            languages are not learned in infancy)%I suggest you try bartender's school to support yourself, startprogramming for fun again.   -- Ken Tilton           (responding to a comment that 98% of anything to do            with computers was not interesting code)%You could add four lanes to my carpal tunnel and I still could notwrite all the code I am dying to write.   -- Ken Tilton%Neutrality? I want to bury other languages, not have a gateway to them.   -- Ken Tilton%Ken: "Cute puppy. Did you get it for companionship or to pick up chicks?"Simon: "Hunh? My puppy /always/ gives me companionship."   -- Ken Tilton           (on how he was understood by a native english speaker)%