documentation.lisp - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
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       documentation.lisp (2155B)
            1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
            3 (in-package :split-sequence)
            5 (setf (documentation 'split-sequence 'function)
            6       "Return a list of subsequences in seq delimited by delimiter.
            7 If :remove-empty-subseqs is NIL, empty subsequences will be included
            8 in the result; otherwise they will be discarded.  All other keywords
            9 work analogously to those for CL:SUBSTITUTE.  In particular, the
           10 behaviour of :from-end is possibly different from other versions of
           11 this function; :from-end values of NIL and T are equivalent unless
           12 :count is supplied. :count limits the number of subseqs in the main
           13 resulting list. The second return value is an index suitable as an
           14 argument to CL:SUBSEQ into the sequence indicating where processing
           15 stopped.")
           17 (setf (documentation 'split-sequence-if 'function)
           18       "Return a list of subsequences in seq delimited by items satisfying
           19 predicate.
           20 If :remove-empty-subseqs is NIL, empty subsequences will be included
           21 in the result; otherwise they will be discarded.  All other keywords
           22 work analogously to those for CL:SUBSTITUTE-IF.  In particular, the
           23 behaviour of :from-end is possibly different from other versions of
           24 this function; :from-end values of NIL and T are equivalent unless
           25 :count is supplied. :count limits the number of subseqs in the main
           26 resulting list. The second return value is an index suitable as an
           27 argument to CL:SUBSEQ into the sequence indicating where processing
           28 stopped.")
           30 (setf (documentation 'split-sequence-if-not 'function)
           31       "Return a list of subsequences in seq delimited by items satisfying
           32 \(CL:COMPLEMENT predicate).
           33 If :remove-empty-subseqs is NIL, empty subsequences will be included
           34 in the result; otherwise they will be discarded.  All other keywords
           35 work analogously to those for CL:SUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT.  In particular,
           36 the behaviour of :from-end is possibly different from other versions
           37 of this function; :from-end values of NIL and T are equivalent unless
           38 :count is supplied. :count limits the number of subseqs in the main
           39 resulting list. The second return value is an index suitable as an
           40 argument to CL:SUBSEQ into the sequence indicating where processing
           41 stopped.")