package.lisp - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
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       package.lisp (1382B)
            1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
            2 ;;;
            3 ;;; SPLIT-SEQUENCE
            4 ;;;
            5 ;;; This code was based on Arthur Lemmens' in
            6 ;;; <URL:>;
            7 ;;;
            8 ;;; changes include:
            9 ;;;
           10 ;;; * altering the behaviour of the :from-end keyword argument to
           11 ;;; return the subsequences in original order, for consistency with
           12 ;;; CL:REMOVE, CL:SUBSTITUTE et al. (:from-end being non-NIL only
           13 ;;; affects the answer if :count is less than the number of
           14 ;;; subsequences, by analogy with the above-referenced functions).
           15 ;;;
           16 ;;; * changing the :maximum keyword argument to :count, by analogy
           17 ;;; with CL:REMOVE, CL:SUBSTITUTE, and so on.
           18 ;;;
           19 ;;; * naming the function SPLIT-SEQUENCE rather than PARTITION rather
           20 ;;; than SPLIT.
           21 ;;;
           22 ;;; * adding SPLIT-SEQUENCE-IF and SPLIT-SEQUENCE-IF-NOT.
           23 ;;;
           24 ;;; * The second return value is now an index rather than a copy of a
           25 ;;; portion of the sequence; this index is the `right' one to feed to
           26 ;;; CL:SUBSEQ for continued processing.
           28 ;;; There's a certain amount of code duplication in the vector and
           29 ;;; extended sequence modules, which is kept to illustrate the
           30 ;;; relationship between the SPLIT-SEQUENCE functions and the
           31 ;;; CL:POSITION functions.
           33 (defpackage #:split-sequence
           34   (:use #:common-lisp)
           35   (:export #:split-sequence
           36            #:split-sequence-if
           37            #:split-sequence-if-not))