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       tdebug.lisp (5246B)
            1 ;;;;; A few essential debugging utilities by,
            2 ;;;;; to be loaded in the *PACKAGE* that you wish to debug.
            3 ;;
            4 ;; We want debugging utilities in the _current_ package,
            5 ;; so we don't have to either change the package structure
            6 ;; or use heavy package prefixes everywhere.
            7 ;;
            8 ;; The short names of symbols below are unlikely to clash
            9 ;; with global bindings of any well-designed source file being debugged,
           10 ;; yet are quite practical in a debugging session.
           11 #|
           12 ;;; If ASDF is already loaded,
           13 ;;; you can load these utilities in the current package as follows:
           14 (uiop:uiop-debug)
           15 ;; which is the same as:
           16 (uiop/utility:uiop-debug)
           18 ;; The above macro can be configured to load any other debugging utility
           19 ;; that you may prefer to this one, with your customizations,
           20 ;; by setting the variable
           21 ;;    uiop/utility:*uiop-debug-utility*
           22 ;; to a form that evaluates to a designator of the pathname to your file.
           23 ;; For instance, on a home directory shared via NFS with different names
           24 ;; on different machines, with your debug file in ~/lisp/debug-utils.lisp
           25 ;; you could in your ~/.sbclrc have the following configuration setting:
           26 (require :asdf)
           27 (setf uiop/utility:*uiop-debug-utility*
           28       '(uiop/pathname:subpathname (uiop/os:user-homedir) "lisp/debug-utils.lisp"))
           30 ;;; If ASDF is not loaded (for instance, when debugging ASDF itself),
           31 ;;; Try the below, fixing the pathname to point to this file:
           32 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
           33   (let ((kw (read-from-string (format nil ":DBG-~A" (package-name *package*)))))
           34     (unless (member kw *features*)
           35       (load "/home/tunes/cl/asdf/contrib/debug.lisp"))))
           37 |#
           39 ;;; Here we define the magic package-dependent feature.
           40 ;;; With it, you should be able to use #+DBG-/PACKAGE-NAME/
           41 ;;; to annotate your debug statements, e.g. upper-case #+DBG-ASDF
           42 ;;; This will be all upper-case even in lower-case lisps.
           44 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
           45   (let ((kw (read-from-string
           46              (format nil ":DBG-~:@(~A~)" (package-name *package*)))))
           47     (pushnew kw *features*)))
           49 ;;; Now for the debugging stuff itself.
           50 ;;; First, my all-purpose print-debugging macro
           51 (defmacro DBG (tag &rest exprs)
           52     "debug macro for print-debugging:
           53 TAG is typically a constant string or keyword to identify who is printing,
           54 but can be an arbitrary expression returning a tag to be princ'ed first;
           55 if the expression returns NIL, nothing is printed.
           56 EXPRS are expressions, which when the TAG was not NIL are evaluated in order,
           57 with their source code then their return values being printed each time.
           58 The last expression is *always* evaluated and its multiple values are returned,
           59 but its source and return values are only printed if TAG was not NIL;
           60 previous expressions are not evaluated at all if TAG was NIL.
           61 The macro expansion has relatively low overhead in space or time."
           62   (let* ((last-expr (car (last exprs)))
           63          (other-exprs (butlast exprs))
           64          (tag-var (gensym "TAG"))
           65          (thunk-var (gensym "THUNK")))
           66     `(let ((,tag-var ,tag))
           67        (flet ,(when exprs `((,thunk-var () ,last-expr)))
           68          (if ,tag-var
           69              (DBG-helper ,tag-var
           70                          (list ,@(loop :for x :in other-exprs :collect
           71                                        `(cons ',x #'(lambda () ,x))))
           72                          ',last-expr ,(if exprs `#',thunk-var nil))
           73              ,(if exprs `(,thunk-var) '(values)))))))
           75 (defun DBG-helper (tag expressions-thunks last-expression last-thunk)
           76   ;; Helper for the above debugging macro
           77   (labels
           78       ((f (stream fmt &rest args)
           79          (with-standard-io-syntax
           80            (let ((*print-readably* nil)
           81                  (*package* (find-package :cl)))
           82              (apply 'format stream fmt args)
           83              (finish-output stream))))
           84        (z (stream)
           85          (f stream "~&"))
           86        (e (fmt arg)
           87          (f *error-output* fmt arg))
           88        (x (expression thunk)
           89          (e "~&  ~S => " expression)
           90          (let ((results (multiple-value-list (funcall thunk))))
           91            (e "~{~S~^ ~}~%" results)
           92            (values-list results))))
           93     (map () #'z (list *standard-output* *error-output* *trace-output*))
           94     (e "~A~%" tag)
           95     (loop :for (expression . thunk) :in expressions-thunks
           96           :do (x expression thunk))
           97     (if last-thunk
           98         (x last-expression last-thunk)
           99         (values))))
          102 ;;; Quick definitions for use at the REPL
          103 (defun w (&rest x) (format t "~&~{~S~^ ~}~%" x)) ;Write, space separated + LF
          104 (defun a (&rest x) (format t "~&~{~A~}~%" x)) ;print Anything, no separator, LF
          105 (defun e (x) (cons x (ignore-errors (list (eval x))))) ;Evaluate
          106 (defmacro x (x) `(format t "~&~S => ~S~%" ',x ,x)) ;eXamine
          107 (defun i (&rest x) (apply (read-from-string "swank:inspect-in-emacs") x)) ; SLIME inspection
          108 (defun ra (&rest x) (require :cl-ppcre) (apply (read-from-string "cl-ppcre:regex-apropos") x))
          109 (defmacro !a (&rest foo) ; define! Alias
          110   `(progn ,@(loop :for (alias name) :on foo :by #'cddr
          111                   :collect (if (macro-function name)
          112                                `(defmacro ,alias (&rest x) `(,',name ,@x))
          113                                `(defun ,alias (&rest x) (apply ',name x))))))
          114 (!a ;;; common aliases
          115  d describe
          116  ap apropos
          117  !p defparameter
          118  m1 macroexpand-1)