utility.lisp - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
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       utility.lisp (30467B)
            1 ;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
            2 ;;;; General Purpose Utilities for ASDF
            4 (uiop/package:define-package :uiop/utility
            5   (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/package)
            6   ;; import and reexport a few things defined in :uiop/common-lisp
            7   (:import-from :uiop/common-lisp #:compatfmt #:loop* #:frob-substrings
            8    #+(or clasp ecl) #:use-ecl-byte-compiler-p #+mcl #:probe-posix)
            9   (:export #:compatfmt #:loop* #:frob-substrings #:compatfmt
           10    #+(or clasp ecl) #:use-ecl-byte-compiler-p #+mcl #:probe-posix)
           11   (:export
           12    ;; magic helper to define debugging functions:
           13    #:uiop-debug #:load-uiop-debug-utility #:*uiop-debug-utility*
           14    #:with-upgradability ;; (un)defining functions in an upgrade-friendly way
           15    #:defun* #:defgeneric*
           16    #:nest #:if-let ;; basic flow control
           17    #:parse-body ;; macro definition helper
           18    #:while-collecting #:appendf #:length=n-p #:ensure-list ;; lists
           19    #:remove-plist-keys #:remove-plist-key ;; plists
           20    #:emptyp ;; sequences
           21    #:+non-base-chars-exist-p+ ;; characters
           22    #:+max-character-type-index+ #:character-type-index #:+character-types+
           23    #:base-string-p #:strings-common-element-type #:reduce/strcat #:strcat ;; strings
           24    #:first-char #:last-char #:split-string #:stripln #:+cr+ #:+lf+ #:+crlf+
           25    #:string-prefix-p #:string-enclosed-p #:string-suffix-p
           26    #:standard-case-symbol-name #:find-standard-case-symbol ;; symbols
           27    #:coerce-class ;; CLOS
           28    #:timestamp< #:timestamps< #:timestamp*< #:timestamp<= ;; timestamps
           29    #:earlier-timestamp #:timestamps-earliest #:earliest-timestamp
           30    #:later-timestamp #:timestamps-latest #:latest-timestamp #:latest-timestamp-f
           31    #:list-to-hash-set #:ensure-gethash ;; hash-table
           32    #:ensure-function #:access-at #:access-at-count ;; functions
           33    #:call-function #:call-functions #:register-hook-function
           34    #:lexicographic< #:lexicographic<= ;; version
           35    #:simple-style-warning #:style-warn ;; simple style warnings
           36    #:match-condition-p #:match-any-condition-p ;; conditions
           37    #:call-with-muffled-conditions #:with-muffled-conditions
           38    #:not-implemented-error #:parameter-error
           39    #:symbol-test-to-feature-expression
           40    #:boolean-to-feature-expression))
           41 (in-package :uiop/utility)
           43 ;;;; Defining functions in a way compatible with hot-upgrade:
           44 ;; DEFUN* and DEFGENERIC* use FMAKUNBOUND to delete any previous fdefinition,
           45 ;; thus replacing the function without warning or error
           46 ;; even if the signature and/or generic-ness of the function has changed.
           47 ;; For a generic function, this invalidates any previous DEFMETHOD.
           48 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
           49   (macrolet
           50       ((defdef (def* def)
           51          `(defmacro ,def* (name formals &rest rest)
           52             (destructuring-bind (name &key (supersede t))
           53                 (if (or (atom name) (eq (car name) 'setf))
           54                     (list name :supersede nil)
           55                     name)
           56               (declare (ignorable supersede))
           57               `(progn
           58                  ;; We usually try to do it only for the functions that need it,
           59                  ;; which happens in asdf/upgrade - however, for ECL, we need this hammer.
           60                  ,@(when supersede
           61                      `((fmakunbound ',name)))
           62                  ,@(when (and #+(or clasp ecl) (symbolp name)) ; fails for setf functions on ecl
           63                      `((declaim (notinline ,name))))
           64                  (,',def ,name ,formals ,@rest))))))
           65     (defdef defgeneric* defgeneric)
           66     (defdef defun* defun))
           67   (defmacro with-upgradability ((&optional) &body body)
           68     "Evaluate BODY at compile- load- and run- times, with DEFUN and DEFGENERIC modified
           69 to also declare the functions NOTINLINE and to accept a wrapping the function name
           70 specification into a list with keyword argument SUPERSEDE (which defaults to T if the name
           71 is not wrapped, and NIL if it is wrapped). If SUPERSEDE is true, call UNDEFINE-FUNCTION
           72 to supersede any previous definition."
           73     `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
           74        ,@(loop :for form :in body :collect
           75                (if (consp form)
           76                    (destructuring-bind (car . cdr) form
           77                      (case car
           78                        ((defun) `(defun* ,@cdr))
           79                        ((defgeneric) `(defgeneric* ,@cdr))
           80                        (otherwise form)))
           81                    form)))))
           83 ;;; Magic debugging help. See contrib/debug.lisp
           84 (with-upgradability ()
           85   (defvar *uiop-debug-utility*
           86     '(symbol-call :uiop :subpathname (symbol-call :uiop :uiop-directory) "contrib/debug.lisp")
           87     "form that evaluates to the pathname to your favorite debugging utilities")
           89   (defmacro uiop-debug (&rest keys)
           90     "Load the UIOP debug utility at compile-time as well as runtime"
           91     `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
           92        (load-uiop-debug-utility ,@keys)))
           94   (defun load-uiop-debug-utility (&key package utility-file)
           95     "Load the UIOP debug utility in given PACKAGE (default *PACKAGE*).
           96 Beware: The utility is located by EVAL'uating the UTILITY-FILE form (default *UIOP-DEBUG-UTILITY*)."
           97     (let* ((*package* (if package (find-package package) *package*))
           98            (keyword (read-from-string
           99                      (format nil ":DBG-~:@(~A~)" (package-name *package*)))))
          100       (unless (member keyword *features*)
          101         (let* ((utility-file (or utility-file *uiop-debug-utility*))
          102                (file (ignore-errors (probe-file (eval utility-file)))))
          103           (if file (load file)
          104               (error "Failed to locate debug utility file: ~S" utility-file)))))))
          106 ;;; Flow control
          107 (with-upgradability ()
          108   (defmacro nest (&rest things)
          109     "Macro to keep code nesting and indentation under control." ;; Thanks to mbaringer
          110     (reduce #'(lambda (outer inner) `(,@outer ,inner))
          111             things :from-end t))
          113   (defmacro if-let (bindings &body (then-form &optional else-form)) ;; from alexandria
          114     ;; bindings can be (var form) or ((var1 form1) ...)
          115     (let* ((binding-list (if (and (consp bindings) (symbolp (car bindings)))
          116                              (list bindings)
          117                              bindings))
          118            (variables (mapcar #'car binding-list)))
          119       `(let ,binding-list
          120          (if (and ,@variables)
          121              ,then-form
          122              ,else-form)))))
          124 ;;; Macro definition helper
          125 (with-upgradability ()
          126   (defun parse-body (body &key documentation whole) ;; from alexandria
          127     "Parses BODY into (values remaining-forms declarations doc-string).
          128 Documentation strings are recognized only if DOCUMENTATION is true.
          129 Syntax errors in body are signalled and WHOLE is used in the signal
          130 arguments when given."
          131     (let ((doc nil)
          132           (decls nil)
          133           (current nil))
          134       (tagbody
          135        :declarations
          136          (setf current (car body))
          137          (when (and documentation (stringp current) (cdr body))
          138            (if doc
          139                (error "Too many documentation strings in ~S." (or whole body))
          140                (setf doc (pop body)))
          141            (go :declarations))
          142          (when (and (listp current) (eql (first current) 'declare))
          143            (push (pop body) decls)
          144            (go :declarations)))
          145       (values body (nreverse decls) doc))))
          148 ;;; List manipulation
          149 (with-upgradability ()
          150   (defmacro while-collecting ((&rest collectors) &body body)
          151     "COLLECTORS should be a list of names for collections.  A collector
          152 defines a function that, when applied to an argument inside BODY, will
          153 add its argument to the corresponding collection.  Returns multiple values,
          154 a list for each collection, in order.
          155    E.g.,
          156 \(while-collecting \(foo bar\)
          157            \(dolist \(x '\(\(a 1\) \(b 2\) \(c 3\)\)\)
          158              \(foo \(first x\)\)
          159              \(bar \(second x\)\)\)\)
          160 Returns two values: \(A B C\) and \(1 2 3\)."
          161     (let ((vars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (gensym (symbol-name x))) collectors))
          162           (initial-values (mapcar (constantly nil) collectors)))
          163       `(let ,(mapcar #'list vars initial-values)
          164          (flet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (c v) `(,c (x) (push x ,v) (values))) collectors vars)
          165            ,@body
          166            (values ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (v) `(reverse ,v)) vars))))))
          168   (define-modify-macro appendf (&rest args)
          169     append "Append onto list") ;; only to be used on short lists.
          171   (defun length=n-p (x n) ;is it that (= (length x) n) ?
          172     (check-type n (integer 0 *))
          173     (loop
          174       :for l = x :then (cdr l)
          175       :for i :downfrom n :do
          176         (cond
          177           ((zerop i) (return (null l)))
          178           ((not (consp l)) (return nil)))))
          180   (defun ensure-list (x)
          181     (if (listp x) x (list x))))
          184 ;;; Remove a key from a plist, i.e. for keyword argument cleanup
          185 (with-upgradability ()
          186   (defun remove-plist-key (key plist)
          187     "Remove a single key from a plist"
          188     (loop* :for (k v) :on plist :by #'cddr
          189            :unless (eq k key)
          190            :append (list k v)))
          192   (defun remove-plist-keys (keys plist)
          193     "Remove a list of keys from a plist"
          194     (loop* :for (k v) :on plist :by #'cddr
          195            :unless (member k keys)
          196            :append (list k v))))
          199 ;;; Sequences
          200 (with-upgradability ()
          201   (defun emptyp (x)
          202     "Predicate that is true for an empty sequence"
          203     (or (null x) (and (vectorp x) (zerop (length x))))))
          206 ;;; Characters
          207 (with-upgradability ()
          208   ;; base-char != character on ECL, LW, SBCL, Genera.
          209   ;; NB: We assume a total order on character types.
          210   ;; If that's not true... this code will need to be updated.
          211   (defparameter +character-types+ ;; assuming a simple hierarchy
          212     #.(coerce (loop* :for (type next) :on
          213                      '(;; In SCL, all characters seem to be 16-bit base-char
          214                        ;; Yet somehow character fails to be a subtype of base-char
          215                        #-scl base-char
          216                        ;; LW6 has BASE-CHAR < SIMPLE-CHAR < CHARACTER
          217                        ;; LW7 has BASE-CHAR < BMP-CHAR < SIMPLE-CHAR = CHARACTER
          218                        #+lispworks7+ lw:bmp-char
          219                        #+lispworks lw:simple-char
          220                        character)
          221                      :unless (and next (subtypep next type))
          222                      :collect type) 'vector))
          223   (defparameter +max-character-type-index+ (1- (length +character-types+)))
          224   (defconstant +non-base-chars-exist-p+ (plusp +max-character-type-index+))
          225   (when +non-base-chars-exist-p+ (pushnew :non-base-chars-exist-p *features*)))
          227 (with-upgradability ()
          228   (defun character-type-index (x)
          229     (declare (ignorable x))
          230     #.(case +max-character-type-index+
          231         (0 0)
          232         (1 '(etypecase x
          233              (character (if (typep x 'base-char) 0 1))
          234              (symbol (if (subtypep x 'base-char) 0 1))))
          235         (otherwise
          236          '(or (position-if (etypecase x
          237                              (character #'(lambda (type) (typep x type)))
          238                              (symbol #'(lambda (type) (subtypep x type))))
          239                +character-types+)
          240            (error "Not a character or character type: ~S" x))))))
          243 ;;; Strings
          244 (with-upgradability ()
          245   (defun base-string-p (string)
          246     "Does the STRING only contain BASE-CHARs?"
          247     (declare (ignorable string))
          248     (and #+non-base-chars-exist-p (eq 'base-char (array-element-type string))))
          250   (defun strings-common-element-type (strings)
          251     "What least subtype of CHARACTER can contain all the elements of all the STRINGS?"
          252     (declare (ignorable strings))
          253     #.(if +non-base-chars-exist-p+
          254           `(aref +character-types+
          255             (loop :with index = 0 :for s :in strings :do
          256               (flet ((consider (i)
          257                        (cond ((= i ,+max-character-type-index+) (return i))
          258                              ,@(when (> +max-character-type-index+ 1) `(((> i index) (setf index i)))))))
          259                 (cond
          260                   ((emptyp s)) ;; NIL or empty string
          261                   ((characterp s) (consider (character-type-index s)))
          262                   ((stringp s) (let ((string-type-index
          263                                        (character-type-index (array-element-type s))))
          264                                  (unless (>= index string-type-index)
          265                                    (loop :for c :across s :for i = (character-type-index c)
          266                                          :do (consider i)
          267                                          ,@(when (> +max-character-type-index+ 1)
          268                                              `((when (= i string-type-index) (return))))))))
          269                   (t (error "Invalid string designator ~S for ~S" s 'strings-common-element-type))))
          270                   :finally (return index)))
          271           ''character))
          273   (defun reduce/strcat (strings &key key start end)
          274     "Reduce a list as if by STRCAT, accepting KEY START and END keywords like REDUCE.
          275 NIL is interpreted as an empty string. A character is interpreted as a string of length one."
          276     (when (or start end) (setf strings (subseq strings start end)))
          277     (when key (setf strings (mapcar key strings)))
          278     (loop :with output = (make-string (loop :for s :in strings
          279                                             :sum (if (characterp s) 1 (length s)))
          280                                       :element-type (strings-common-element-type strings))
          281           :with pos = 0
          282           :for input :in strings
          283           :do (etypecase input
          284                 (null)
          285                 (character (setf (char output pos) input) (incf pos))
          286                 (string (replace output input :start1 pos) (incf pos (length input))))
          287           :finally (return output)))
          289   (defun strcat (&rest strings)
          290     "Concatenate strings.
          291 NIL is interpreted as an empty string, a character as a string of length one."
          292     (reduce/strcat strings))
          294   (defun first-char (s)
          295     "Return the first character of a non-empty string S, or NIL"
          296     (and (stringp s) (plusp (length s)) (char s 0)))
          298   (defun last-char (s)
          299     "Return the last character of a non-empty string S, or NIL"
          300     (and (stringp s) (plusp (length s)) (char s (1- (length s)))))
          302   (defun split-string (string &key max (separator '(#\Space #\Tab)))
          303     "Split STRING into a list of components separated by
          304 any of the characters in the sequence SEPARATOR.
          305 If MAX is specified, then no more than max(1,MAX) components will be returned,
          306 starting the separation from the end, e.g. when called with arguments
          307  \"a.b.c.d.e\" :max 3 :separator \".\" it will return (\"a.b.c\" \"d\" \"e\")."
          308     (block ()
          309       (let ((list nil) (words 0) (end (length string)))
          310         (when (zerop end) (return nil))
          311         (flet ((separatorp (char) (find char separator))
          312                (done () (return (cons (subseq string 0 end) list))))
          313           (loop
          314             :for start = (if (and max (>= words (1- max)))
          315                              (done)
          316                              (position-if #'separatorp string :end end :from-end t))
          317             :do (when (null start) (done))
          318                 (push (subseq string (1+ start) end) list)
          319                 (incf words)
          320                 (setf end start))))))
          322   (defun string-prefix-p (prefix string)
          323     "Does STRING begin with PREFIX?"
          324     (let* ((x (string prefix))
          325            (y (string string))
          326            (lx (length x))
          327            (ly (length y)))
          328       (and (<= lx ly) (string= x y :end2 lx))))
          330   (defun string-suffix-p (string suffix)
          331     "Does STRING end with SUFFIX?"
          332     (let* ((x (string string))
          333            (y (string suffix))
          334            (lx (length x))
          335            (ly (length y)))
          336       (and (<= ly lx) (string= x y :start1 (- lx ly)))))
          338   (defun string-enclosed-p (prefix string suffix)
          339     "Does STRING begin with PREFIX and end with SUFFIX?"
          340     (and (string-prefix-p prefix string)
          341          (string-suffix-p string suffix)))
          343   (defvar +cr+ (coerce #(#\Return) 'string))
          344   (defvar +lf+ (coerce #(#\Linefeed) 'string))
          345   (defvar +crlf+ (coerce #(#\Return #\Linefeed) 'string))
          347   (defun stripln (x)
          348     "Strip a string X from any ending CR, LF or CRLF.
          349 Return two values, the stripped string and the ending that was stripped,
          350 or the original value and NIL if no stripping took place.
          351 Since our STRCAT accepts NIL as empty string designator,
          352 the two results passed to STRCAT always reconstitute the original string"
          353     (check-type x string)
          354     (block nil
          355       (flet ((c (end) (when (string-suffix-p x end)
          356                         (return (values (subseq x 0 (- (length x) (length end))) end)))))
          357         (when x (c +crlf+) (c +lf+) (c +cr+) (values x nil)))))
          359   (defun standard-case-symbol-name (name-designator)
          360     "Given a NAME-DESIGNATOR for a symbol, if it is a symbol, convert it to a string using STRING;
          361 if it is a string, use STRING-UPCASE on an ANSI CL platform, or STRING on a so-called \"modern\"
          362 platform such as Allegro with modern syntax."
          363     (check-type name-designator (or string symbol))
          364     (cond
          365       ((or (symbolp name-designator) #+allegro (eq excl:*current-case-mode* :case-sensitive-lower))
          366        (string name-designator))
          367       ;; Should we be doing something on CLISP?
          368       (t (string-upcase name-designator))))
          370   (defun find-standard-case-symbol (name-designator package-designator &optional (error t))
          371     "Find a symbol designated by NAME-DESIGNATOR in a package designated by PACKAGE-DESIGNATOR,
          372 where STANDARD-CASE-SYMBOL-NAME is used to transform them if these designators are strings.
          373 If optional ERROR argument is NIL, return NIL instead of an error when the symbol is not found."
          374     (find-symbol* (standard-case-symbol-name name-designator)
          375                   (etypecase package-designator
          376                     ((or package symbol) package-designator)
          377                     (string (standard-case-symbol-name package-designator)))
          378                   error)))
          380 ;;; timestamps: a REAL or a boolean where T=-infinity, NIL=+infinity
          381 (eval-when (#-lispworks :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
          382   (deftype timestamp () '(or real boolean)))
          383 (with-upgradability ()
          384   (defun timestamp< (x y)
          385     (etypecase x
          386       ((eql t) (not (eql y t)))
          387       (real (etypecase y
          388               ((eql t) nil)
          389               (real (< x y))
          390               (null t)))
          391       (null nil)))
          392   (defun timestamps< (list) (loop :for y :in list :for x = nil :then y :always (timestamp< x y)))
          393   (defun timestamp*< (&rest list) (timestamps< list))
          394   (defun timestamp<= (x y) (not (timestamp< y x)))
          395   (defun earlier-timestamp (x y) (if (timestamp< x y) x y))
          396   (defun timestamps-earliest (list) (reduce 'earlier-timestamp list :initial-value nil))
          397   (defun earliest-timestamp (&rest list) (timestamps-earliest list))
          398   (defun later-timestamp (x y) (if (timestamp< x y) y x))
          399   (defun timestamps-latest (list) (reduce 'later-timestamp list :initial-value t))
          400   (defun latest-timestamp (&rest list) (timestamps-latest list))
          401   (define-modify-macro latest-timestamp-f (&rest timestamps) latest-timestamp))
          404 ;;; Function designators
          405 (with-upgradability ()
          406   (defun ensure-function (fun &key (package :cl))
          407     "Coerce the object FUN into a function.
          409 If FUN is a FUNCTION, return it.
          410 If the FUN is a non-sequence literal constant, return constantly that,
          411 i.e. for a boolean keyword character number or pathname.
          412 Otherwise if FUN is a non-literally constant symbol, return its FDEFINITION.
          413 If FUN is a CONS, return the function that applies its CAR
          414 to the appended list of the rest of its CDR and the arguments,
          415 unless the CAR is LAMBDA, in which case the expression is evaluated.
          416 If FUN is a string, READ a form from it in the specified PACKAGE (default: CL)
          417 and EVAL that in a (FUNCTION ...) context."
          418     (etypecase fun
          419       (function fun)
          420       ((or boolean keyword character number pathname) (constantly fun))
          421       (hash-table #'(lambda (x) (gethash x fun)))
          422       (symbol (fdefinition fun))
          423       (cons (if (eq 'lambda (car fun))
          424                 (eval fun)
          425                 #'(lambda (&rest args) (apply (car fun) (append (cdr fun) args)))))
          426       (string (eval `(function ,(with-standard-io-syntax
          427                                   (let ((*package* (find-package package)))
          428                                     (read-from-string fun))))))))
          430   (defun access-at (object at)
          431     "Given an OBJECT and an AT specifier, list of successive accessors,
          432 call each accessor on the result of the previous calls.
          433 An accessor may be an integer, meaning a call to ELT,
          434 a keyword, meaning a call to GETF,
          435 NIL, meaning identity,
          436 a function or other symbol, meaning itself,
          437 or a list of a function designator and arguments, interpreted as per ENSURE-FUNCTION.
          438 As a degenerate case, the AT specifier may be an atom of a single such accessor
          439 instead of a list."
          440     (flet ((access (object accessor)
          441              (etypecase accessor
          442                (function (funcall accessor object))
          443                (integer (elt object accessor))
          444                (keyword (getf object accessor))
          445                (null object)
          446                (symbol (funcall accessor object))
          447                (cons (funcall (ensure-function accessor) object)))))
          448       (if (listp at)
          449           (dolist (accessor at object)
          450             (setf object (access object accessor)))
          451           (access object at))))
          453   (defun access-at-count (at)
          454     "From an AT specification, extract a COUNT of maximum number
          455 of sub-objects to read as per ACCESS-AT"
          456     (cond
          457       ((integerp at)
          458        (1+ at))
          459       ((and (consp at) (integerp (first at)))
          460        (1+ (first at)))))
          462   (defun call-function (function-spec &rest arguments)
          463     "Call the function designated by FUNCTION-SPEC as per ENSURE-FUNCTION,
          464 with the given ARGUMENTS"
          465     (apply (ensure-function function-spec) arguments))
          467   (defun call-functions (function-specs)
          468     "For each function in the list FUNCTION-SPECS, in order, call the function as per CALL-FUNCTION"
          469     (map () 'call-function function-specs))
          471   (defun register-hook-function (variable hook &optional call-now-p)
          472     "Push the HOOK function (a designator as per ENSURE-FUNCTION) onto the hook VARIABLE.
          473 When CALL-NOW-P is true, also call the function immediately."
          474     (pushnew hook (symbol-value variable) :test 'equal)
          475     (when call-now-p (call-function hook))))
          478 ;;; CLOS
          479 (with-upgradability ()
          480   (defun coerce-class (class &key (package :cl) (super t) (error 'error))
          481     "Coerce CLASS to a class that is subclass of SUPER if specified,
          482 or invoke ERROR handler as per CALL-FUNCTION.
          484 A keyword designates the name a symbol, which when found in either PACKAGE, designates a class.
          485 -- for backward compatibility, *PACKAGE* is also accepted for now, but this may go in the future.
          486 A string is read as a symbol while in PACKAGE, the symbol designates a class.
          488 A class object designates itself.
          489 NIL designates itself (no class).
          490 A symbol otherwise designates a class by name."
          491     (let* ((normalized
          492             (typecase class
          493               (keyword (or (find-symbol* class package nil)
          494                            (find-symbol* class *package* nil)))
          495               (string (symbol-call :uiop :safe-read-from-string class :package package))
          496               (t class)))
          497            (found
          498             (etypecase normalized
          499               ((or standard-class built-in-class) normalized)
          500               ((or null keyword) nil)
          501               (symbol (find-class normalized nil nil))))
          502            (super-class
          503             (etypecase super
          504               ((or standard-class built-in-class) super)
          505               ((or null keyword) nil)
          506               (symbol (find-class super nil nil)))))
          507       #+allegro (when found (mop:finalize-inheritance found))
          508       (or (and found
          509                (or (eq super t) (#-cormanlisp subtypep #+cormanlisp cl::subclassp found super-class))
          510                found)
          511           (call-function error "Can't coerce ~S to a ~:[class~;subclass of ~:*~S~]" class super)))))
          514 ;;; Hash-tables
          515 (with-upgradability ()
          516   (defun ensure-gethash (key table default)
          517     "Lookup the TABLE for a KEY as by GETHASH, but if not present,
          518 call the (possibly constant) function designated by DEFAULT as per CALL-FUNCTION,
          519 set the corresponding entry to the result in the table.
          520 Return two values: the entry after its optional computation, and whether it was found"
          521     (multiple-value-bind (value foundp) (gethash key table)
          522       (values
          523        (if foundp
          524            value
          525            (setf (gethash key table) (call-function default)))
          526        foundp)))
          528   (defun list-to-hash-set (list &aux (h (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
          529     "Convert a LIST into hash-table that has the same elements when viewed as a set,
          530 up to the given equality TEST"
          531     (dolist (x list h) (setf (gethash x h) t))))
          534 ;;; Lexicographic comparison of lists of numbers
          535 (with-upgradability ()
          536   (defun lexicographic< (element< x y)
          537     "Lexicographically compare two lists of using the function element< to compare elements.
          538 element< is a strict total order; the resulting order on X and Y will also be strict."
          539     (cond ((null y) nil)
          540           ((null x) t)
          541           ((funcall element< (car x) (car y)) t)
          542           ((funcall element< (car y) (car x)) nil)
          543           (t (lexicographic< element< (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
          545   (defun lexicographic<= (element< x y)
          546     "Lexicographically compare two lists of using the function element< to compare elements.
          547 element< is a strict total order; the resulting order on X and Y will be a non-strict total order."
          548     (not (lexicographic< element< y x))))
          551 ;;; Simple style warnings
          552 (with-upgradability ()
          553   (define-condition simple-style-warning
          554       #+sbcl (sb-int:simple-style-warning) #-sbcl (simple-condition style-warning)
          555     ())
          557   (defun style-warn (datum &rest arguments)
          558     (etypecase datum
          559       (string (warn (make-condition 'simple-style-warning :format-control datum :format-arguments arguments)))
          560       (symbol (assert (subtypep datum 'style-warning)) (apply 'warn datum arguments))
          561       (style-warning (apply 'warn datum arguments)))))
          564 ;;; Condition control
          566 (with-upgradability ()
          567   (defparameter +simple-condition-format-control-slot+
          568     #+abcl 'system::format-control
          569     #+allegro 'excl::format-control
          570     #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) 'si::format-control
          571     #+clisp 'system::$format-control
          572     #+clozure 'ccl::format-control
          573     #+(or cmucl scl) 'conditions::format-control
          574     #+(or gcl lispworks) 'conditions::format-string
          575     #+sbcl 'sb-kernel:format-control
          576     #-(or abcl allegro clasp clisp clozure cmucl ecl gcl lispworks mkcl sbcl scl) nil
          577     "Name of the slot for FORMAT-CONTROL in simple-condition")
          579   (defun match-condition-p (x condition)
          580     "Compare received CONDITION to some pattern X:
          581 a symbol naming a condition class,
          582 a simple vector of length 2, arguments to find-symbol* with result as above,
          583 or a string describing the format-control of a simple-condition."
          584     (etypecase x
          585       (symbol (typep condition x))
          586       ((simple-vector 2)
          587        (ignore-errors (typep condition (find-symbol* (svref x 0) (svref x 1) nil))))
          588       (function (funcall x condition))
          589       (string (and (typep condition 'simple-condition)
          590                    ;; On SBCL, it's always set and the check triggers a warning
          591                    #+(or allegro clozure cmucl lispworks scl)
          592                    (slot-boundp condition +simple-condition-format-control-slot+)
          593                    (ignore-errors (equal (simple-condition-format-control condition) x))))))
          595   (defun match-any-condition-p (condition conditions)
          596     "match CONDITION against any of the patterns of CONDITIONS supplied"
          597     (loop :for x :in conditions :thereis (match-condition-p x condition)))
          599   (defun call-with-muffled-conditions (thunk conditions)
          600     "calls the THUNK in a context where the CONDITIONS are muffled"
          601     (handler-bind ((t #'(lambda (c) (when (match-any-condition-p c conditions)
          602                                       (muffle-warning c)))))
          603       (funcall thunk)))
          605   (defmacro with-muffled-conditions ((conditions) &body body)
          606     "Shorthand syntax for CALL-WITH-MUFFLED-CONDITIONS"
          607     `(call-with-muffled-conditions #'(lambda () ,@body) ,conditions)))
          609 ;;; Conditions
          611 (with-upgradability ()
          612   (define-condition not-implemented-error (error)
          613     ((functionality :initarg :functionality)
          614      (format-control :initarg :format-control)
          615      (format-arguments :initarg :format-arguments))
          616     (:report (lambda (condition stream)
          617                (format stream "Not (currently) implemented on ~A: ~S~@[ ~?~]"
          618                        (nth-value 1 (symbol-call :uiop :implementation-type))
          619                        (slot-value condition 'functionality)
          620                        (slot-value condition 'format-control)
          621                        (slot-value condition 'format-arguments)))))
          623   (defun not-implemented-error (functionality &optional format-control &rest format-arguments)
          624     "Signal an error because some FUNCTIONALITY is not implemented in the current version
          625 of the software on the current platform; it may or may not be implemented in different combinations
          626 of version of the software and of the underlying platform. Optionally, report a formatted error
          627 message."
          628     (error 'not-implemented-error
          629            :functionality functionality
          630            :format-control format-control
          631            :format-arguments format-arguments))
          633   (define-condition parameter-error (error)
          634     ((functionality :initarg :functionality)
          635      (format-control :initarg :format-control)
          636      (format-arguments :initarg :format-arguments))
          637     (:report (lambda (condition stream)
          638                (apply 'format stream
          639                        (slot-value condition 'format-control)
          640                        (slot-value condition 'functionality)
          641                        (slot-value condition 'format-arguments)))))
          643   ;; Note that functionality MUST be passed as the second argument to parameter-error, just after
          644   ;; the format-control. If you want it to not appear in first position in actual message, use
          645   ;; ~* and ~:* to adjust parameter order.
          646   (defun parameter-error (format-control functionality &rest format-arguments)
          647     "Signal an error because some FUNCTIONALITY or its specific implementation on a given underlying
          648 platform does not accept a given parameter or combination of parameters. Report a formatted error
          649 message, that takes the functionality as its first argument (that can be skipped with ~*)."
          650     (error 'parameter-error
          651            :functionality functionality
          652            :format-control format-control
          653            :format-arguments format-arguments)))
          655 (with-upgradability ()
          656   (defun boolean-to-feature-expression (value)
          657     "Converts a boolean VALUE to a form suitable for testing with #+."
          658     (if value
          659         '(:and)
          660         '(:or)))
          662   (defun symbol-test-to-feature-expression (name package)
          663     "Check if a symbol with a given NAME exists in PACKAGE and returns a
          664 form suitable for testing with #+."
          665     (boolean-to-feature-expression
          666      (find-symbol* name package nil))))