clisp.lisp - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
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       clisp.lisp (26836B)
            1 ;;;; See LICENSE for licensing information.
            3 (in-package :usocket)
            5 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
            6   #-ffi
            7   (warn "This image doesn't contain FFI package, GET-HOST-NAME won't work.")
            8   #-(or ffi rawsock)
            9   (warn "This image doesn't contain either FFI or RAWSOCK package, no UDP support."))
           11 ;; utility routine for looking up the current host name
           12 #+ffi
           13 (ffi:def-call-out get-host-name-internal
           14          (:name "gethostname")
           15          (:arguments (name (FFI:C-PTR (FFI:C-ARRAY-MAX ffi:character 256))
           16                            :OUT :ALLOCA)
           17                      (len ffi:int))
           18          #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
           19          #-win32 (:library :default)
           20          (:language #-win32 :stdc
           21                     #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
           22          (:return-type ffi:int))
           24 (defun get-host-name ()
           25   #+ffi
           26   (multiple-value-bind (retcode name)
           27       (get-host-name-internal 256)
           28     (when (= retcode 0)
           29       name))
           30   #-ffi
           31   "localhost")
           33 (defun get-host-by-address (address)
           34   (with-mapped-conditions (nil address)
           35     (let ((hostent (posix:resolve-host-ipaddr (host-to-hostname address))))
           36       (posix:hostent-name hostent))))
           38 (defun get-hosts-by-name (name)
           39   (with-mapped-conditions (nil name)
           40     (let ((hostent (posix:resolve-host-ipaddr name)))
           41       (mapcar #'host-to-vector-quad
           42               (posix:hostent-addr-list hostent)))))
           44 ;; Format: ((UNIX Windows) . CONDITION)
           45 (defparameter +clisp-error-map+
           46   #-win32
           47   `((:EADDRINUSE . address-in-use-error)
           48     (:EADDRNOTAVAIL . address-not-available-error)
           49     (:EBADF . bad-file-descriptor-error)
           50     (:ECONNREFUSED  . connection-refused-error)
           51     (:ECONNRESET . connection-reset-error)
           52     (:ECONNABORTED . connection-aborted-error)
           53     (:EINVAL . invalid-argument-error)
           54     (:ENOBUFS . no-buffers-error)
           55     (:ENOMEM . out-of-memory-error)
           56     (:ENOTSUP . operation-not-supported-error)
           57     (:EPERM . operation-not-permitted-error)
           58     (:EPROTONOSUPPORT . protocol-not-supported-error)
           59     (:ESOCKTNOSUPPORT . socket-type-not-supported-error)
           60     (:ENETUNREACH . network-unreachable-error)
           61     (:ENETDOWN . network-down-error)
           62     (:ENETRESET . network-reset-error)
           63     (:ESHUTDOWN . already-shutdown-error)
           64     (:ETIMEDOUT . timeout-error)
           65     (:EHOSTDOWN . host-down-error)
           66     (:EHOSTUNREACH . host-unreachable-error)
           67     ;; when blocked reading, and we close our socket due to a timeout.
           68     ;; POSIX.1 says that EAGAIN and EWOULDBLOCK may have the same values.
           69     (:EAGAIN . timeout-error)
           70     (:EWOULDBLOCK . timeout-error)) ;linux
           71   #+win32
           72   `((:WSAEADDRINUSE . address-in-use-error)
           73     (:WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL . address-not-available-error)
           74     (:WSAEBADF . bad-file-descriptor-error)
           75     (:WSAECONNREFUSED  . connection-refused-error)
           76     (:WSAECONNRESET . connection-reset-error)
           77     (:WSAECONNABORTED . connection-aborted-error)
           78     (:WSAEINVAL . invalid-argument-error)
           79     (:WSAENOBUFS . no-buffers-error)
           80     (:WSAENOMEM . out-of-memory-error)
           81     (:WSAENOTSUP . operation-not-supported-error)
           82     (:WSAEPERM . operation-not-permitted-error)
           83     (:WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT . protocol-not-supported-error)
           84     (:WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT . socket-type-not-supported-error)
           85     (:WSAENETUNREACH . network-unreachable-error)
           86     (:WSAENETDOWN . network-down-error)
           87     (:WSAENETRESET . network-reset-error)
           88     (:WSAESHUTDOWN . already-shutdown-error)
           89     (:WSAETIMEDOUT . timeout-error)
           90     (:WSAEHOSTDOWN . host-down-error)
           91     (:WSAEHOSTUNREACH . host-unreachable-error)))
           93 (defun parse-errno (condition)
           94   "Returns a number or keyword if it can parse what is within parens, else NIL"
           95   (let ((s (princ-to-string condition)))
           96     (let ((pos1 (position #\( s))
           97           (pos2 (position #\) s)))
           98       ;mac: number, linux: keyword
           99       (ignore-errors
          100         (if (digit-char-p (char s (1+ pos1)))
          101           (parse-integer s :start (1+ pos1) :end pos2)
          102           (let ((*package* (find-package "KEYWORD")))
          103             (car (read-from-string s t nil :start pos1 :end (1+ pos2)))))))))
          105 (defun handle-condition (condition &optional (socket nil) (host-or-ip nil))
          106   "Dispatch a usocket condition instead of a CLISP specific one, if we can."
          107   (let ((errno
          108           (cond
          109             ;clisp 2.49+
          110             ((typep condition (find-symbol "OS-STREAM-ERROR" "EXT"))
          111              (parse-errno condition))
          112             ;clisp 2.49
          113             ((typep condition (find-symbol "SIMPLE-STREAM-ERROR" "SYSTEM"))
          114              (car (simple-condition-format-arguments condition))))))
          115     (when errno
          116       (let ((error-keyword (if (keywordp errno) errno #+ffi(os:errno errno))))
          117         (let ((usock-error (cdr (assoc error-keyword +clisp-error-map+))))
          118           (when usock-error
          119             (if (subtypep usock-error 'error)
          120                 (cond ((subtypep usock-error 'ns-error)
          121                        (error usock-error :socket socket :host-or-ip host-or-ip))
          122                       (t
          123                        (error usock-error :socket socket)))
          124                 (cond ((subtypep usock-error 'ns-condition)
          125                        (signal usock-error :socket socket :host-or-ip host-or-ip))
          126                       (t
          127                        (signal usock-error :socket socket))))))))))
          129 (defun socket-connect (host port &key (protocol :stream) (element-type 'character)
          130                        timeout deadline (nodelay t nodelay-specified)
          131                        local-host local-port)
          132   (declare (ignorable timeout local-host local-port))
          133   (when deadline (unsupported 'deadline 'socket-connect))
          134   (when (and nodelay-specified 
          135              (not (eq nodelay :if-supported)))
          136     (unsupported 'nodelay 'socket-connect))
          137   (case protocol
          138     (:stream
          139      (let ((socket)
          140            (hostname (host-to-hostname host)))
          141        (with-mapped-conditions (socket host)
          142          (setf socket
          143                (if timeout
          144                    (socket:socket-connect port hostname
          145                                           :element-type element-type
          146                                           :buffered t
          147                                           :timeout timeout)
          148                    (socket:socket-connect port hostname
          149                                           :element-type element-type
          150                                           :buffered t))))
          151        (make-stream-socket :socket socket
          152                            :stream socket))) ;; the socket is a stream too
          153     (:datagram
          154      #+(or rawsock ffi)
          155      (with-mapped-conditions (nil (or host local-host))
          156        (socket-create-datagram (or local-port *auto-port*)
          157                                :local-host (or local-host *wildcard-host*)
          158                                :remote-host (and host (host-to-vector-quad host))
          159                                :remote-port port))
          160      #-(or rawsock ffi)
          161      (unsupported '(protocol :datagram) 'socket-connect))))
          163 (defun socket-listen (host port
          164                            &key reuseaddress
          165                            (reuse-address nil reuse-address-supplied-p)
          166                            (backlog 5)
          167                            (element-type 'character))
          168   ;; clisp 2.39 sets SO_REUSEADDRESS to 1 by default; no need to
          169   ;; to explicitly turn it on; unfortunately, there's no way to turn it off...
          170   (declare (ignore reuseaddress reuse-address reuse-address-supplied-p))
          171   (let ((sock (apply #'socket:socket-server
          172                      (append (list port
          173                                    :backlog backlog)
          174                              (when (ip/= host *wildcard-host*)
          175                                (list :interface host))))))
          176     (with-mapped-conditions (nil host)
          177         (make-stream-server-socket sock :element-type element-type))))
          179 (defmethod socket-accept ((socket stream-server-usocket) &key element-type)
          180   (let ((stream
          181          (with-mapped-conditions (socket)
          182            (socket:socket-accept (socket socket)
          183                                  :element-type (or element-type
          184                                                    (element-type socket))))))
          185     (make-stream-socket :socket stream
          186                         :stream stream)))
          188 ;; Only one close method required:
          189 ;; sockets and their associated streams
          190 ;; are the same object
          191 (defmethod socket-close ((usocket usocket))
          192   "Close socket."
          193   (with-mapped-conditions (usocket)
          194     (close (socket usocket))))
          196 (defmethod socket-close ((usocket stream-server-usocket))
          197   (socket:socket-server-close (socket usocket)))
          199 (defmethod socket-shutdown ((usocket stream-usocket) direction)
          200   (with-mapped-conditions (usocket)
          201     (socket:socket-stream-shutdown (socket usocket) direction)))
          203 (defmethod get-local-name ((usocket stream-usocket))
          204   (multiple-value-bind
          205       (address port)
          206       (socket:socket-stream-local (socket usocket) t)
          207     (values (dotted-quad-to-vector-quad address) port)))
          209 (defmethod get-local-name ((usocket stream-server-usocket))
          210   (values (get-local-address usocket)
          211           (get-local-port usocket)))
          213 (defmethod get-peer-name ((usocket stream-usocket))
          214   (multiple-value-bind
          215       (address port)
          216       (socket:socket-stream-peer (socket usocket) t)
          217     (values (dotted-quad-to-vector-quad address) port)))
          219 (defmethod get-local-address ((usocket usocket))
          220   (nth-value 0 (get-local-name usocket)))
          222 (defmethod get-local-address ((usocket stream-server-usocket))
          223   (dotted-quad-to-vector-quad
          224    (socket:socket-server-host (socket usocket))))
          226 (defmethod get-peer-address ((usocket usocket))
          227   (nth-value 0 (get-peer-name usocket)))
          229 (defmethod get-local-port ((usocket usocket))
          230   (nth-value 1 (get-local-name usocket)))
          232 (defmethod get-local-port ((usocket stream-server-usocket))
          233   (socket:socket-server-port (socket usocket)))
          235 (defmethod get-peer-port ((usocket usocket))
          236   (nth-value 1 (get-peer-name usocket)))
          238 (defun %setup-wait-list (wait-list)
          239   (declare (ignore wait-list)))
          241 (defun %add-waiter (wait-list waiter)
          242   ;; clisp's #'socket-status takes a list whose elts look either like,
          243   ;; (socket-stream direction . x) or like,
          244   ;; (socket-server . x)
          245   ;; and it replaces the x's.
          246   (push (cons (socket waiter)
          247               (cond ((stream-usocket-p waiter) (cons NIL NIL))
          248                     (t NIL)))
          249         (wait-list-%wait wait-list)))
          251 (defun %remove-waiter (wait-list waiter)
          252   (setf (wait-list-%wait wait-list)
          253         (remove (socket waiter) (wait-list-%wait wait-list) :key #'car)))
          255 (defmethod wait-for-input-internal (wait-list &key timeout)
          256   (with-mapped-conditions ()
          257     (multiple-value-bind
          258         (secs musecs)
          259         (split-timeout (or timeout 1))
          260       (dolist (x (wait-list-%wait wait-list))
          261         (when (consp (cdr x)) ;it's a socket-stream not socket-server
          262           (setf (cadr x) :INPUT)))
          263       (let* ((request-list (wait-list-%wait wait-list))
          264              (status-list (if timeout
          265                               (socket:socket-status request-list secs musecs)
          266                             (socket:socket-status request-list)))
          267              (sockets (wait-list-waiters wait-list)))
          268         (do* ((x (pop sockets) (pop sockets))
          269               (y (cdr (last (pop status-list))) (cdr (last (pop status-list)))))
          270              ((null x))
          271           (when (member y '(T :INPUT :EOF))
          272             (setf (state x) :READ)))
          273         wait-list))))
          275 ;;;
          276 ;;; UDP/Datagram sockets (RAWSOCK version)
          277 ;;;
          279 #+rawsock
          280 (progn
          281   (defun make-sockaddr_in ()
          282     (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element 0))
          284   (declaim (inline fill-sockaddr_in))
          285   (defun fill-sockaddr_in (sockaddr_in ip port)
          286     (port-to-octet-buffer port sockaddr_in)
          287     (ip-to-octet-buffer ip sockaddr_in :start 2)
          288     sockaddr_in)
          290   (defun socket-create-datagram (local-port
          291                                  &key (local-host *wildcard-host*)
          292                                       remote-host
          293                                       remote-port)
          294     (let ((sock (rawsock:socket :inet :dgram 0))
          295           (lsock_addr (fill-sockaddr_in (make-sockaddr_in)
          296                                         local-host local-port))
          297           (rsock_addr (when remote-host
          298                         (fill-sockaddr_in (make-sockaddr_in)
          299                                           remote-host (or remote-port
          300                                                           local-port)))))
          301       (rawsock:bind sock (rawsock:make-sockaddr :inet lsock_addr))
          302       (when rsock_addr
          303         (rawsock:connect sock (rawsock:make-sockaddr :inet rsock_addr)))
          304       (make-datagram-socket sock :connected-p (if rsock_addr t nil))))
          306   (defmethod socket-receive ((socket datagram-usocket) buffer length &key)
          307     "Returns the buffer, the number of octets copied into the buffer (received)
          308 and the address of the sender as values."
          309     (let* ((sock (socket socket))
          310            (sockaddr (rawsock:make-sockaddr :inet))
          311            (real-length (or length +max-datagram-packet-size+))
          312            (real-buffer (or buffer
          313                             (make-array real-length
          314                                         :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))))
          315       (let ((rv (rawsock:recvfrom sock real-buffer sockaddr
          316                                  :start 0 :end real-length))
          317             (host 0) (port 0))
          318         (unless (connected-p socket)
          319           (let ((data (rawsock:sockaddr-data sockaddr)))
          320             (setq host (ip-from-octet-buffer data :start 4)
          321                   port (port-from-octet-buffer data :start 2))))
          322         (values (if buffer real-buffer (subseq real-buffer 0 rv))
          323                 rv
          324                 host
          325                 port))))
          327   (defmethod socket-send ((socket datagram-usocket) buffer size &key host port (offset 0))
          328     "Returns the number of octets sent."
          329     (let* ((sock (socket socket))
          330            (sockaddr (when (and host port)
          331                        (rawsock:make-sockaddr :inet
          332                                               (fill-sockaddr_in
          333                                                (make-sockaddr_in)
          334                                                (host-byte-order host)
          335                                                port))))
          336            (real-size (min size +max-datagram-packet-size+))
          337            (real-buffer (if (typep buffer '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)))
          338                             buffer
          339                           (make-array real-size
          340                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
          341                                       :initial-contents (subseq buffer 0 real-size))))
          342            (rv (if (and host port)
          343                    (rawsock:sendto sock real-buffer sockaddr
          344                                    :start offset
          345                                    :end (+ offset real-size))
          346                    (rawsock:send sock real-buffer
          347                                  :start offset
          348                                  :end (+ offset real-size)))))
          349       rv))
          351   (defmethod socket-close ((usocket datagram-usocket))
          352     (rawsock:sock-close (socket usocket)))
          354   (declaim (inline get-socket-name))
          355   (defun get-socket-name (socket function)
          356     (let ((sockaddr (rawsock:make-sockaddr :inet (make-sockaddr_in))))
          357       (funcall function socket sockaddr)
          358       (let ((data (rawsock:sockaddr-data sockaddr)))
          359         (values (hbo-to-vector-quad (ip-from-octet-buffer data :start 2))
          360                 (port-from-octet-buffer data :start 0)))))
          362   (defmethod get-local-name ((usocket datagram-usocket))
          363     (get-socket-name (socket usocket) 'rawsock:getsockname))
          365   (defmethod get-peer-name ((usocket datagram-usocket))
          366     (get-socket-name (socket usocket) 'rawsock:getpeername))
          368 ) ; progn
          370 ;;;
          371 ;;; UDP/Datagram sockets (FFI version)
          372 ;;;
          374 #+(and ffi (not rawsock))
          375 (progn
          376   ;; C primitive types
          377   (ffi:def-c-type socklen_t ffi:uint32)
          379   ;; C structures
          380   (ffi:def-c-struct sockaddr
          381     #+macos (sa_len ffi:uint8)
          382     (sa_family  #-macos ffi:ushort
          383                 #+macos ffi:uint8)
          384     (sa_data    (ffi:c-array ffi:char 14)))
          386   (ffi:def-c-struct sockaddr_in
          387     #+macos (sin_len ffi:uint8)
          388     (sin_family #-macos ffi:short
          389                 #+macos ffi:uint8)
          390     (sin_port   #-macos ffi:ushort
          391                 #+macos ffi:uint16)
          392     (sin_addr   ffi:uint32)
          393     (sin_zero   (ffi:c-array ffi:char 8)))
          395   (ffi:def-c-struct timeval
          396     (tv_sec     ffi:long)
          397     (tv_usec    ffi:long))
          399   ;; foreign functions
          400   (ffi:def-call-out %sendto (:name "sendto")
          401     (:arguments (socket ffi:int)
          402                 (buffer ffi:c-pointer)
          403                 (length ffi:int)
          404                 (flags ffi:int)
          405                 (address (ffi:c-ptr sockaddr))
          406                 (address-len ffi:int))
          407     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          408     #-win32 (:library :default)
          409     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          410                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          411     (:return-type ffi:int))
          413   (ffi:def-call-out %send (:name "send")
          414     (:arguments (socket ffi:int)
          415                 (buffer ffi:c-pointer)
          416                 (length ffi:int)
          417                 (flags ffi:int))
          418     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          419     #-win32 (:library :default)
          420     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          421                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          422     (:return-type ffi:int))
          424   (ffi:def-call-out %recvfrom (:name "recvfrom")
          425     (:arguments (socket ffi:int)
          426                 (buffer ffi:c-pointer)
          427                 (length ffi:int)
          428                 (flags ffi:int)
          429                 (address (ffi:c-ptr sockaddr) :in-out)
          430                 (address-len (ffi:c-ptr ffi:int) :in-out))
          431     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          432     #-win32 (:library :default)
          433     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          434                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          435     (:return-type ffi:int))
          437   (ffi:def-call-out %socket (:name "socket")
          438     (:arguments (family ffi:int)
          439                 (type ffi:int)
          440                 (protocol ffi:int))
          441     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          442     #-win32 (:library :default)
          443     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          444                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          445     (:return-type ffi:int))
          447   (ffi:def-call-out %connect (:name "connect")
          448     (:arguments (socket ffi:int)
          449                 (address (ffi:c-ptr sockaddr) :in)
          450                 (address_len socklen_t))
          451     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          452     #-win32 (:library :default)
          453     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          454                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          455     (:return-type ffi:int))
          457   (ffi:def-call-out %bind (:name "bind")
          458     (:arguments (socket ffi:int)
          459                 (address (ffi:c-ptr sockaddr) :in)
          460                 (address_len socklen_t))
          461     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          462     #-win32 (:library :default)
          463     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          464                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          465     (:return-type ffi:int))
          467   (ffi:def-call-out %close (:name #-win32 "close" #+win32 "closesocket")
          468     (:arguments (socket ffi:int))
          469     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          470     #-win32 (:library :default)
          471     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          472                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          473     (:return-type ffi:int))
          475   (ffi:def-call-out %getsockopt (:name "getsockopt")
          476     (:arguments (sockfd ffi:int)
          477                 (level ffi:int)
          478                 (optname ffi:int)
          479                 (optval ffi:c-pointer)
          480                 (optlen (ffi:c-ptr socklen_t) :out))
          481     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          482     #-win32 (:library :default)
          483     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          484                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          485     (:return-type ffi:int))
          487   (ffi:def-call-out %setsockopt (:name "setsockopt")
          488     (:arguments (sockfd ffi:int)
          489                 (level ffi:int)
          490                 (optname ffi:int)
          491                 (optval ffi:c-pointer)
          492                 (optlen socklen_t))
          493     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          494     #-win32 (:library :default)
          495     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          496                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          497     (:return-type ffi:int))
          499   (ffi:def-call-out %htonl (:name "htonl")
          500     (:arguments (hostlong ffi:uint32))
          501     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          502     #-win32 (:library :default)
          503     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          504                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          505     (:return-type ffi:uint32))
          507   (ffi:def-call-out %htons (:name "htons")
          508     (:arguments (hostshort ffi:uint16))
          509     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          510     #-win32 (:library :default)
          511     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          512                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          513     (:return-type ffi:uint16))
          515   (ffi:def-call-out %ntohl (:name "ntohl")
          516     (:arguments (netlong ffi:uint32))
          517     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          518     #-win32 (:library :default)
          519     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          520                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          521     (:return-type ffi:uint32))
          523   (ffi:def-call-out %ntohs (:name "ntohs")
          524     (:arguments (netshort ffi:uint16))
          525     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          526     #-win32 (:library :default)
          527     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          528                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          529     (:return-type ffi:uint16))
          531   (ffi:def-call-out %getsockname (:name "getsockname")
          532     (:arguments (sockfd ffi:int)
          533                 (localaddr (ffi:c-ptr sockaddr) :in-out)
          534                 (addrlen (ffi:c-ptr socklen_t) :in-out))
          535     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          536     #-win32 (:library :default)
          537     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          538                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          539     (:return-type ffi:int))
          541   (ffi:def-call-out %getpeername (:name "getpeername")
          542     (:arguments (sockfd ffi:int)
          543                 (peeraddr (ffi:c-ptr sockaddr) :in-out)
          544                 (addrlen (ffi:c-ptr socklen_t) :in-out))
          545     #+win32 (:library "WS2_32")
          546     #-win32 (:library :default)
          547     (:language #-win32 :stdc
          548                #+win32 :stdc-stdcall)
          549     (:return-type ffi:int))
          551   ;; socket constants
          552   (defconstant +socket-af-inet+ 2)
          553   (defconstant +socket-sock-dgram+ 2)
          554   (defconstant +socket-ip-proto-udp+ 17)
          556   (defconstant +sockopt-so-rcvtimeo+ #-linux #x1006 #+linux 20 "Socket receive timeout")
          558   (defparameter *length-of-sockaddr_in* (ffi:sizeof 'sockaddr_in))
          560   (declaim (inline fill-sockaddr_in))
          561   (defun fill-sockaddr_in (sockaddr host port)
          562     (let ((hbo (host-to-hbo host)))
          563       (ffi:with-c-place (place sockaddr)
          564         #+macos
          565         (setf (ffi:slot place 'sin_len) *length-of-sockaddr_in*)
          566         (setf (ffi:slot place 'sin_family) +socket-af-inet+
          567               (ffi:slot place 'sin_port) (%htons port)
          568               (ffi:slot place 'sin_addr) (%htonl hbo)))
          569       sockaddr))
          571   (defun socket-create-datagram (local-port
          572                                  &key (local-host *wildcard-host*)
          573                                       remote-host
          574                                       remote-port)
          575     (let ((sock (%socket +socket-af-inet+ +socket-sock-dgram+ +socket-ip-proto-udp+))
          576           (lsock_addr (fill-sockaddr_in (ffi:allocate-shallow 'sockaddr_in)
          577                                         local-host local-port))
          578           (rsock_addr (when remote-host
          579                         (fill-sockaddr_in (ffi:allocate-shallow 'sockaddr_in)
          580                                           remote-host (or remote-port local-port)))))
          581       (unless (plusp sock)
          582         (error "SOCKET-CREATE-DATAGRAM ERROR (socket): ~A" (os:errno)))
          583       (unwind-protect
          584            (let ((rv (%bind sock (ffi:cast (ffi:foreign-value lsock_addr) 'sockaddr)
          585                             *length-of-sockaddr_in*)))
          586              (unless (zerop rv)
          587                (error "SOCKET-CREATE-DATAGRAM ERROR (bind): ~A" (os:errno)))
          588              (when rsock_addr
          589                (let ((rv (%connect sock
          590                                    (ffi:cast (ffi:foreign-value rsock_addr) 'sockaddr)
          591                                    *length-of-sockaddr_in*)))
          592                  (unless (zerop rv)
          593                    (error "SOCKET-CREATE-DATAGRAM ERROR (connect): ~A" (os:errno))))))
          594         (ffi:foreign-free lsock_addr)
          595         (when remote-host
          596           (ffi:foreign-free rsock_addr)))
          597       (make-datagram-socket sock :connected-p (if rsock_addr t nil))))
          599   (defun finalize-datagram-usocket (object)
          600     (when (datagram-usocket-p object)
          601       (socket-close object)))
          603   (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((usocket datagram-usocket) &key)
          604     (setf (slot-value usocket 'recv-buffer)
          605           (ffi:allocate-shallow 'ffi:uint8 :count +max-datagram-packet-size+))
          606     ;; finalize the object
          607     (ext:finalize usocket 'finalize-datagram-usocket))
          609   (defmethod socket-close ((usocket datagram-usocket))
          610     (with-slots (recv-buffer socket) usocket
          611       (ffi:foreign-free recv-buffer)
          612       (zerop (%close socket))))
          614   (defmethod socket-receive ((usocket datagram-usocket) buffer length &key)
          615     (let ((remote-address (ffi:allocate-shallow 'sockaddr_in))
          616           (remote-address-length (ffi:allocate-shallow 'ffi:int))
          617           nbytes (host 0) (port 0))
          618       (setf (ffi:foreign-value remote-address-length)
          619             *length-of-sockaddr_in*)
          620       (unwind-protect
          621            (multiple-value-bind (n address address-length)
          622                (%recvfrom (socket usocket)
          623                           (ffi:foreign-address (slot-value usocket 'recv-buffer))
          624                           +max-datagram-packet-size+
          625                           0 ; flags
          626                           (ffi:cast (ffi:foreign-value remote-address) 'sockaddr)
          627                           (ffi:foreign-value remote-address-length))
          628              (when (minusp n)
          629                (error "SOCKET-RECEIVE ERROR: ~A" (os:errno)))
          630              (setq nbytes n)
          631              (when (= address-length *length-of-sockaddr_in*)
          632                (let ((data (sockaddr-sa_data address)))
          633                  (setq host (ip-from-octet-buffer data :start 2)
          634                        port (port-from-octet-buffer data))))
          635              (cond ((plusp n)
          636                     (let ((return-buffer (ffi:foreign-value (slot-value usocket 'recv-buffer))))
          637                       (if buffer ; replace exist buffer of create new return buffer
          638                           (let ((end-1 (min (or length (length buffer)) +max-datagram-packet-size+))
          639                                 (end-2 (min n +max-datagram-packet-size+)))
          640                             (replace buffer return-buffer :end1 end-1 :end2 end-2))
          641                           (setq buffer (subseq return-buffer 0 (min n +max-datagram-packet-size+))))))
          642                    ((zerop n))))
          643         (ffi:foreign-free remote-address)
          644         (ffi:foreign-free remote-address-length))
          645       (values buffer nbytes host port)))
          647   ;; implementation note: different from socket-receive, we know how many bytes we want to send everytime,
          648   ;; so, a send buffer will not needed, and if there is a buffer, it's hard to fill its content like those
          649   ;; in LispWorks. So, we allocate new foreign buffer for holding data (unknown sequence subtype) every time.
          650   ;; 
          651   ;; I don't know if anyone is watching my coding work, but I think this design is reasonable for CLISP.
          652   (defmethod socket-send ((usocket datagram-usocket) buffer size &key host port (offset 0))
          653     (declare (type sequence buffer)
          654              (type (integer 0 *) size offset))
          655     (let ((remote-address
          656            (when (and host port)
          657              (fill-sockaddr_in (ffi:allocate-shallow 'sockaddr_in) host port)))
          658           (send-buffer
          659            (ffi:allocate-deep 'ffi:uint8
          660                               (if (zerop offset)
          661                                   buffer
          662                                   (subseq buffer offset (+ offset size)))
          663                               :count size :read-only t))
          664           (real-size (min size +max-datagram-packet-size+))
          665           (nbytes 0))
          666       (unwind-protect
          667            (let ((n (if remote-address
          668                         (%sendto (socket usocket)
          669                                  (ffi:foreign-address send-buffer)
          670                                  real-size
          671                                  0 ; flags
          672                                  (ffi:cast (ffi:foreign-value remote-address) 'sockaddr)
          673                                  *length-of-sockaddr_in*)
          674                         (%send (socket usocket)
          675                                (ffi:foreign-address send-buffer)
          676                                real-size
          677                                0))))
          678              (cond ((plusp n)
          679                     (setq nbytes n))
          680                    ((zerop n)
          681                     (setq nbytes n))
          682                    (t (error "SOCKET-SEND ERROR: ~A" (os:errno)))))
          683         (ffi:foreign-free send-buffer)
          684         (when remote-address
          685           (ffi:foreign-free remote-address))
          686         nbytes)))
          688   (declaim (inline get-socket-name))
          689   (defun get-socket-name (socket function)
          690     (let ((address (ffi:allocate-shallow 'sockaddr_in))
          691           (address-length (ffi:allocate-shallow 'ffi:int))
          692           (host 0) (port 0))
          693       (setf (ffi:foreign-value address-length) *length-of-sockaddr_in*)
          694       (unwind-protect
          695            (multiple-value-bind (rv return-address return-address-length)
          696                (funcall function socket
          697                         (ffi:cast (ffi:foreign-value address) 'sockaddr)
          698                         (ffi:foreign-value address-length))
          699              (declare (ignore return-address-length))
          700              (if (zerop rv)
          701                  (let ((data (sockaddr-sa_data return-address)))
          702                    (setq host (ip-from-octet-buffer data :start 2)
          703                          port (port-from-octet-buffer data)))
          704                  (error "GET-SOCKET-NAME ERROR: ~A" (os:errno))))
          705         (ffi:foreign-free address)
          706         (ffi:foreign-free address-length))
          707       (values (hbo-to-vector-quad host) port)))
          709   (defmethod get-local-name ((usocket datagram-usocket))
          710     (get-socket-name (socket usocket) '%getsockname))
          712   (defmethod get-peer-name ((usocket datagram-usocket))
          713     (get-socket-name (socket usocket) '%getpeername))
          715 ) ; progn