sbcl.lisp - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
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       sbcl.lisp (37185B)
            1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Common-Lisp -*-
            3 ;;;; See LICENSE for licensing information.
            5 (in-package :usocket)
            7 #+sbcl
            8 (progn
            9   #-win32
           10   (defun get-host-name ()
           11     (sb-unix:unix-gethostname))
           13   ;; we assume winsock has already been loaded, after all,
           14   ;; we already loaded sb-bsd-sockets and sb-alien
           15   #+win32
           16   (defun get-host-name ()
           17     (sb-alien:with-alien ((buf (sb-alien:array sb-alien:char 256)))
           18        (let ((result (sb-alien:alien-funcall
           19                       (sb-alien:extern-alien "gethostname"
           20                                              (sb-alien:function sb-alien:int
           21                                                                 (* sb-alien:char)
           22                                                                 sb-alien:int))
           23                       (sb-alien:cast buf (* sb-alien:char))
           24                       256)))
           25          (when (= result 0)
           26            (sb-alien:cast buf sb-alien:c-string))))))
           28 #+(and ecl (not ecl-bytecmp))
           29 (progn
           30   #-:wsock
           31   (ffi:clines
           32    "#include <errno.h>"
           33    "#include <sys/socket.h>"
           34    "#include <unistd.h>")
           35   #+:wsock
           36   (ffi:clines
           37    "#ifndef FD_SETSIZE"
           38    "#define FD_SETSIZE 1024"
           39    "#endif"
           40    "#include <winsock2.h>")
           42   (ffi:clines
           43    #+:msvc "#include <time.h>"
           44    #-:msvc "#include <sys/time.h>"
           45    "#include <ecl/ecl-inl.h>")
           46 #|
           47   #+:prefixed-api
           48   (ffi:clines
           49    "#define CONS(x, y) ecl_cons((x), (y))"
           50    "#define MAKE_INTEGER(x) ecl_make_integer((x))")
           51   #-:prefixed-api
           52   (ffi:clines
           53    "#define CONS(x, y) make_cons((x), (y))"
           54    "#define MAKE_INTEGER(x) make_integer((x))")
           55 |#
           57   (defun cerrno ()
           58     (ffi:c-inline () () :int
           59      "errno" :one-liner t))
           61   (defun fd-setsize ()
           62     (ffi:c-inline () () :fixnum
           63      "FD_SETSIZE" :one-liner t))
           65   (defun fdset-alloc ()
           66     (ffi:c-inline () () :pointer-void
           67      "ecl_alloc_atomic(sizeof(fd_set))" :one-liner t))
           69   (defun fdset-zero (fdset)
           70     (ffi:c-inline (fdset) (:pointer-void) :void
           71      "FD_ZERO((fd_set*)#0)" :one-liner t))
           73   (defun fdset-set (fdset fd)
           74     (ffi:c-inline (fdset fd) (:pointer-void :fixnum) :void
           75      "FD_SET(#1,(fd_set*)#0)" :one-liner t))
           77   (defun fdset-clr (fdset fd)
           78     (ffi:c-inline (fdset fd) (:pointer-void :fixnum) :void
           79      "FD_CLR(#1,(fd_set*)#0)" :one-liner t))
           81   (defun fdset-fd-isset (fdset fd)
           82     (ffi:c-inline (fdset fd) (:pointer-void :fixnum) :bool
           83      "FD_ISSET(#1,(fd_set*)#0)" :one-liner t))
           85   (declaim (inline cerrno
           86                    fd-setsize
           87                    fdset-alloc
           88                    fdset-zero
           89                    fdset-set
           90                    fdset-clr
           91                    fdset-fd-isset))
           93   (defun get-host-name ()
           94     (ffi:c-inline
           95      () () :object
           96      "{ char *buf = (char *) ecl_alloc_atomic(257);
           98         if (gethostname(buf,256) == 0)
           99           @(return) = make_simple_base_string(buf);
          100         else
          101           @(return) = Cnil;
          102       }" :one-liner nil :side-effects nil))
          104   (defun read-select (wl to-secs &optional (to-musecs 0))
          105     (let* ((sockets (wait-list-waiters wl))
          106            (rfds (wait-list-%wait wl))
          107            (max-fd (reduce #'(lambda (x y)
          108                                (let ((sy (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor
          109                                           (socket y))))
          110                                  (if (< x sy) sy x)))
          111                            (cdr sockets)
          112                            :initial-value (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor
          113                                            (socket (car sockets))))))
          114       (fdset-zero rfds)
          115       (dolist (sock sockets)
          116         (fdset-set rfds (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor
          117                          (socket sock))))
          118       (let ((count
          119              (ffi:c-inline (to-secs to-musecs rfds max-fd)
          120                            (t :unsigned-int :pointer-void :int)
          121                            :int
          122       "
          123           int count;
          124           struct timeval tv;
          125           struct timeval tvs;
          126           struct timeval tve;
          127           unsigned long elapsed;
          128           unsigned long remaining;
          129           int retval = -1;
          131           if (#0 != Cnil) {
          132             tv.tv_sec = fixnnint(#0);
          133             tv.tv_usec = #1;
          134           }
          135           remaining = ((tv.tv_sec*1000000) + tv.tv_usec);
          137           do {
          138               (void)gettimeofday(&tvs, NULL);   // start time
          140               retval = select(#3 + 1, (fd_set*)#2, NULL, NULL,
          141                            (#0 != Cnil) ? &tv : NULL);
          143               if ( (retval < 0) && (errno == EINTR) && (#0 != Cnil) ) {
          144                   (void)gettimeofday(&tve, NULL);            // end time
          145                   elapsed = (tve.tv_sec - tvs.tv_sec)*1000000 + (tve.tv_usec - tvs.tv_usec);
          146                   remaining = remaining - elapsed;
          147                   if ( remaining < 0 ) {                     // already past timeout, just exit
          148                       retval = 0;
          149                       break;
          150                   }
          152                   tv.tv_sec = remaining / 1000000;
          153                   tv.tv_usec = remaining - (tv.tv_sec * 1000000);
          154               }
          156           } while ((retval < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
          158           @(return) = retval;
          159 " :one-liner nil)))
          160         (cond
          161           ((= 0 count)
          162            (values nil nil))
          163           ((< count 0)
          164            ;; check for EAGAIN; these should not err
          165            (values nil (cerrno)))
          166           (t
          167            (dolist (sock sockets)
          168              (when (fdset-fd-isset rfds (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor
          169                                          (socket sock)))
          170                (setf (state sock) :READ))))))))
          171 ) ; progn
          173 (defun map-socket-error (sock-err)
          174   (map-errno-error (sb-bsd-sockets::socket-error-errno sock-err)))
          176 (defparameter +sbcl-condition-map+
          177   '((interrupted-error . interrupted-condition)))
          179 (defparameter +sbcl-error-map+
          180   `((sb-bsd-sockets:address-in-use-error . address-in-use-error)
          181     (sb-bsd-sockets::no-address-error . address-not-available-error)
          182     (sb-bsd-sockets:bad-file-descriptor-error . bad-file-descriptor-error)
          183     (sb-bsd-sockets:connection-refused-error . connection-refused-error)
          184     (sb-bsd-sockets:invalid-argument-error . invalid-argument-error)
          185     (sb-bsd-sockets:no-buffers-error . no-buffers-error)
          186     (sb-bsd-sockets:operation-not-supported-error
          187      . operation-not-supported-error)
          188     (sb-bsd-sockets:operation-not-permitted-error
          189      . operation-not-permitted-error)
          190     (sb-bsd-sockets:protocol-not-supported-error
          191      . protocol-not-supported-error)
          192     #-(or ecl clasp)
          193     (sb-bsd-sockets:unknown-protocol
          194      . protocol-not-supported-error)
          195     (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-type-not-supported-error
          196      . socket-type-not-supported-error)
          197     (sb-bsd-sockets:network-unreachable-error . network-unreachable-error)
          198     (sb-bsd-sockets:operation-timeout-error . timeout-error)
          199     #-(or ecl clasp)
          200     (sb-sys:io-timeout . timeout-error)
          201     #+sbcl
          202     (sb-ext:timeout . timeout-error)
          203     (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-error . ,#'map-socket-error)
          205     ;; Nameservice errors: mapped to unknown-error
          206     #-(or ecl clasp)
          207     (sb-bsd-sockets:no-recovery-error . ns-no-recovery-error)
          208     #-(or ecl clasp)
          209     (sb-bsd-sockets:try-again-error . ns-try-again-condition)
          210     #-(or ecl clasp)
          211     (sb-bsd-sockets:host-not-found-error . ns-host-not-found-error)))
          213 ;; this function servers as a general template for other backends
          214 (defun handle-condition (condition &optional (socket nil) (host-or-ip nil))
          215   "Dispatch correct usocket condition."
          216   (typecase condition
          217     (serious-condition
          218      (let* ((usock-error (cdr (assoc (type-of condition) +sbcl-error-map+)))
          219             (usock-error (if (functionp usock-error)
          220                              (funcall usock-error condition)
          221                              usock-error)))
          222        (declare (type symbol usock-error))
          223        (if usock-error
          224            (cond ((subtypep usock-error 'ns-error)
          225                   (error usock-error :socket socket :host-or-ip host-or-ip))
          226                  (t
          227                   (error usock-error :socket socket)))
          228            (error 'unknown-error
          229                   :real-error condition
          230                   :socket socket))))
          231     (condition
          232      (let* ((usock-cond (cdr (assoc (type-of condition) +sbcl-condition-map+)))
          233             (usock-cond (if (functionp usock-cond)
          234                             (funcall usock-cond condition)
          235                             usock-cond)))
          236        (if usock-cond
          237            (cond ((subtypep usock-cond 'ns-condition)
          238                   (signal usock-cond :socket socket :host-or-ip host-or-ip))
          239                  (t
          240                   (signal usock-cond :socket socket)))
          241            (signal 'unknown-condition
          242                    :real-condition condition
          243                    :socket socket))))))
          245 ;;; "The socket stream ends up with a bogus name as it is created before
          246 ;;; the socket is connected, making things harder to debug than they need
          247 ;;; to be." -- Nikodemus Siivola <>
          249 (defvar *dummy-stream*
          250   (let ((stream (make-broadcast-stream)))
          251     (close stream)
          252     stream))
          254 ;;; Amusingly, neither SBCL's own, nor GBBopen's WITH-TIMEOUT is asynch
          255 ;;; unwind safe. The one I posted is -- that's what the WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS
          256 ;;; and WITH-LOCAL-INTERRUPTS were for. :) But yeah, it's miles saner than
          257 ;;; the SB-EXT:WITH-TIMEOUT. -- Nikodemus Siivola <>
          259 #+(and sbcl (not win32))
          260 (defmacro %with-timeout ((seconds timeout-form) &body body)
          261   "Runs BODY as an implicit PROGN with timeout of SECONDS. If
          262 timeout occurs before BODY has finished, BODY is unwound and
          263 TIMEOUT-FORM is executed with its values returned instead.
          265 Note that BODY is unwound asynchronously when a timeout occurs,
          266 so unless all code executed during it -- including anything
          267 down the call chain -- is asynch unwind safe, bad things will
          268 happen. Use with care."
          269   (let ((exec (gensym)) (unwind (gensym)) (timer (gensym))
          270         (timeout (gensym)) (block (gensym)))
          271     `(block ,block
          272        (tagbody
          273           (flet ((,unwind ()
          274                    (go ,timeout))
          275                  (,exec ()
          276                    ,@body))
          277             (declare (dynamic-extent #',exec #',unwind))
          278             (let ((,timer (sb-ext:make-timer #',unwind)))
          279               (declare (dynamic-extent ,timer))
          280               (sb-sys:without-interrupts
          281                   (unwind-protect
          282                        (progn
          283                          (sb-ext:schedule-timer ,timer ,seconds)
          284                          (return-from ,block
          285                            (sb-sys:with-local-interrupts
          286                                (,exec))))
          287                     (sb-ext:unschedule-timer ,timer)))))
          288           ,timeout
          289           (return-from ,block ,timeout-form)))))
          291 (defun get-hosts-by-name (name)
          292   (with-mapped-conditions (nil name)
          293     (multiple-value-bind (host4 host6)
          294         (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name name)
          295       (let ((addr4 (when host4
          296                      (sb-bsd-sockets::host-ent-addresses host4)))
          297             (addr6 (when host6
          298                      (sb-bsd-sockets::host-ent-addresses host6))))
          299         (append addr4 addr6)))))
          301 (defun socket-connect (host port &key (protocol :stream) (element-type 'character)
          302                        timeout deadline (nodelay t nodelay-specified)
          303                        local-host local-port
          304                        &aux
          305                        (sockopt-tcp-nodelay-p
          306                         (fboundp 'sb-bsd-sockets::sockopt-tcp-nodelay)))
          307   (when deadline (unsupported 'deadline 'socket-connect))
          308   #+(or ecl clasp)
          309   (when timeout (unsupported 'timeout 'socket-connect))
          310   (when (and nodelay-specified
          311              ;; 20080802: ECL added this function to its sockets
          312              ;; package today. There's no guarantee the functions
          313              ;; we need are available, but we can make sure not to
          314              ;; call them if they aren't
          315              (not (eq nodelay :if-supported))
          316              (not sockopt-tcp-nodelay-p))
          317     (unsupported 'nodelay 'socket-connect))
          318   (when (eq nodelay :if-supported)
          319     (setf nodelay t))
          321   (let* ((remote (when host
          322                    (car (get-hosts-by-name (host-to-hostname host)))))
          323          (local (when local-host
          324                   (car (get-hosts-by-name (host-to-hostname local-host)))))
          325          (ipv6 (or (and remote (= 16 (length remote)))
          326                    (and local (= 16 (length local)))))
          327          (socket (make-instance #+sbcl (if ipv6
          328                                            'sb-bsd-sockets::inet6-socket
          329                                            'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket)
          330                                 #+(or ecl clasp) 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket
          331                                 :type protocol
          332                                 :protocol (case protocol
          333                                             (:stream :tcp)
          334                                             (:datagram :udp))))
          335          usocket
          336          ok)
          338     (unwind-protect
          339          (progn
          340            (ecase protocol
          341              (:stream
          342               ;; If make a real socket stream before the socket is
          343               ;; connected, it gets a misleading name so supply a
          344               ;; dummy value to start with.
          345               (setf usocket (make-stream-socket :socket socket :stream *dummy-stream*))
          346               ;; binghe: use SOCKOPT-TCP-NODELAY as internal symbol
          347               ;;         to pass compilation on ECL without it.
          348               (when (and nodelay-specified sockopt-tcp-nodelay-p)
          349                 (setf (sb-bsd-sockets::sockopt-tcp-nodelay socket) nodelay))
          350               (when (or local-host local-port)
          351                 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-bind socket
          352                                             (if ipv6
          353                                                 (or local (ipv6-host-to-vector "::0"))
          354                                                 (or local (host-to-vector-quad *wildcard-host*)))
          355                                             (or local-port *auto-port*)))
          357               (with-mapped-conditions (usocket host)
          358                 #+(and sbcl (not win32))
          359                 (labels ((connect ()
          360                            (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket remote port)))
          361                   (if timeout
          362                       (%with-timeout (timeout (error 'sb-ext:timeout)) (connect))
          363                       (connect)))
          364                 #+(or ecl clasp (and sbcl win32))
          365                 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket remote port)
          366                 ;; Now that we're connected make the stream.
          367                 (setf (socket-stream usocket)
          368                       (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream socket
          369                         :input t :output t :buffering :full
          370                         :element-type element-type
          371                         ;; Robert Brown <> said on Aug 4, 2011:
          372                         ;; ... This means that SBCL streams created by usocket have a true
          373                         ;; serve-events property.  When writing large amounts of data to several
          374                         ;; streams, the kernel will eventually stop accepting data from SBCL.
          375                         ;; When this happens, SBCL either waits for I/O to be possible on
          376                         ;; the file descriptor it's writing to or queues the data to be flushed later.
          377                         ;; Because usocket streams specify serve-events as true, SBCL
          378                         ;; always queues.  Instead, it should wait for I/O to be available and
          379                         ;; write the remaining data to the socket.  That's what serve-events
          380                         ;; equal to NIL gets you.
          381                         ;;
          382                         ;; Nikodemus Siivola <> said on Aug 8, 2011:
          383                         ;; It's set to T for purely historical reasons, and will soon change to
          384                         ;; NIL in SBCL. (The docstring has warned of T being a temporary default
          385                         ;; for as long as the :SERVE-EVENTS keyword argument has existed.)
          386                         :serve-events nil))))
          387              (:datagram
          388               (when (or local-host local-port)
          389                 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-bind socket
          390                                             (if ipv6
          391                                                 (or local (ipv6-host-to-vector "::0"))
          392                                                 (or local (host-to-vector-quad *wildcard-host*)))
          393                                             (or local-port *auto-port*)))
          394               (setf usocket (make-datagram-socket socket))
          395               (when (and host port)
          396                 (with-mapped-conditions (usocket)
          397                   (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect socket remote port)
          398                   (setf (connected-p usocket) t)))))
          399            (setf ok t))
          400       ;; Clean up in case of an error.
          401       (unless ok
          402         (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close socket :abort t)))
          403     usocket))
          405 (defun socket-listen (host port
          406                            &key reuseaddress
          407                            (reuse-address nil reuse-address-supplied-p)
          408                            (backlog 5)
          409                            (element-type 'character))
          410   (let* (#+sbcl
          411          (local (when host
          412                   (car (get-hosts-by-name (host-to-hostname host)))))
          413          #+sbcl
          414          (ipv6 (and local (= 16 (length local))))
          415          (reuseaddress (if reuse-address-supplied-p reuse-address reuseaddress))
          416          (ip #+sbcl (if (and local (not (eq host *wildcard-host*)))
          417                         local
          418                         (hbo-to-vector-quad sb-bsd-sockets-internal::inaddr-any))
          419              #+(or ecl clasp) (host-to-vector-quad host))
          420          (sock (make-instance #+sbcl (if ipv6
          421                                          'sb-bsd-sockets::inet6-socket
          422                                          'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket)
          423                               #+(or ecl clasp) 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket
          424                               :type :stream
          425                               :protocol :tcp)))
          426     (handler-case
          427         (with-mapped-conditions (nil host)
          428           (setf (sb-bsd-sockets:sockopt-reuse-address sock) reuseaddress)
          429           (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-bind sock ip port)
          430           (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-listen sock backlog)
          431           (make-stream-server-socket sock :element-type element-type))
          432       (t (c)
          433         ;; Make sure we don't leak filedescriptors
          434         (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close sock)
          435         (error c)))))
          437 ;;; "2. SB-BSD-SOCKETS:SOCKET-ACCEPT method returns NIL for EAGAIN/EINTR,
          438 ;;; instead of raising a condition. It's always possible for
          439 ;;; SOCKET-ACCEPT on non-blocking socket to fail, even after the socket
          440 ;;; was detected to be ready: connection might be reset, for example.
          441 ;;;
          442 ;;; "I had to redefine SOCKET-ACCEPT method of STREAM-SERVER-USOCKET to
          443 ;;; handle this situation. Here is the redefinition:" -- Anton Kovalenko <>
          445 (defmethod socket-accept ((usocket stream-server-usocket) &key element-type)
          446   (with-mapped-conditions (usocket)
          447     (let ((socket (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-accept (socket usocket))))
          448       (when socket
          449         (prog1
          450           (make-stream-socket
          451            :socket socket
          452            :stream (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream
          453                     socket
          454                     :input t :output t :buffering :full
          455                     :element-type (or element-type
          456                                       (element-type usocket))))
          458           ;; next time wait for event again if we had EAGAIN/EINTR
          459           ;; or else we'd enter a tight loop of failed accepts
          460           #+win32
          461           (setf (%ready-p usocket) nil))))))
          463 ;; Sockets and their associated streams are modelled as
          464 ;; different objects. Be sure to close the stream (which
          465 ;; closes the socket too) when closing a stream-socket.
          466 (defmethod socket-close ((usocket usocket))
          467   (with-mapped-conditions (usocket)
          468     (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close (socket usocket))))
          470 (defmethod socket-close ((usocket stream-usocket))
          471   (with-mapped-conditions (usocket)
          472     (close (socket-stream usocket))))
          474 #+sbcl
          475 (defmethod socket-shutdown ((usocket stream-usocket) direction)
          476   (with-mapped-conditions (usocket)
          477     (sb-bsd-sockets::socket-shutdown (socket usocket) :direction direction)))
          479 #+ecl
          480 (defmethod socket-shutdown ((usocket stream-usocket) direction)
          481   (let ((sock-fd (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor (socket usocket)))
          482         (direction-flag (ecase direction
          483                           (:input 0)
          484                           (:output 1))))
          485     (unless (zerop (ffi:c-inline (sock-fd direction-flag) (:int :int) :int
          486                                "shutdown(#0, #1)" :one-liner t))
          487       (error (map-errno-error (cerrno))))))
          489 #+clasp
          490 (defmethod socket-shutdown ((usocket stream-usocket) direction)
          491   (let ((sock-fd (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor (socket usocket)))
          492         (direction-flag (ecase direction
          493                           (:input 0)
          494                           (:output 1))))
          495     (unless (zerop (sockets-internal:shutdown sock-fd direction-flag))
          496       (error (map-errno-error (cerrno))))))
          498 (defmethod socket-send ((usocket datagram-usocket) buffer size &key host port (offset 0))
          499   (let ((remote (when host
          500                   (car (get-hosts-by-name (host-to-hostname host))))))
          501     (with-mapped-conditions (usocket host)
          502       (let* ((s (socket usocket))
          503              (dest (if (and host port) (list remote port) nil))
          504              (real-buffer (if (zerop offset)
          505                               buffer
          506                               (subseq buffer offset (+ offset size)))))
          507         (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-send s real-buffer size :address dest)))))
          509 (defmethod socket-receive ((usocket datagram-usocket) buffer length
          510                            &key (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
          511   #+sbcl
          512   (declare (values (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) ; buffer
          513                    (integer 0)                          ; size
          514                    (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) ; host
          515                    (unsigned-byte 16)))                 ; port
          516   (with-mapped-conditions (usocket)
          517     (let ((s (socket usocket)))
          518       (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-receive s buffer length :element-type element-type))))
          520 (defmethod get-local-name ((usocket usocket))
          521   (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-name (socket usocket)))
          523 (defmethod get-peer-name ((usocket stream-usocket))
          524   (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-peername (socket usocket)))
          526 (defmethod get-local-address ((usocket usocket))
          527   (nth-value 0 (get-local-name usocket)))
          529 (defmethod get-peer-address ((usocket stream-usocket))
          530   (nth-value 0 (get-peer-name usocket)))
          532 (defmethod get-local-port ((usocket usocket))
          533   (nth-value 1 (get-local-name usocket)))
          535 (defmethod get-peer-port ((usocket stream-usocket))
          536   (nth-value 1 (get-peer-name usocket)))
          538 (defun get-host-by-address (address)
          539   (with-mapped-conditions (nil address)
          540     (sb-bsd-sockets::host-ent-name
          541         (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-address address))))
          543 #+(and sbcl (not win32))
          544 (progn
          545   (defun %setup-wait-list (wait-list)
          546     (declare (ignore wait-list)))
          548   (defun %add-waiter (wait-list waiter)
          549     (push (socket waiter) (wait-list-%wait wait-list)))
          551   (defun %remove-waiter (wait-list waiter)
          552     (setf (wait-list-%wait wait-list)
          553           (remove (socket waiter) (wait-list-%wait wait-list))))
          555   (defun wait-for-input-internal (sockets &key timeout)
          556     (with-mapped-conditions ()
          557       (sb-alien:with-alien ((rfds (sb-alien:struct sb-unix:fd-set)))
          558          (sb-unix:fd-zero rfds)
          559          (dolist (socket (wait-list-%wait sockets))
          560            (sb-unix:fd-set
          561             (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor socket)
          562             rfds))
          563          (multiple-value-bind
          564              (secs musecs)
          565              (split-timeout (or timeout 1))
          566            (let* ((wait-list (wait-list-%wait sockets))
          567                   count err)
          568              (if (null wait-list)
          569                  (setq count 0) ;; no need to call
          570                (multiple-value-setq (count err)
          571                  (sb-unix:unix-fast-select
          572                   ;; "invalid number of arguments: 0" if wait-list is null.
          573                   (1+ (reduce #'max wait-list
          574                               :key #'sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor))
          575                   (sb-alien:addr rfds) nil nil
          576                   (when timeout secs) (when timeout musecs))))
          577              (if (null count) ; something wrong in #'sb-unix:unix-fast-select
          578                  (unless (= err sb-unix:eintr)
          579                    (error (map-errno-error err)))
          580                  (when (< 0 count) ; do nothing if count = 0
          581                    ;; process the result...
          582                    (dolist (x (wait-list-waiters sockets))
          583                      (when (sb-unix:fd-isset
          584                             (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor
          585                              (socket x))
          586                             rfds)
          587                        (setf (state x) :READ))))))))))
          588 ) ; progn
          590 ;;; WAIT-FOR-INPUT support for SBCL on Windows platform (Chun Tian (binghe))
          591 ;;; Based on LispWorks version written by Erik Huelsmann.
          593 #+win32 ; shared by ECL and SBCL
          594 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
          595   (defconstant +wsa-wait-failed+ #xffffffff)
          596   (defconstant +wsa-infinite+ #xffffffff)
          597   (defconstant +wsa-wait-event-0+ 0)
          598   (defconstant +wsa-wait-timeout+ 258))
          600 #+win32 ; shared by ECL and SBCL
          601 (progn
          602   (defconstant fd-read 1)
          603   (defconstant fd-read-bit 0)
          604   (defconstant fd-write 2)
          605   (defconstant fd-write-bit 1)
          606   (defconstant fd-oob 4)
          607   (defconstant fd-oob-bit 2)
          608   (defconstant fd-accept 8)
          609   (defconstant fd-accept-bit 3)
          610   (defconstant fd-connect 16)
          611   (defconstant fd-connect-bit 4)
          612   (defconstant fd-close 32)
          613   (defconstant fd-close-bit 5)
          614   (defconstant fd-qos 64)
          615   (defconstant fd-qos-bit 6)
          616   (defconstant fd-group-qos 128)
          617   (defconstant fd-group-qos-bit 7)
          618   (defconstant fd-routing-interface 256)
          619   (defconstant fd-routing-interface-bit 8)
          620   (defconstant fd-address-list-change 512)
          621   (defconstant fd-address-list-change-bit 9)
          622   (defconstant fd-max-events 10)
          623   (defconstant fionread 1074030207)
          625   ;; Note: for ECL, socket-handle will return raw Windows Handle,
          626   ;;       while SBCL returns OSF Handle instead.
          627   (defun socket-handle (usocket)
          628     (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor (socket usocket)))
          630   (defun socket-ready-p (socket)
          631     (if (typep socket 'stream-usocket)
          632         (plusp (bytes-available-for-read socket))
          633       (%ready-p socket)))
          635   (defun waiting-required (sockets)
          636     (notany #'socket-ready-p sockets))
          638   (defun raise-usock-err (errno &optional socket)
          639     (error 'unknown-error
          640            :socket socket
          641            :real-error errno))
          643   (defun wait-for-input-internal (wait-list &key timeout)
          644     (when (waiting-required (wait-list-waiters wait-list))
          645       (let ((rv (wsa-wait-for-multiple-events 1 (wait-list-%wait wait-list)
          646                                               nil
          647                                               (if timeout
          648                                                   (truncate (* 1000 timeout))
          649                                                   +wsa-infinite+)
          650                                               nil)))
          651         (ecase rv
          652           ((#.+wsa-wait-event-0+)
          653            (update-ready-and-state-slots wait-list))
          654           ((#.+wsa-wait-timeout+)) ; do nothing here
          655           ((#.+wsa-wait-failed+)
          656            (maybe-wsa-error rv))))))
          658   (defun %add-waiter (wait-list waiter)
          659     (let ((events (etypecase waiter
          660                     (stream-server-usocket (logior fd-connect fd-accept fd-close))
          661                     (stream-usocket (logior fd-read))
          662                     (datagram-usocket (logior fd-read)))))
          663       (maybe-wsa-error
          664        (wsa-event-select (os-socket-handle waiter) (os-wait-list-%wait wait-list) events)
          665        waiter)))
          667   (defun %remove-waiter (wait-list waiter)
          668     (maybe-wsa-error
          669      (wsa-event-select (os-socket-handle waiter) (os-wait-list-%wait wait-list) 0)
          670      waiter))
          671 ) ; progn
          673 #+(and sbcl win32)
          674 (progn
          675   ;; "SOCKET is defined as intptr_t in Windows headers; however, WS-SOCKET
          676   ;; is defined as unsigned-int, i.e. 32-bit even on 64-bit platform.  It
          677   ;; seems to be a good thing to redefine WS-SOCKET as SB-ALIEN:SIGNED,
          678   ;; which is always machine word-sized (exactly as intptr_t;
          679   ;; N.B. as of Windows/x64, long and signed-long are 32-bit, and thus not
          680   ;; enough -- potentially)."
          681   ;; -- Anton Kovalenko <>, Mar 22, 2011
          682   (sb-alien:define-alien-type ws-socket sb-alien:signed)
          684   (sb-alien:define-alien-type ws-dword sb-alien:unsigned-long)
          685   (sb-alien:define-alien-type ws-event sb-alien::hinstance)
          687   (sb-alien:define-alien-type nil
          688     (sb-alien:struct wsa-network-events
          689       (network-events sb-alien:long)
          690       (error-code (array sb-alien:int 10)))) ; 10 = fd-max-events
          692   (sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("WSACreateEvent" wsa-event-create)
          693       ws-event) ; return type only
          695   (sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("WSACloseEvent" wsa-event-close)
          696       (boolean
          697     (event-object ws-event))
          699   ;; not used
          700   (sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("WSAResetEvent" wsa-reset-event)
          701       (boolean
          702     (event-object ws-event))
          704   (sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("WSAEnumNetworkEvents" wsa-enum-network-events)
          705       sb-alien:int
          706     (socket ws-socket)
          707     (event-object ws-event)
          708     (network-events (* (sb-alien:struct wsa-network-events))))
          710   (sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("WSAEventSelect" wsa-event-select)
          711       sb-alien:int
          712     (socket ws-socket)
          713     (event-object ws-event)
          714     (network-events sb-alien:long))
          716   (sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("WSAWaitForMultipleEvents" wsa-wait-for-multiple-events)
          717       ws-dword
          718     (number-of-events ws-dword)
          719     (events (* ws-event))
          720     (wait-all-p (boolean
          721     (timeout ws-dword)
          722     (alertable-p (boolean
          724   (sb-alien:define-alien-routine ("ioctlsocket" wsa-ioctlsocket)
          725       sb-alien:int
          726     (socket ws-socket)
          727     (cmd sb-alien:long)
          728     (argp (* sb-alien:unsigned-long)))
          730   (defun maybe-wsa-error (rv &optional socket)
          731     (unless (zerop rv)
          732       (raise-usock-err (sockint::wsa-get-last-error) socket)))
          734   (defun os-socket-handle (usocket)
          735     (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor (socket usocket)))
          737   (defun bytes-available-for-read (socket)
          738     (sb-alien:with-alien ((int-ptr sb-alien:unsigned-long))
          739       (maybe-wsa-error (wsa-ioctlsocket (os-socket-handle socket) fionread (sb-alien:addr int-ptr))
          740                        socket)
          741       (prog1 int-ptr
          742         (when (plusp int-ptr)
          743           (setf (state socket) :read)))))
          745   (defun map-network-events (func network-events)
          746     (let ((event-map (sb-alien:slot network-events 'network-events))
          747           (error-array (sb-alien:slot network-events 'error-code)))
          748       (unless (zerop event-map)
          749         (dotimes (i fd-max-events)
          750           (unless (zerop (ldb (byte 1 i) event-map)) ;;### could be faster with ash and logand?
          751             (funcall func (sb-alien:deref error-array i)))))))
          753   (defun update-ready-and-state-slots (wait-list)
          754     (loop with sockets = (wait-list-waiters wait-list)
          755           for socket in sockets do
          756       (if (%ready-p socket)
          757           (progn
          758             (setf (state socket) :READ))
          759         (sb-alien:with-alien ((network-events (sb-alien:struct wsa-network-events)))
          760           (let ((rv (wsa-enum-network-events (os-socket-handle socket)
          761                                              (os-wait-list-%wait wait-list)
          762                                              (sb-alien:addr network-events))))
          763             (if (zerop rv)
          764                 (map-network-events
          765                  #'(lambda (err-code)
          766                      (if (zerop err-code)
          767                          (progn
          768                            (setf (state socket) :READ)
          769                            (when (stream-server-usocket-p socket)
          770                              (setf (%ready-p socket) t)))
          771                        (raise-usock-err err-code socket)))
          772                  network-events)
          773               (maybe-wsa-error rv socket)))))))
          775   (defun os-wait-list-%wait (wait-list)
          776     (sb-alien:deref (wait-list-%wait wait-list)))
          778   (defun (setf os-wait-list-%wait) (value wait-list)
          779     (setf (sb-alien:deref (wait-list-%wait wait-list)) value))
          781   ;; "Event handles are leaking in current SBCL backend implementation,
          782   ;; because of SBCL-unfriendly usage of finalizers.
          783   ;;
          784   ;; "SBCL never calls a finalizer that closes over a finalized object: a
          785   ;; reference from that closure prevents its collection forever. That's
          786   ;; the case with USOCKET in %SETUP-WAIT-LIST.
          787   ;;
          788   ;; "I use the following redefinition of %SETUP-WAIT-LIST: 
          789   ;;
          790   ;; "Of course it may be rewritten with more clarity, but you can see the
          791   ;; core idea: I'm closing over those components of WAIT-LIST that I need
          792   ;; for finalization, not the wait-list itself. With the original
          793   ;; %SETUP-WAIT-LIST, hunchentoot stops working after ~100k accepted
          794   ;; connections; it doesn't happen with redefined %SETUP-WAIT-LIST."
          795   ;;
          796   ;; -- Anton Kovalenko <>, Mar 22, 2011
          798   (defun %setup-wait-list (wait-list)
          799     (setf (wait-list-%wait wait-list) (sb-alien:make-alien ws-event))
          800     (setf (os-wait-list-%wait wait-list) (wsa-event-create))
          801     (sb-ext:finalize wait-list
          802                      (let ((event-handle (os-wait-list-%wait wait-list))
          803                            (alien (wait-list-%wait wait-list)))
          804                        #'(lambda ()
          805                            (wsa-event-close event-handle)
          806                            (unless (null alien)
          807                              (sb-alien:free-alien alien))))))
          809 ) ; progn
          811 #+(and (or ecl clasp) (not win32))
          812 (progn
          813   (defun wait-for-input-internal (wl &key timeout)
          814     (with-mapped-conditions ()
          815       (multiple-value-bind (secs usecs)
          816           (split-timeout (or timeout 1))
          817         (multiple-value-bind (result-fds err)
          818             (read-select wl (when timeout secs) usecs)
          819           (declare (ignore result-fds))
          820           (unless (null err)
          821             (error (map-errno-error err)))))))
          823   (defun %setup-wait-list (wl)
          824     (setf (wait-list-%wait wl)
          825           (fdset-alloc)))
          827   (defun %add-waiter (wl w)
          828     (declare (ignore wl w)))
          830   (defun %remove-waiter (wl w)
          831     (declare (ignore wl w)))
          832 ) ; progn
          834 #+(and (or ecl clasp) win32 (not ecl-bytecmp))
          835 (progn
          836   (defun maybe-wsa-error (rv &optional syscall)
          837     (unless (zerop rv)
          838       (sb-bsd-sockets::socket-error syscall)))
          840   (defun %setup-wait-list (wl)
          841     (setf (wait-list-%wait wl)
          842           (ffi:c-inline () () :int
          843            "WSAEVENT event;
          844             event = WSACreateEvent();
          845             @(return) = event;")))
          847   (defun %add-waiter (wait-list waiter)
          848     (let ((events (etypecase waiter
          849                     (stream-server-usocket (logior fd-connect fd-accept fd-close))
          850                     (stream-usocket (logior fd-read))
          851                     (datagram-usocket (logior fd-read)))))
          852       (maybe-wsa-error
          853        (ffi:c-inline ((socket-handle waiter) (wait-list-%wait wait-list) events)
          854                      (:fixnum :fixnum :fixnum) :fixnum
          855         "int result;
          856          result = WSAEventSelect((SOCKET)#0, (WSAEVENT)#1, (long)#2);
          857          @(return) = result;")
          858        '%add-waiter)))
          860   (defun %remove-waiter (wait-list waiter)
          861     (maybe-wsa-error
          862      (ffi:c-inline ((socket-handle waiter) (wait-list-%wait wait-list))
          863                    (:fixnum :fixnum) :fixnum
          864       "int result;
          865        result = WSAEventSelect((SOCKET)#0, (WSAEVENT)#1, 0L);
          866        @(return) = result;")
          867      '%remove-waiter))
          869   ;; TODO: how to handle error (result) in this call?
          870   (declaim (inline %bytes-available-for-read))
          871   (defun %bytes-available-for-read (socket)
          872     (ffi:c-inline ((socket-handle socket)) (:fixnum) :fixnum
          873      "u_long nbytes;
          874       int result;
          875       nbytes = 0L;
          876       result = ioctlsocket((SOCKET)#0, FIONREAD, &nbytes);
          877       @(return) = nbytes;"))
          879   (defun bytes-available-for-read (socket)
          880     (let ((nbytes (%bytes-available-for-read socket)))
          881       (when (plusp nbytes)
          882         (setf (state socket) :read))
          883       nbytes))
          885   (defun update-ready-and-state-slots (wait-list)
          886     (loop with sockets = (wait-list-waiters wait-list)
          887           for socket in sockets do
          888       (if (%ready-p socket)
          889           (setf (state socket) :READ)
          890         (let ((events (etypecase socket
          891                         (stream-server-usocket (logior fd-connect fd-accept fd-close))
          892                         (stream-usocket (logior fd-read))
          893                         (datagram-usocket (logior fd-read)))))
          894           ;; TODO: check the iErrorCode array
          895           (multiple-value-bind (valid-p ready-p)
          896               (ffi:c-inline ((socket-handle socket) events) (:fixnum :fixnum)
          897                                                             (values :bool :bool)
          898                 ;; TODO: replace 0 (2nd arg) with (wait-list-%wait wait-list)
          899                 "WSANETWORKEVENTS network_events;
          900                  int i, result;
          901                  result = WSAEnumNetworkEvents((SOCKET)#0, 0, &network_events);
          902                  if (!result) {
          903                    @(return 0) = Ct;
          904                    @(return 1) = (#1 & network_events.lNetworkEvents)? Ct : Cnil;
          905                  } else {
          906                    @(return 0) = Cnil;
          907                    @(return 1) = Cnil;
          908                  }")
          909             (if valid-p
          910                 (when ready-p
          911                   (setf (state socket) :READ)
          912                   (when (stream-server-usocket-p socket)
          913                     (setf (%ready-p socket) t)))
          914               (sb-bsd-sockets::socket-error 'update-ready-and-state-slots)))))))
          916   (defun wait-for-input-internal (wait-list &key timeout)
          917     (when (waiting-required (wait-list-waiters wait-list))
          918       (let ((rv (ffi:c-inline ((wait-list-%wait wait-list)
          919                                (if timeout
          920                                    (truncate (* 1000 timeout))
          921                                    +wsa-infinite+))
          922                               (:fixnum :fixnum) :fixnum
          923                  "DWORD result;
          924                   WSAEVENT events[1];
          925                   events[0] = (WSAEVENT)#0;
          926                   result = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(1, events, NULL, #1, NULL);
          927                   @(return) = result;")))
          928         (ecase rv
          929           ((#.+wsa-wait-event-0+)
          930            (update-ready-and-state-slots (wait-list-waiters wait-list)))
          931           ((#.+wsa-wait-timeout+)) ; do nothing here
          932           ((#.+wsa-wait-failed+)
          933            (sb-bsd-sockets::socket-error 'wait-for-input-internal))))))
          935 ) ; progn