t2020-08-15T08-59-31-898277.md - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
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       t2020-08-15T08-59-31-898277.md (7100B)
            1 # 2020-08-15 08:59:31.898277 UTC (+0000)
            3 1<<12 Meme Party Approaching!
            5 10:59:13    @__20h__ | annna, how many memes do you know?
            6 10:59:14       annna | I know 0xe00|0x120|(1<<3)|0x4|0x1 memes
            8 Now 0x80|(1<<6)|(1<<4)|0x3 are missing until 1<<12 are reached. In an
            9 approximation of the current growth, the party could happen at mid of
           10 September.
           12                    annna meme count (total on 2020-08-04: 3668)                
           14   4000 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   
           15        |            +             +            +             +            +|   
           16   3500 |-+                                                               MM|   
           17        |                                                               MMM |   
           18        |                                                              MM   |   
           19   3000 |-+                                                          MMM  +-|   
           20        |                                                          MMM      |   
           21   2500 |-+                                                       MM      +-|   
           22        |                                                       MMM         |   
           23   2000 |-+                                                     M         +-|   
           24        |                                                     MM            |   
           25   1500 |-+                                                   M           +-|   
           26        |                                                    MM             |   
           27   1000 |-+                                                MMM            +-|   
           28        |                                                MMM                |   
           29        |                                             MMMM                  |   
           30    500 |-+                             MMMMMMM**M*MMMM                   +-|   
           31        |           MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM       +             +            +|   
           32      0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   
           33     2018-12      2019-04       2019-08      2019-12       2020-04      2020-08 
           35                        annna meme growth (new memes per day)                   
           37   1000 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   
           38        |+           +             +            +             +            +|   
           39        |+                                                                 +|   
           40        |+                                          M        M             +|   
           41    100 |-+                                         *   M    *M      M  M +-|   
           42        |+                                          *  M*   MMMMMM M M  *M M|   
           43        |+                                          * M** MM*MMMMMMMMMM MMMM|   
           44     10 |-+                  M                      MMM*MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMM|   
           45        |+ M    M            *    MMMM              MMMMMMMM** M MM MMMMMMM*|   
           46        |+ MMMMMMM MM  M  M  *M M MM*M      M       MMM*MMM  *             M|   
           47        |+ MMM**M* M*MM* M*M *MM*M*MMMMMMM  *       M* M  M  M             *|   
           48      1 |-+*MMM*MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM*MMMMMM* MM        M M                  +M|   
           49        |+ M  MM  **MMMMMMM **M * M*M M* M *                               +|   
           50        |+     M  M*  M     M*  M  M   M  MM                               +|   
           51    0.1 |-+        M         *             M                              +-|   
           52        |+                   M                                             +|   
           53        |+                                                                 +|   
           54        |+           +             +            +             +            +|   
           55   0.01 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+   
           56     2018-12      2019-04       2019-08      2019-12       2020-04      2020-08 
           59                       +------ top 10 (uses per week) ------+
           60                       |  1. #myes                    1.583 |
           61                       |  2. #mindblown               1.491 |
           62                       |  3. #trumpular               1.309 |
           63                       |  4. #magic                   1.187 |
           64                       |  5. #job                     1.187 |
           65                       |  6. #doit                    0.761 |
           66                       |  7. #freedom                 0.670 |
           67                       |  8. #20h-thumbs              0.670 |
           68                       |  9. #power                   0.639 |
           69                       | 10. #fine                    0.639 |
           70                       +------------------------------------+
           72                       +----- statistics (2020-08-03) ------+
           73                       | number of images:         2589     |
           74                       | number of movies:         1032     |
           75                       | average movie length:      130.3 s |
           76                       | total image viewing time:    3.6 h |
           77                       | total movie length:         37.4 h |
           78                       +------------------------------------+
           80               annna meme count (total on 2020-08-04: 3668) set log y           
           82   10000 +------------------------------------------------------------------+   
           83         |+           +             +            +            +            +|   
           84         |+                                                          MMMMMMM|   
           85         |+                                                    MMMMMMM     +|   
           86    1000 |-+                                                MMMM          +-|   
           87         |+                                            MMMMM               +|   
           88         |+                                         MMM                    +|   
           89         |+                     MMMMMMMMMMMMM*M**M**M                      +|   
           90         |+             MMMMM*MMM                                          +|   
           91     100 |-+     MMMMMMM                                                  +-|   
           92         |+   MMMM                                                         +|   
           93         |+  MM                                                            +|   
           94         |+ MM                                                             +|   
           95      10 |-+M                                                             +-|   
           96         |+ *                                                              +|   
           97         |+ *                                                              +|   
           98         |+ M                                                              +|   
           99         |+           +             +            +            +            +|   
          100       1 +------------------------------------------------------------------+   
          101      2018-12      2019-04       2019-08      2019-12      2020-04      2020-08 
          104 As always, the meme which is 1<<12 will be the theme for the party. So
          105 keep on posting new memes!
          108 Sincerely yours,
          110 20h
          111 Senior Meme Officer (SMO)