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          C Thaumaturgy Center
       You like magic?
       Count bits set (rank) from the most-significant bit upto a given
       The following finds the the rank of a bit, meaning it returns the sum
       of bits that are set to 1 from the most-signficant bit downto the bit
       at the given position.
       uint64_t v; // Compute the rank (bits set) in v from the MSB to pos.
       unsigned int pos; // Bit position to count bits upto.
       uint64_t r; // Resulting rank of bit at pos goes here.
       // Shift out bits after given position.
       r = v>> (sizeof(v) * CHAR_BIT - pos);
       // Count set bits in parallel.
       // r = (r & 0x5555...) + ((r>> 1) & 0x5555...);
       r = r - ((r>> 1) & ~0UL/3);
       // r = (r & 0x3333...) + ((r>> 2) & 0x3333...);
       r = (r & ~0UL/5) + ((r>> 2) & ~0UL/5);
       // r = (r & 0x0f0f...) + ((r>> 4) & 0x0f0f...);
       r = (r + (r>> 4)) & ~0UL/17;
       // r = r % 255;
       r = (r * (~0UL/255))>> ((sizeof(v) - 1) * CHAR_BIT);
       Juha Järvi sent this to me on November 21, 2009 as an inverse
       operation to the computing the bit position with the given rank, which
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 (HTM) Got some C magic? Send the spell source to 20h@r-36.net
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