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 (TXT) We Make Ourselves Known        by Kanye Weishaupt            [2020]
 (TXT) Liber Meh                      by Irenaeus Plonk             [2021]
       Favorite Text Files
       See http://textfiles.com for more!
 (TXT) A Day in the Life of a r0dent  by Unknown                    [198?]
 (TXT) cDc 126 - Stud Muffin R0dent   by Tequila Willy              [1990]
 (TXT) The History of a BBS User      by Dexaparamaxx               [????]
 (TXT) SysOp Suicide                  by James C. Goldbloom         [1988]
 (TXT) The Art of Writing Textfiles   by The Bronze Rider           [198x]
 (TXT) Is there a modem entity?       by Shadow Stories, Inc.       [1985]
 (TXT) X-Rated: The Joys of Compusex  from Time Magazine 1984-05-14 [1984]
 (TXT) Utopia BBS Login Dialog        from Utopia BBS               [1984]
 (TXT) Phun Making Crank Fone Calls   by Paul the Pirate            [????]
 (TXT) What's Hot and What's Not      by The Warelock               [1985]
 (TXT) The Computer Underground       by Gordon R. Meyer            [1989]
 (TXT) Confession                     by John Lauzon                [2004]
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 (DIR) Floodgap.com (with Gopher search engines)
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