Bombadillo version 2.0.0 changelog There were ~250 commits by three contributors and ~35 issues submitted by five contributors. - Updates to README - Added Makefile for building - Added man page - Rebuilt the rendering engine - Modularized protocol support - Fixes issue w/ gopher type 7 responses - Reworked user messaging system - New application styling/layout - Added ability to see how far into a document you are - Expanded check command to let users check where a link goes to - Rewrote and simplified line wrapping - Improved terminal resizing responsiveness - Bookmarks can be scrolled when focused - Added gemini support - Improved telnet support and fixed visual bugs - Improved response to various signals - Added finger support - Added local files support - Gemini links are supported via the gophertype h URL resource format - Added command line flag to get version information - Improved/safer handling of local paths - Simplified file saving - Added validation to some option values - Added support for redirects in gemini - Added TOFU style certificate pinning system to gemini module - Added support and options for client certificates - Updated URL parsing to better support the added protocols - Added support for purging gemini certificates - Added inverse theme - Added defaults.go file to allow users to set defaults before building - Added support for http(s) through multiple terminal browser rendering backends - Updated opening http(s) links in a gui browser to do better validation of gui availability - Updated config location from ~ to XDG_CONFIG_HOME - Added removal of escape codes from documents to prevent pages breaking. Note: This is to be revisited for a future release - Writing files will no longer overwrite files with the same name, suffixing will get added - Removes usage of library methods only available in Go 1.12+, allowing - compatibility with 1.11i - Code formatting and linting - General bug fixes and performance/stability improvements