       Stardate: 20230710.1226
       Location: The lab
       Input Device: Sun Ultra 10 (voltesv)
       Audio: Fan, aNONradio
       Visual: occ lab desk clutter
       Emotional: bring back Sunday NOW!
       CONFIG: Limited RAM to 512M on gogglev (eeepc.)
       CONFIG: Alias on gogglev for ssh
       TO DO: Make specs sheet
       NOTE: ssh protocol 1 config.  voltesv doesn't do protcol 2.
       NOTE: letting go of reinstall...plane is in flight.
       INSTALLED: Toot v0.21 from package repository.  No tui. Current v0.37.
       UPGRADED: toot v.27 backport.  tui available.
       NOTE: using toot again will be a nice break from the gui mastodons.
       TO DO: encourage photo descriptions in mastodons.
       CONFIG: Aliases for common commands
       TRANSFER: lynx bookmarks
       TRANSFER: sheet music
       NOTE: eeePC's firmware can be upgraded to use full CPU speed.
       NOTE: Mozilla v1.7 speaks gopher but strips out ASCII art and makes
             everything look like a file manager.  Some sites still work
             with http.
       INSTALLED: Cheezy salvaged desktop speakers for gogglev tunage via      
                  mocp.  aNONradio in da hizzy!
       ANNOYANCE: Whose idea was it to swap [L-CTRL] with [CAPS LOCK] on the 
                  SUN Type 6 keyboard?!  And the [BACK SPACE] above [RETURN]
                  and all the other keyboard weirdness?!
       NOTE: dillo still confuses me on gogglev.
       The Old Computer Challenge Computing SPECS:
       HOSTNAME: voltesv
       HARDWARE: Sun Microsystems Ultra 10
       CPU: Sun Microsystems 64-bit UltraSPARC IIi @ 300MHz 
       RAM: 512 MB (native)
       STORAGE: 123.5 GB HDD
       OS: Solaris 10
       DISPLAY: Samsung SyncMaster 900NF 19" CRT
       RELEASED: 1998
       SunOS voltesv 5.10 Generic sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
       HOSTNAME: gogglev
       HARDWARE: ASUS eeePC 701
       CPU: Intel Celeron-M ULV 353 @ 630 MHz(900MHz native)
       RAM: 512 MB (1 GB native)
       STORAGE: 4 GB SSD
       OS: AntiX 
       DISPLAY: Shuttle XP17 LCD (LAN Party Edition, w00t!) 
       RELEASED: 2007
       $ uname -a
       Linux gogglev 4.9.212-antix.1-486-smp #2 SMP Sat Feb 1 14:47:26 EET 2020 i686 GN
              _,met$$$$$gg.          xiled@gogglev 
           ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P.       ------------- 
         ,g$$P"     """Y$$.".        OS: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) i686 
        ,$$P'              `$$$.     Host: 701 x.x 
       ',$$P       ,ggs.     `$$b:   Kernel: 4.9.212-antix.1-486-smp 
       `d$$'     ,$P"'   .    $$$    Uptime: 5 hours, 58 mins 
        $$P      d$'     ,    $$P    Packages: 1313 (dpkg) 
        $$:      $$.   -    ,d$$'    Shell: bash 5.0.3 
        $$;      Y$b._   _,d$P'      Resolution: 800x480, 1280x1024 
        Y$$.    `.`"Y$$$$P"'         WM: IceWM 3.4.0 (Linux/i686) 
        `$$b      "-.__              WM Theme: BlueDay-Medium 
         `Y$$                        Theme: Adwaita-dark [GTK2/3] 
          `Y$$.                      Icons: papirus-antix [GTK2/3] 
            `$$b.                    Terminal: roxterm 
              `Y$$b.                 CPU: Intel Celeron M 900MHz (1) @ 630MHz 
                 `"Y$b._             GPU: Intel Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphic
                     `"""            Memory: 253MiB / 494MiB 