Automatically push changes with Gitwatch ======================================== My spouse maintains an important spreadsheet with LibreOffice. She uses an Ubuntu system. Spreadsheets are fine tools, but unintended changes of cells do happen, and often stay unnoticed until it is too late. When a spreadsheet gets bigger, this risk grows too. I searched for a method to automatically commit any changes into Git and to push it to a remote. This lowers the risk of accidentally overwritten cells and of losing the file. Gitwatch seems a good solution. Gitwatch -------- Gitwatch acts on file changes. It commits the changes and then push to a remote. It uses inotifywait to trigger it into action. Depending on the configuration, Gitwatch commits the changes of a single file, or of all files in an entire directory tree. When a file on disk changes, Gitwatch first waits two seconds, in case any other changes follow. Requirements ------------ The file to watch has to be under Git version control in a Git repository. It must have a remote repository in its configuration. It requires a ssh-key without a password and password-less access to the remote repository to automatically push changes to it. inotifywait must be on the system (install inotify-tools). Create a remote repository -------------------------- To get a test setup, first create a remote repository. Check that an entry to the remote-system is in your ~/.ssh/config and allows for password-less ssh-access. Create the Git repository: ssh remote-system mkdir ~/myrepo cd ~/myrepo git init --bare exit Install Gitwatch ---------------- Clone the Git repository to your local system, copy the executable to /usr/local/bin and copy the file systemd@.service to the user's local systemd directory. git clone cd gitwatch sudo install -b /usr/local/bin/gitwatch mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/ cp gitwatch@.service ~/.config/systemd/user Clone the remote repository --------------------------- Next, clone the remote test repository. cd git clone remote-system:myrepo Check in a file --------------- Go into the repository, create a file with some content, check it in and push it to the remote. cd ~/myrepo date > testfile git add testfile git commit -m 'created my testfile' git push Activate Gitwatch ----------------- Just call Gitwatch with the name of the remote, and the path and name of the file to watch. gitwatch -r remote-system:myrepo ~/myrepo/testfile Gitwatch keeps running until it is killed or the system halts. Check that it works ------------------- Open another terminal, edit the test file and save to disk. date >> ~/myrepo/testfile Wait a few seconds and check the Git log. cd ~/myrepo git log You should see an entry "Scripted auto-commit ..." Clone the remote repository somewhere else (perhaps in the /tmp directory) and check that the latest changes are indeed pushed to the remote. Set up systemd service ---------------------- Ubuntu uses systemd. To let Gitwatch start after each boot, gitwatch must be added to the systemd services. Kill the Gitwatch process (Ctrl-C) that was started from the command line, and issue the following command to let systemd manage it. systemctl --user --now enable gitwatch@$(systemd-escape "'-r remote-system:myrepo' '/home//myrepo/testfile'").service Check again that it works. Change the file, wait a few seconds and issue a git pull in the other repository. The latest change should be in the file. When everything is fine, reboot the system and again check that everything works. Move from test to production ---------------------------- Now that everything works fine, ditch the test setup and activate Gitwatch on the "real" file. Create a remote repository for the "real" file, clone it to the local system, move the "real" file into the cloned repository. Commit the file and push to remote. After this, change the settings in systemd: systemctl --user --now disable gitwatch@$(systemd-escape "'-r remote-system:myrepo' '/home//myrepo/testfile'").service systemctl --user --now enable gitwatch@$(systemd-escape "'-r remote-system:realrepo' '/home//realrepo/realfile'").service Again, check that changes to the "real" file are committed and pushed, reboot and retest. Never lose a change ------------------- Version control is wonderful for everything that is plain text. It provides super undo capabilities. Everybody benefits from version control, not only developers. Git can also work with binary files, like LibreOffice text documents and spreadsheets. Setting up Gitwatch on one or more of those files. Gitwatch automatic commits all changes to Git and pushes it to a remote repository. This is great for people who don't know how to use Git. It lowers the risk of overwriting data or the loss of the file. Last edited: $Date: 2023/11/27 14:00:17 $