Monday 10 June 2024 Cmus on the previous Linkding Raspberry ======================================= Recently I wrote about my plan to shutdown my Linkding bookmark manager [1]. First, I had to create an alternative solution to collect the data for the links page on my web site. After solving this (see [2]) there was no excuse anymore to keep the thing up. Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ ----------------------- The Linkding bookmark manager was running on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+. This is a Raspberry in a somewhat smaller form factor than the "normal" Raspberries, and is a little bit less capable compared to its bigger sibling, the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. It has no wired network connector, it supports only WiFi and there is less RAM on board. This board has been running flawlessly in our home network from 2020. Fresh image ----------- In order to put a fresh image of Raspberry Pi OS on it, I transferred the already downloaeded 2024-03-15-raspios-bookworm-arm64-lite.img image to the micro SD card. There, Linkding gone, no way back. Keyboard and monitor needed --------------------------- Getting the board to run was less fun than I remembered. It is no longer possible to put a wpa_supplicant.conf in the boot partition, and add a line to the config file to activate the serial console. Booting the board with a keyboard and monitor, I discovered that the user `pi' no longer exists, which is a Good Thing. A few minutes later the serial console was activated and I could go back to the living room again. The board got configured for the WiFi network, and an `apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' later it was ready to be put to work again. Tmux, Cmus and a lot of files ----------------------------- Next followed the installation of Tmux, Cmus, and the transfer of a lot of music files to the SD card. Now, Cmus is happily shuffling through the files, playing some old music through the speakers in our living room. On my laptop is the latest weekly Emacs news letter from Sacha Chua that arrived today ... [1]: gopher:// [2]: gopher:// Last edited: $Date: 2024/06/10 20:27:30 $