Wednesday 5 June 2024 My own Gopher burrow in the phlog roll ====================================== I have added my own Gopher burrow gopher:// to my phlog roll [1]. Phlog roll ---------- Originally I build the phlog roll to scratch my own itch. I love to read the phlogs out there, starting from aggregators like Bongusta [2] and the RPoD moku-pona [3]. I wanted a smaller list for days with less time, and so I came up with the phlog roll. I copied the idea of Bongusta, to list phlogs with new entries per day. BTW, not only new phlog postings are interesting to read. For example, recently I got sucked in by a number of older postings, some dating back to 2017. But that is a different story :) Phlog roll watch list --------------------- The phlog roll started with just a few phlogs, and grew a bit over time. The script that builds the phlog roll runs once every 24 hours. It collects the hashes of the index pages of the phlogs. When a hash differs from the hash of the previous day, the phlog is listed in the phlog roll. Simple, but It Works [tm]. The phlog roll watch list [4] contains the index pages that the script visits. Multiple users -------------- I don't keep an eye on the logs of the Gopher server and have no idea about the number of visitors. Occasionally I see some remarks about a posting, and also about the phlog roll. Apparently I am not the only one using my phlog roll to quickly get up to date with a few phlogs. That is why I added my own Gopher burrow to the watch list :) [1]: gopher:// [2]: gopher:// [3]: gopher:// [4]: gopher:// Last edited: $Date: 2024/06/05 08:13:09 $