Old Computer Challenge 2023 - Day Two ===================================== Today I tried to get some things done on the twenty year old laptop. I updated my .plan file, but this is just editing a small text file with Emacs. You can visit this file with: finger matto@box.matto.nl Fediverse --------- Recently I switched to Honk, a ActivityPub server written in Go. It is mostly without Javascript. This means you can use any browser to view the time line. Honk doesn't support external clients like toot. Today I wanted to post from Honk. This are my experiences: * Emacs: can log in, but cannot post * Links: can log in and can post * Lynx: can log in and can post Also, in eww I saw that several people posted photos and other pictures, so I opened the timeline with "links -g". The rendering of the page used up all the available computing power, so could do nothing else during that time. Links shows the time line with the pictures without scaling, so all in all it is not a great experience. Recutils -------- I updated the list of books from Gutenberg that I have read. This list is published on my Gopher hole. I maintain this list in a file in the GNU recutils format. This is a text format, updating it requires just a text editor. I only needed to add one book, so I used ed for that. Running a query to get a sorted list went fine. Of course, GNU recutils don't require much resources. Other ----- Just like yesterday, I used the machine for IRC, and Gnus for email, RSS-feeds and so on. I had planned to do so other stuff, but had to do some bicycle repair, and also because of the dim screen, I did not do much else. I was worried about not being able to use Firefox, but so far, haven't missed it. Which, I think, is a good sign :) Last edited: $Date: 2023/07/11 20:46:57 $