Elfeed on an old laptop ======================= Last edited: $Date: 2021/07/11 17:11:46 $ Opening ------- I am taking part in the The Old Computer Challenge (see https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2021-07-07-old-computer- challenge.html). The point of the challenge is to replace your daily computer by a very old computer. I got my old Acer Aspire One ZG5 from the attic, which now runs FreeBSD 13 from a bootable USB stick. Below some observations from my experiences on day three. Elfeed ------ One of the things I do daily on my private laptop is read through my RSS feeds. I used to do this with Newsboat and w3m, but a couple of months ago I started learning Emacs so I moved to Elfeed. I use Elfeed together with Eww, a webbrowser that is part of vanilla Emacs. In my configuration, Eww uses the default Emacs font, uses the default colors and doesn't display images. This way, it is really fast. On my Acer Aspire, with its rootfs on an USB-stick, I first installed Emacs-nox. But when I saw the image quality at 1024x600, I decided to try the 'normal' Emacs version. This is the graphical version. So, I deciced to also on this machine give Elfeed a try. The performance is not bad at all. The load stays around the 0.09 ~ 0.14 and memory usage is around 250 MB (the machine has 512 Mb). Although I have not timed it, I have the impression that loading new feeds take more time. Also, this requires resources, so I start the loading of new feeds and put the laptop away for a few minutes. Eww has some nice features. ### Readabillty-mode: Just press 'R' and the browser switches to readability mode, which means it starts right with the actual content you are looking for, without any navigation items and stuff like that. ### URL copy to clipboard: Just press 'w' and the URL is copied to the clipboard. If the point (Emacs-speak for the cursor) is at a link, the URL of the link gets copied, if not, the URL of the current page is copied. Copy to the clipboard meands copy to both the killring of Emacs as to the X clipboard. This integration is very useful. So, I am very happy with this setup. The Acer Aspire is very light (around 1 kg, but I also have removed the battery, because the laptop only functions with the power adapter connected), which makes this a very nice way to read your news feeds on your easy chair. And Elfeed performs better than I had expected :) See gopher://box.matto.nl/9/elfeed-aspire.png