OpenBSD 5.8 on an HP 6560b laptop --------------------------------- Last edited: $Date: 2015/12/12 11:32:44 $ ## HP 6560b The HP 6560b is a laptop running an i5 processor with 4Gb RAM. It is heavy and not very pretty. It has a big 15.6" screen with a not so big resolution - 1366x768 (WXGA Wide). The laptop has the sex appeal of a brick wall, However, it has a very sturdy housing and the specs are great - besides the screen that is. Because I am a great fan of text mode applications this screen is something I can easely live with, so I am happy with it. I got it from an acquitance, for which I am very thankfull. It was already some years old and had become obsolete. For me it is a great piece of hardware which probable will be able to run Debian or OpenBSD for many years to come. ## OpenBSD 5.8 As I am using OpenBSD more and more I decided to replace FreeBSD on this laptop with OpenBSD. As OpenBSD 5.8 is the current release of OpenBSD I installed this version. ## Install from very tiny USB image I downloaded the file miniroot58.fs from the Amd64 tree and dd-ed this image to an old 128 Mb USB-drive. This is truly a very tiny image, about 3.5 Mb small. ## Get the appropriate files I downloaded the following files to a local webserver. * SHA256 * SHA256.sig * base58.tgz * bsd * * bsd.rd * comp58.tgz * game58.tgz * man58.tgz * xbase58.tgz * xfont58.tgz * xserv58.tgz * xshare58.tgz ## Install from USB After booting the 3.5 Mb image from the USB pen the installation can start. This OpenBSD install sits alongside a Debian install on this laptop, with Grub2 to boot either one of the operating systems. Before the start of the installation, I used fdisk in Debian to set the appropriate type on the partition that I had reserved for OpenBSD. ## Everything works out of the box I just followed the defaults during the installation process. After the installation was finished I rebooted and started using the system. Without any additional package installation, just a simple "startx" was enough to get X running. Default OpenBSD comes with the FVWM window manager, which is fine by me. Probably I will install the ratpoison window manager later, but for now this is OK. The wireless network interface works out of the box. I just had to add an hostname.iwn0 file to the /etc directory. nwid wpakey dhcp In order to get some work done, I added Firefox, gv and mupdf. For this, I used binary packages, nothing to compile. As root, I added the following line to .profile: export PKG_PATH=`uname -r`/packages/`uname -m`/ Afther this, pkg_add firefox will do the trick. ## Sound works When playing some songs from youtube through Firefox the music comes out of the speakers. A bit more volume would be nice, but I am sure this can be solved. So after less then an hour I am quite happy with my OpenBSD laptop. In the coming weeks I will find out what else I need to install. $Id: openbsdhp6560.txt,v 1.1 2015/12/12 11:32:44 matto Exp $