Compile Vimprobable on FreeBSD 10.1 ----------------------------------- Last edited: $Date: 2015/05/29 00:00:00 $ > Vimprobable is an awesome browser with vim-like keybindings ## Vimprobable Vimprobable is a lean web browser optimised for full keyboard control. It has vim-like keybindings. Vimprobable is being developped on Linux but it can be compiled on FreeBSD too. This is how I compiled it on FreeBSD 10.1. ## Dependencies First we have to install the dependencies: pkg install libsoup webkit-gtk2 gmake ## Get the code The code can be downloaded from sourceforge. ## Fix an error in /usr/include/sys/file.h Unfortenately the compile will break on an unknown type error in /usr/include/sys/file.h. The type u_int is unknown. This should be fixed by including /usr/include/sys/types.h but this did not work. I added the following line in the top of the file, just below the copyright block. typedef unsigned int u_int After this, compiling vimprobable works like a charm. ## Compile vimprobable Unpack the tarball that was downloaded from Sourceforge and run gmake inside this directory. That is it :) Don't forget to create a directory .config/vimprobable in your home directory. Enjoy surfing with this awesome browser! $Id: vimprobablefreebsd.txt,v 1.1 2015/05/29 00:00:00 matto Exp $