ID: dyj3je Date: 2024-03-11T01:14:43Z Title: 無限8: Izuru Yakumo's Unfortunate Events -- Episode 2 Authors: Izuru Yakumo Topics: Life [Episode 2 -- The vending machines don't accept cash?!] I had arrived late to class on a Saturday, where everyone would be otherwise doing nothing. So far it was mostly the same situation as the earlier Wednesday, until the teacher began talking crap about technology, as if she knew anything, then stated that the virtual classes were still going to be a thing past the mandatory course. I was naturally pissed off, but I held back for the sake of style, a while after, we were on break time until 3:15pm, so I went out of university in order to buy something inexpensive with my AR$120 that I had in my pocket, but I couldn't buy anything, so I returned, then filled my bottle with cold water and back to the classroom. I took a photo of a 2005-esque vending machine which for reasons I can't understand, didn't accept cash, but rather, the only payment method was a card used for country-wide public transport. During the next one and a half hours, teacher told us that we had to do group activities, and I reluctantly joined one, but I barely helped with anything, there were far too many noises and the only thing I could do was to read the fragment of a book we were given earlier for the task, in the end I didn't manage to do a lot, but was probably enough for that day. At 4:30pm, teacher said we could exit from university, and so we did, I came back walking with two classmates, a 51 year-old woman, and a 20-something guy, both being from far away locations. The three of us had a conversation until the group split, and I promptly ran off. It was boring as hell. <- To be continued