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       //\\  / /___/ /_/ / / / / /_/ /_/ / /__/ /_     //\\
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        \/                                              \/
        /\                                              /\
       //\\/\                                        /\//\\
           \/\\//\/    \/\\//\/    \/\\//\/    \/\\//\/
              \/          \/          \/     jgs  \/
       ## Chat
       I'm on IRC as `ykm_izuru` in order to cope with the nickname character limit.
       I'm also on XMPP using either of those JIDs:
       * yakumo dot izuru で im dot chaotic dot ninja
       * novaburst で landofkittens dot club
       ## E-mail
       Every sometimes I check my inbox, but aside from notifications or spam, I hardly get anything there.
       Should you send me a message, consider using my public key[1]
       * yakumo dot izuru で chaotic dot ninja
       * novaburst で kalli dot st
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