(DIR) clwars: Small text based trading game.
 (DIR) dotfiles: Dotfiles/etc
 (DIR) go-fakedu: 
 (DIR) go-pest: 
 (DIR) cl-pest: Toy PS1 generator program
 (DIR) cl-destruction-spells: 
 (DIR) fin-lisp: fin-lisp
 (DIR) rs-rl: 
 (DIR) spesktv: Collection of scripts that  ...
 (DIR) modmark: Modular synth patch markup lang
 (DIR) misc-scripts: misc-scripts
 (DIR) chate.io: Repo containing config for my gopher server.
 (DIR) cl-snips: Random lisp files.
 (DIR) gsgd: gsgd
 (DIR) swmkp: swmkp
 (DIR) yt-track-split: yt-track-split
 (DIR) simply-git: simply-git
 (DIR) pico8: pico8
 (DIR) name-gen: name-gen
 (DIR) lg2019: lg2019
 (DIR) git-site-gen: git-site-gen
 (DIR) fake_du: fake_du
 (DIR) eyebrow: eyebrow
 (DIR) encrypt-scripts: encrypt-scripts
 (DIR) dap-tool: dap-tool
 (DIR) dwars: dwars
 (DIR) ck_pass: ck_pass
 (DIR) battleship-perl: battleship-perl
 (DIR) perl-shellex: