Projects/Ideas 2018-12-08 8:37pm I am the type of person that loves starting a new project. I love the excitement of initial problem solving and coming up with ideas. I also have a pretty solid history of finishing things, up to a certain point anyway. I tend to not love the maintenance phase of things. Once a project becomes useable, or presentable (as the case may be), I tend to just start enjoying it and start looking toward the next project. Today was the day that things started to feel stable with Burrow[0] &[1] (and its various pieces of software). I like using both of them. When I encounter a bug, I fix it... but the pace of development is definitely slowing. As such, I spent the day with a fun little side project: I realized I had never coded a version of Conway's Game of Life. So I coded one. It was fun! Once I clean up the code, I will likely put it up on the ssh shell. I have been thinking about trying to put together a zine for some time. Something about programming, alternatives to the modern web, digital communities, ma ybe some... not politics exactly... but something around socioeconomics/culture, philosophy, art, etc I would place the inspiration somewhere between 90s zine culture and 2600/Phrack/Blacklisted411, with a larger focus on culture & decentralization/small digital communities. I may start putting out some feelers re: writers. If anyone reading this would be interested in contributing or getting involved, reach out[2]. - - - - [0] [1] gopher:// [2]