Firefox and gopher? 2019-01-15 9:56pm While at work today I was using Stubb on my server to view some updates here on CS. I noticed that Solderpunk had uploaded a PNG file of a port 70 logo. Stubb does not support images. Even if it supported downloading the image, it would still be on a terminal that I also cannot view iamges with. Sure, I could then sftp/scp it... but so much effort just for an image. On a whim I went to in firefox and saw the website, as expected. I then added :70 to the address and noticed that it actually does show you the gopher map (as raw text, so no links). That gave me enough info to navigate to the phlog post and grab the image link from solderpunk's phlog. Putting in the image laoded a bytestring into the browser window. Saving that as a file and opening it did actually show me the iamge! I did not know that firefox had this risidual support for gopher. Chrome does NOT load any of this. I did not try on Safari. It is pretty cool that you can still view text files and, via some roundabout work, images with firefox! Did y'all know about this? As an aside, I like the :70 image. It is a cool design. I think I may play around with the design a bit myself as well.