RE: March 2023 Five Questions (from christyotwisty over at sdf) 1. If you were a potato chip (potato crisp, croustille), what flavour would you be? Dill pickle, maybe? ...old fashioned, sour/funky, but if you are someone that gets the flavor, maybe just right? 2. What's the most unusual way you've made a new friend? I am hard pressed to come up with an unusual way that I have made a friend. I suppose if you count my spouse, we met first on an internet dating website and went on one date and then were just really good friends for ~9 years; then we moved in together and were married within a year. It is now 6 years later. The idea of internet dating is weird to me so I am going to call that unusual. I suppose meeting people on pubnix is also mildly atypical? 3. Tell me of a film, miniseries, play, or book wherein your sympathies for the protagonist shifted to the antagonist. What caused the sympathy shift? I am hard pressed to come up with something here either. Maybe I am just not reading the right books for this? I suppose maaaybe Dwight Schrute on the office, or Jim Halpert. They flip flopped for me. When I watched the show the first time Jim is presented as a sort of protagonist. Or at least the cool guy you are meant to like. My wife and I rewatched the show and we talked a lot about how Dwight, while intentionally over the top odd, is really the person that you should be rooting for: Dwight _does things_. He makes things, he is engaged and interested, he wants to be better, more informed, skilled, good at what he does. He shows himself to be occasionally petty, but generally good to the people around him, especially those he particularly cares about. These exact features are things that he is ridiculed for, in particular by Jim. Yes the pranks are funny and in the end they come around in regard to each other... most of the show Dwight is teased for being an engaged individual with a variety of interests and skills, rather than a kind of generic slacker. I don't know that that answered the question in the way it was meant and TV was not listed as an option... but I suppose that is my answer anyway. 4. I wish to improve my Gopher phlog. I could justify the text, or add RSS functionality, or add external links of interest. What are your recommended resources for getting me beyond the basics? Depends on how much you want to do by hand. I'm sure someone has written a gopher to rss or atom program that you can likely just run or set on a cron job. Unix tools like fold and fmt can handle line wrapping and justification. You could, alternately, learn scheme (or a language of your choosing, if you do not already code) and start playing with things. It can be a lot of fun. That said, I really like gopher for not going too heavily into a bunch of tooling. A little ascii art here and there, sure. But mostly I just like reading what people write and am not really very picky about their formatting at all. 5. What's an entree you prepare so well at home that you don't order it at a restaurant? This is going to sound crazy, but: pizza. But not because my pizza is better than all others. We, my family, are vegan and the only vegan option on the mountain (where we live) is around $30 for a two topping medium vegan pizza... and it isnt very good. So I started making my own and we have just gotten really used to it. It has become my default for what pizza tastes like. It is better than most other vegan pizza, to me (with one exception: a place near where my Mom lives called 'Vegan Pizza'. They are amazing). All of the other things I cook a lot I love ordering out and about just to try out different takes on them. I guess with the exception of sopes. I make good sopes. I make good indian dishes too... but who gets tired of trying other people's indian food? I'll always order indian if it is an option (especially if it is Udupi cuisine, which I quite like).