My Dell XPS-13 has become a problem. I love this computer (I am using it to write this). The problem is suspending. When I resume from suspend the keyboard no longer works. After a lot of searching it seems that this is a kernel bug. I close the lid on this laptop a lot throughout the day, so having to boot from cold every time I use it is just not workable. I ended up ordering a PinebookPro to bridge the gap, as I had some work that needed to get done and upgrading my OS and kernel and firmware did nothing to fix the problem. Nor did fiddling with the kernel settings via grub: i8042.reset, for example. After months of this I finally just realized: I am near power with this laptop most of the time. I mostly just want to be able to close the lid and have _some_ level of power saving. I tried this today: ``` /etc/defaults/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="mem_sleep_default=shallow" ``` It had been set to deep instead of shallow. While that means I will no longer be suspending to ram it does mean that I can get some basic power savings when I close the lid of the laptop. It is a bummer that it doesn't quite _solve_ the problem and let me use the laptop as I have for many years, but at least I can keep using it in a mostly normal fashion. A quick `sudo update-grub` and then reboot got it set and goodto go. I am mostly writing this so that I can remember what I did in case I want to try installing a patched kernel or something later (or if a version update somehow knocks out my grub defaults and I need to do this again). That said, if anyone reading this has any better ideas for getting a solid suspend to work on this system, let me know.