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           42         <h1>2FA TOTP without crappy authenticator apps</h1>
           43         <p>
           44         <strong>Last modification on </strong> <time>2022-03-23</time>
           45         </p>
           46 </header>
           48 <p>This describes how to use 2FA without using crappy authenticator "apps" or a
           49 mobile device.</p>
           50 <h2>Install</h2>
           51 <p>On OpenBSD:</p>
           52 <pre><code>pkg_add oath-toolkit zbar
           53 </code></pre>
           54 <ul>
           55 <li>oath-toolkit is used to generate the digits based on the secret key.</li>
           56 <li>zbar is used to scan the QR code text.</li>
           57 </ul>
           58 <h2>Steps</h2>
           59 <p>Save the QR code image from the authenticator app, website to an image file.
           60 Scan the QR code text from the image:</p>
           61 <pre><code>zbarimg image.png
           62 </code></pre>
           63 <p>An example QR code:</p>
           64 <p><img src="downloads/2fa/qr.png" alt="QR code example" /></p>
           65 <p>The output is typically something like:</p>
           66 <pre><code>QR-Code:otpauth://totp/Example:someuser@codemadness.org?secret=SECRETKEY&amp;issuer=Codemadness
           67 </code></pre>
           68 <p>You only need to scan this QR-code for the secret key once.
           69 Make sure to store the secret key in a private safe place and don't show it to
           70 anyone else.</p>
           71 <p>Using the secret key the following command outputs a 6-digit code by default.
           72 In this example we also assume the key is base32-encoded.
           73 There can be other parameters and options, this is documented in the Yubico URI
           74 string format reference below.</p>
           75 <p>Command:</p>
           76 <pre><code>oathtool --totp -b SOMEKEY
           77 </code></pre>
           78 <ul>
           79 <li>The --totp option uses the time-variant TOTP mode, by default it uses HMAC SHA1.</li>
           80 <li>The -b option use base32 encoding of KEY instead of hex.</li>
           81 </ul>
           82 <p>Tip: you can create a script that automatically puts the digits in the
           83 clipboard, for example:</p>
           84 <pre><code>oathtool --totp -b SOMEKEY | xclip
           85 </code></pre>
           86 <h2>References</h2>
           87 <ul>
           88 <li><a href="https://linux.die.net/man/1/zbarimg">zbarimg(1) man page</a></li>
           89 <li><a href="https://www.nongnu.org/oath-toolkit/man-oathtool.html">oathtool(1) man page</a></li>
           90 <li><a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6238">RFC6238 - TOTP: Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm</a></li>
           91 <li><a href="https://docs.yubico.com/yesdk/users-manual/application-oath/uri-string-format.html">Yucibo.com - otpauth URI string format</a></li>
           92 </ul>
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